Has anyone actually seen an adult play the Switch outside yet? I haven't seen any pictures yet

Has anyone actually seen an adult play the Switch outside yet? I haven't seen any pictures yet.

only at my job, but i am pretty sure my boss hires autists to get a tax beak.

A university classmate, but considering the course I'm on, it's genuinely more surprising not seeing more people using one.

I haven't seen anyone playing the Switch, period.

Then again I never go out much.

You're studying women's rights or something?

Videogame art

i saw some kids playing it near a basketball field. some niggers stole it from them hahaha

Saw some 30-40 year old couple both playing separate switches at a baseball game.

I actually help at a local club whose activities include video games, so I saw a handful of them. No one seems to play anything other than Zelda, though considering how popular Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 are around here, I imagine I'll be seeing more of them when MK8 Deluxe comes out.

I haven't even seen a Switch at a store