Which other games deserve this title?

Which other games deserve this title?

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The Nibelheim incident is the most kino moment in all of vidya.


Drakengard 1



lol what was I supposed to say Katawa Shoujou you little pucciboi?

Resident Evil 1

what's kino mean retards


Please use actual, grown up words, as oppose to your nonsensical nuspeak

>Drakengard 1

All Drakengard games have shit gameplay.

Persona 5

Castlekino obviously.

we're talking kino though

ludo is for gameplay

replace Drak with NieR: Automata or even NieR and we got a deal.

Nier 1 maybe, but that and Drakengard 1 are head and shoulders over Automata

Automata isnt even a bad game, thats just how it is

Can I emulate Drak 1?
How cheap can I get Nier 1? Automata is blowing my socks off.

Drake 1 emulation depends on your PC, no clue since I have a PS2

Nier 1 should be $20 at gamestop or amazon, dont pay anything more than that

Do you mean kino or ludo?
Either way BB doesn't deserve it

What about Drak 2 and 3? Should I play those before doing Nier 1? Can I just play Nier 1 and read a wiki for the Drak games or is that being a casual faget?

the way i see it

kino = visuals, story, music, etc (MGS2)
ludo = gameplay (Doom)

Drakengard is more kino than nier automata, it fucks you up more, but that doesnt mean automata is bad in any way

>Remaster is episodic
So much for that.

People generally ignore Drakengard 2 since Taro didnt make it.

You can play Drakengard 3 but personally I find it to be amazingly mediocre.

Reading a wiki on ANY game is bullshit. Dont do that to yourself. You're better off not even looking into it if you treat it like that.

Drakengard 1 is fucking shit, come on.

Paper Mario 2
Chrono Trigger

Also the play order dosent matter. Go ahead and play Nier 1 if thats what you buy first.

God, I hate every one of you

What about game mechanics?!

Thats what I was saying. I dont hate the game but I dont think it reaches the same heights as Nier 1 or Drakengard 1.

Drakengard 1 was Taro's most creative work with the most passion put into it

automatababbies watching cutscenes on YouTube will never understood how truly creative this rpg is

noun: kino

a gum obtained from certain tropical trees by tapping, used locally as an astringent in medicine and in tanning.

late 18th century: apparently from a West African language.
Translate kino to
Use over time for: kino

I see
Well, personally I don't like that way. It's my thought that in a good game, these things should all work together, and separating gameplay from those other things leaves out the possibility that the gameplay is so phenomenal because of how it intertwines with the story, music, or visuals. Basically, I think a game should only be ludo, and that should include the interaction of every element of the game, toward an experiential and/or artistic end.
You feel me?

Silent Hill 2 and Half Life 2.
>incoming butthurt over games unanimously praised outside Sup Forums

Killzone 2. If not, then at least the multiplayer and the visuals.


Holy shit I hate Sup Forums and all the dogshit memes that came from it. Fuck baneposters too.

Yep. Those types of games are extremely rare though. The only ones I can claim in full confidence of being that status are Doom, MGS1/2 and RE4.

hitman is episodic and it's great

tupoi pidor, KINO is left, vidya is on the right.

Why the fuck is Bloodborne on that list?

Deus Ex

The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime

Anyone telling you to actually play Drakengard is retarded.
The story is interesting, but the actual game part is a fucking slog to play through.


I would add....
Thief Gold
The Void
Demon's(!) Souls
There are probably a lot of games that fit "humbly" into ludo-status too


Can't believe I'm saying this but it's literally too deep for Sup Forums.

Not really, you can clear the game pretty easily within a reasonable amount of time. The aerial combat is great too.

The ground combat reminded me alot of The Witcher 1, which I liked, so I never had the biggest issue with it.



The red band and E3 trailer for MGSV are certified Vidya Kino by the Kino society of America

MGSV had god tier concepts but the execution disqualifies it.

Plus its not even finished.

Drakengard is a fucking terrible game. Like legit bad. That said it has an amazing story and deserves a watch on youtube. Just don't play it.

it's a shitty Sup Forums meme

What the hell is kino?


thanks for proving my point

I want this pseudo-intellectual Sup Forums meme to fucking die already.

I highly disagree. The experience just isn't the same, and honestly in a way the dull gameplay and jarring ost in the levels almost feels intentional.

Just play it on easy mode, it's not a very long game. Download a save for ending e so you don't have to collect all weapons, and you're good.

>that's why i can't elaborate on why mgsv is 2deep4u

sure kid lmao

>Plus it's not even finished
It's 99% finished. The important bits are there.

System shock 2

As a person who regularly calls MGSV shit, I will give it credit for having some interesting concepts behind Venom Snake in that he's essentially the anti-Raiden, but the game itself got too bogged down in feature creep (open world, mother base) and therefore remains unfinished.

If they kept to the crisp minimalism of Ground Zeroes, they would've been good

>I can't
I can, you just never asked and decided to spout Moby Dick shit.
It's literally enough to point out that the majority of Sup Forums still thinks that the ending was Kojima giving the player the title of Big Boss.

If any game is 2deep its MGS4

but really its MGS2 in that Kojima kept repeating its same points over in over in each game afterward and the series never really evolved past that point

Anybody who says kino should be beaten to a fucking pulp

I insist. What the fuck does KINO mean?


Versus XIII/XV trailers pre-tabata in general are pure kino


dont do this to me

i dont want to feel this again

Bloodborne is the greatest piece of kino ever created.

>Metal Gear Solid
Pick one.

How is it his most creative creative the most creative creativest?

I would also add Pikmin 2 to this list.

You have to play it to know.

imo it is THE Taro game.

whats so bad about the gameplay,
? Ive made myself suffer through dull games before, maybe I can take it?

I've been on Sup Forums for 10 years.
No idea what the fuck kino means

The only reason you discard it is because you went in expecting it to be about muh revenge and bloodlust when it was really a sequel to MGS2 that dealt with memetics.

This meme l i t e r a l l y only applies to MGS4.

its Sup Forums leaking out of their containment board.

Just go for it, you dont need Sup Forumss permission for shit.

im not asking permission im asking for details.

>tfw MGS2 was about overcoming the memes and being your own person (Raiden throwing away his dogtag)
>tfw MGSV is about becoming the meme (Venom accepting his fate as a decoy)

Aerial combat is good and is the highlight of the game
Ground combat is pretty stiff, but has a sort of rythm-gamey feel to it where you slash then activate a magic attack. Its core design is very musou

some levels have seamless ground/air battles.

Only thing I can say again is to just dive in, not much I can tell you that direct experience or a brief video cant.

Yakuza 0

Even then MGS2 doesn't excel in any gameplay departments.
MGS2's stealth pales in comparison to Thief 1 & 2 and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.
And even the most basic shooters have better gunplay than MGS2.

choke on horse dick, Sup Forums


i swear to god this site has gone to shit, absolutely embarrassing.

MGS was its own brand of "arcade stealth" until around MGS3 where it slowly became Splinter Cell lite

Personally I prefer the old style, MGS2 was the perfected form of that


Kino is an aesthetic term describing the highest form of cinema. The term and what it connotes are held in such high regard that it actually replaces the word cinema as the dominant term.*

*Mostly just on Sup Forums, often ironically. I majored in cinema and media studies and if you said Kino most people, professors included, would look at you like you like you were either speaking another language or were a total dildo.

That said, video games don't have a term quite like Kino for a number of reasons. Ludo, is the (conveniently similar) placeholder. Usually describing Ludonarrative synegy - which is basically a really pretentious way term for any time the gameplay/story/aesthetics of a game integrate in an elegant or interesting way.

The inverse term is Ludonarrative Dissonance. Which is when the gameplay/story/aesthetic contradict each other in a way that ruins immersion or fun.

Says while posting a Sup Forums meme.

>Ctrl-f Deus Ex and Thief
>results found for both

For one day, anons weren't fags.

Those are pretty much givens desu

You can assume that when people use "Kino" or "Ludo" they're talking about video game high art. So basically any game that integrates the gameplay and narrative or artistic elements so well that it becomes something significantly greater than the sum of it's parts, or at least greater than is usually seen in the average game.

Basically any game that combines being
a) a good GAME
b) a compelling story/immersive universe

in a way that these two elements are actually talking to each other and ultimately become:

c) a great "experience" for lack of a better term

True Crime: Streets of LA

Mother 3, specifically Chapter 1 - 3

Lsd dream emulator

so basically when a video game "video games" so hard, all at once, that it becomes a Video Game



if you end up liking drakengard 1 you should try 2. It improves every aspect of gameplay (except that there's less weight to attacks imo) and it's interesting to see how noticeable the absence of Taro's influence is

3 is good but fell short of 2 in alotta ways

gameplay wise its good experimentation, narrative wise there's some huge backwards steps

The Fury is kino though

Automata is so stupidly overrated on this board is makes my god damn head spin. It's already surpassed Witcher 3 levels of overrated, neo-Tarofags act like Automata fucking reinvented the wheel.

If that's the case
I'd say Metroid Prime is vidya Kino

also this