Why are old games (SNES and earlier, most PS, most N64, most Dreamcast) so horrible and boring?

Why are old games (SNES and earlier, most PS, most N64, most Dreamcast) so horrible and boring?

It feels like I'm playing something developed for children.

Because they were you dim cunt, videogames were always made for children

Gee, I wonder why I know you're fishing (you)s here

Tits were developed for children, but they're still fun to play with.

Funny considering those games treat you less like a child than modern games do for the most part.

>Limited number of lives

>meme souls
>infinite lives
>tons of save points


video games are for nerds post more giant boobs

I hate to participate in bait threads but they way you talk implies you never played these systems when you were a kid yourself. The only conclusion we can draw is you're a preteen because even a lot teenagers nowadays had access to hand-me-down playstations as kids.

Videogames are for children, OP. You should know this by now.

The goalpost is literally "Videogames are for children"