4/10 games that you got memed into playing and that fans of the series pretend are 8+/10

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The double jump kills it for me in that game, since it just feels tacked on and hasn't really been touched again in the non-Nintendo exclusive games.

I mean it's funner than Werehog, but people treating it like it was the peak of the series makes me feel like it is just stockholme syndrome or something from the Nintendo fans more than people that understand Sonic, since Generation and Unleashed daytime blow it the fuck out.

I know Colours has it's problems, but to which are you referring OP?


You're not getting a ful game of this

You're getting a full game of this

Haven't bothered with sonic since colors came out, at least mania looks alright though. That game has an excuse to be 2D


It's not a very good game true, but 4/10 is a bit too harsh

I'll post one under 7/10 games that you got memed into playing and that fans of the series pretend are 10/10s

You know i thought it was memeing shitheads who hyped this game up (never played it when it was new) but i played the remake and it somehow became my favorite zelda game. I wouldnt call it a 10/10 but it was so eerie and fun

>fans of the series pretending Colors is an 8/10
you can stop lying now faggot