Mass Effect Andromeda came with the latest version of Denuvo anti-piracy measure but it was no match for CPY’s talents.
Mass Effect Andromeda came with the latest version of Denuvo anti-piracy measure but it was no match for CPY’s talents.
Nier when
i want 2B's ass but for that port i aint givin money
btw, it is the latest v4
protectionID simply picks up the custom checks, same as for battlefield 1, and the mod at simply disclosed the v3 with no further proof before locking the thread (they dont like talking about denuvo and cpy there).
any game released past sniper elite 4 uses v4, including ME, automata and ghost warrior demo
Probably Andromeda is using a cheaper version of Denuvo and that's why it took so few time to get cracked.
>That shitty excuse
You don't need to pretend, user.
Yeah yeah i dont have the money too,buuuut if i did i wo-
they started using v4 for any planned release after RE7, all march titles use V4.
there's no cheaper version, fee is always the same, there's no discount for older version
>Cheaper version
Question is, does anyone actually care? Game doesn't even look good enough to bother pirating.
Based CPY. To bad the games a shit that I don't want to play.
>this was one of the motivation why we developed our Anti-Tamper solution mainly on request from EA, our first backer for this technology which was released September 2014
EA always uses the latest version, along with sony they founded the development of denuvo.
Literally 0 reason s to use older versions, I even bet they get that drm for free instead of monetary investment returns
When did Sup Forums start losing all self-awareness and start to unironically think anyone outside of Sup Forums agrees with Sup Forums?
The game is at the top of the sales charts for a reason.
Yea, because normies will buy literally anything.
Don't they have tiers? I remember reading somewhere that they have anti-tampering tiers, each one with a different fee.
Of the four Denuvo-protected games I've bought, two of them were amazing (MGSV, Doom 2016), and one was so-so (Lords of the Fallen; not worth full price, good enough just for one playthrough ). Bought Automata but I haven't started it yet (want to finish Nioh first before moving into another action game).
Then if there's people willing to buy it, there will be people willing to pirate it.
This shit is why no Isis fanatic has attacked Italy yet, even they can't bring themselves to attack such based people
Normies don't know how to pirate.
Nier came before. Does this mean they can't crack it?
yes, for
500K+ sales 100K€
sub 500k sales 50K€
sub 100K sales 10K€
but there's no discount for older version or whatever, and why would they? to get paid less and see the "cracked in record times" when using a busted version?
>Normies don't know how to pirate
literally just google
>normies cant be bothered running bitcoin miners and russian hackers tools just to get a stupid game for free
gaming community doesnt revolve around Sup Forums, mass effect is the most advertised and visible title out of all march releases
They expect you to buy Nier because its a good game.
Nah, i'll wait for the crack.
>Ass Effect
>not Toobie's ass game
Fucking why
More like doesn't deserve to be shat on yet by them.
Why the fuck did this crack this nonsense over nier?
Does there exist any information that suggests CPY are moralfags or are you just projecting?
Total Warhammer hasn't been cracked yet.
>look at us we stole the shittiest game of the year!
why should I care?
it's because we're irrelevant on political and military side.
Plus, they cant risk italy being stricter on immigration policy, that'd kill their free pass to europe
You clearly don't know what moralfagging means
I suggest not to parrot words you don't understand
I'm a jew so I'll wait.
It's a stupid meme word that means everything and nothing. Fight me.
It's complicated. For example they cracked Berseria which is easily the most niche game this year, but not Warhammer which has a bigger audience.
CPY crackers barely play games, their simple hints should have been a giveaway.
if they were, you'd see more obscure hints
thats because they made a proper zestiria crack, which used an obscure securom variant. the rest of the scene didnt bother, cracking tales of is like a tradition
Maybe they just can't do it. As I understand it, every Denuvo game has its individual implementation and therefore requires its own individual crack.
Might also be a matter of prioritising. Personally I don't give a fuck about memehammer so fine by me. Do Nier for fucks sake.
They cracked Berseria because Berseria was using the latest version of Denuvo. Warhammer is fucking 1 year old, there is no excuse for them not cracking it because they have cracked older denuvo games and shittier games before. They are not cracking warhammer because they don't want to.
>Might also be a matter of prioritising
Bullshit. CPY has cracked shit games before and will continue to do so. Calling warhammer memehammer doesn't mean that CPY won't crack it.
>game no one wants to play gets cracked first
>they bothered to crack it in the first place instead of focusing on Nier
I just mean when new games are constantly being released and they probably have limited time between them, at some point they need to skip a few games as not to fall too far behind new releases.
It was probably several reasons for their decision like other games, their guesstimate of the time required and their idea of the game's popularity.
So they might end up skipping nier?
>its a good game
[citation needed]
Good, now let's see if this hot pile of steaming garbage is worth a playthrough.
>i can't believe i bought the game yesterday
>It's a good game
I don't trust weebs one bit. I'll wait for a crack and see for myself.
They might skip Nier but it will happen eventually. The game files are now uploaded at Skidrow. All it needs just the crack. It may end up with the Mad Max or Rise of the Tomb Raider scenario where they eventually crack it because they have nothing else to do
Pcbros are so pathetic its not even funny
>don't trust weebs one bit.
it's weird how sjw scums are the first to dismiss foreign products on origin alone, yet will literally assault you in the street for refusing to conver to Islam in currentyear
>the only color is gray and more gray to hide the shitty textures and models
>gameplay is shitty 2D SHMUP and hack/slash
troll harder you worthless autist
too obvious you worthless pathetic retard
>but it will happen eventually
So where is Warhammer?
Bypass or did they actually removed the obfuscation?
It's the opposite actually. Right conservatists will be more prone to homeland bias and xenophobia than SJWs. My old folks still wont touch anything Japanese because they actually spent their childhood ducking under barb wire t run away from Japanese soldiers.
>its a good game.
Lol the swords float on your back, witcher 3 called, they want their 2002 game back.
troll harder retards
>this autistic shit again
What does it matter if you can pirate the game wether it's bypassed or actually cracked?
It's called an opinion son. Maybe you'll understand when you reach 45 and have a kid in college.
I appreciate the service CPY provides but maybe they should focus on games people want to actually play first before garbage.
Mad little boy
Don't worry 2B will sit on your face in valhalla for crusading against the troll hordes! Commander A55 says so!
>games people want to actually play
That's why they went for Andromeda, you fucking imbecile.
Do you really think Sup Forums reflects the real world?
Probably working on it right now
It's win win for both of you retards. One gets to play his gay alien game and the other gets to rest easier knowing that a gay alien game is not giving money to the devs because piracy.
Nah, 2B is dead anyway. The game lied to you and the fag is actually the main character. CPY knew they this, so they saved a lot of people from wasting their fapping shedules on this disappointment.
>People unironically want to play Andromeda
It's cathartic in a way. I don't expect a good game. I expect to laugh, a lot.
itt. andromeda is now an ok game because somalian pcfags can finally play a game
>record time
I'm pretty sure RE7 was cracked faster
>andromeda is now an ok game
Absolutely terrible game, the writing is very poor, the animations are plain out dogshit and the whole thing just feels cheap. They also made the gameplay so very streamlined, one character can just do anything. To me this is lazy game design, instead of making a landscape that could benefit one certain class depending on what it offers, they just made it so you can switch to being any type of character you want at any time. This kills a lot of fun. At one point in the game the Asari holds a gun backwards and proceeds to shoot out of it, this low quality, and lack of caring for the customer is absolutely appalling. Coming from a huge AAA studio that makes millions upon millions and has had so much support in the past, they think they can just give us anything and that we will accept it. Well we won't do that, this is a slap in the face of any fan of mass effect or gaming in general. Nobody is forcing you to buy it, sure but then again nobody is forcing me to like it and not post my thoughts on it
- Horrible animations
- Cringe-worthy dialogues
- Tons of bugs, ranging from graphical issues to gameplay-related bugs (quests etc.)
- Poorly optimized game
- Average graphics, Frostbite power is not shown in what we see in this game, which then brings me the question... why does it run so poorly?
- Most of the side-quests are so called "fetch" quests, plain boring.
- UI is painful to use
The only part of the game that I enjoy so far is it's awesome combat system, granted the game doesn't drop frames / lag as it tends to do in several places for no reason at all. Gameplay wise it's the old ME but better, a lot better... however the amount of issues ruins the whole experience.
This game is not worth your time if it costs 60$, I don't have to remind you that this is AAA product, and in it's current state avoid it like plague, this game is buggy, unoptimized, and feels like it was rushed.
After patches, and when it will cost 30$ you can buy it, don't pay more for this crap - it's simply not worth it.
A total disaster. Poorly optimization, plenty of bugs. A bland story without soul, stupid characters, technical flaws in the animations that destroy emotional involvement with them and changes in combat that make them simpler than the previous ones. A turd covered with silk. A loss of money and time.
>After patches, and when it will cost 30$ you can buy
Patches won't fix a broken game
Nothing except the bugs will get fixed with a patch.
You're deluded if you think the animations will improve, and they're definitely not going to change and record new dialogue.
If it was just a buggy mess I might have bought it, but there is simply nothing interesting in this game. Mediocre plot. Shit villain. Forgettable companions.
>Game is cracked
>Here comes the autist patrol forcing their long-winded opinions on it for no reason.
I won't even pirate this pile of shit, after all I've seen. I would only play this, if EA paid me.
>be annoyed that others post responses in this thread
>better post a response in this thread
Cool. Also wasn't Bioware suppose to announce something today about the future patching and DLC plans?
Is the cpy version compressed at all? I don't feel like wasting 110gb of space
52 gigs. You can wait for the FitGirl repack.
Where is god damn warhammer CPY bastards.
You guys realize Denuvo was literally REMOVED altogether from Nier, right?
Very good
>You guys realize Denuvo was literally REMOVED altogether from Nier, right?
Yeah. Bioware are Edmonton time though. It's only 7am over there right now.
The guy that made the fullscreen bug fix for Nier Automata alongside Durante literally removed Denuvo with their latest update 6 days ago. The hotfix is called FAR.
so wheres the crack?
Torrent boy
How does it feel that they paid money to make their game unbreakable and some dudes bypassed it all for free.
This game is very bad.
It has no redeeming feautures.
There are lots of bugs, gameplay is carbon copy of me3 with worst elements taken straight from inquisition(short main story, mmo fetchquests etc.) writing is laughable. Story was probably written by 17 yr kid.
Characters are cliche and bad cliches at that. This game doesnt even care about established lore.
Oh and animations are one of worst i have ever seen. PS3 launch titles had better animation.
Its hard to recommend this to anyone.
This is NOT Mass Effect, it has nothing similar with previous games.
Companies aren't stupid. They know games get cracked eventually. They pay to protect the most important weeks after release.
poorfag pc gamers love to pretend they'd buy the game if it's a better product, but it's just a lie they tell themselves in order to justify piracy.
So it is the latest version of Denuvo. Interesting.
Reminder ME Andromeda is still using Denuvo V3 & Piratefags think Denuvo is over.
Oh they are wrong. they are so very, very wrong :-)
Denuvo V4 already implemented on Nier Automata, Dead Rising 4, GR Wildlands, Sniper Elite 4, Sniper GW 3, and so on....
Copy & Paste this when this kind of thread like this shows up on Sup Forums
despite all the political grandstanding about how pirates buy more games (lol they don't) and all that garbage, gotta admit.
Denuvo is working. Key sales are being obtained.
>Actively shilling for Denuvo
I hope you're getting paid to do this.
>Mass Effect Andromeda came with the latest version of Denuvo anti-piracy measure but it was no match for CPY’s talents.