Give me a quick rundown on your favorite video game

Give me a quick rundown on your favorite video game

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it's dead

Nioh is my favorite geimu
Enma is my favorite boss and best girl


>Umaru PSVita game flopped

I haven't beaten it yet.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
Melee combat game with an insanely high skill ceiling and a large skill gap between players. The difference between a player who's only played the game for a few hours and a seasoned veteran who's played hundreds of hours dueling some of the best players left in the community is astronomical. The game gives you full control over your weapon, allowing you to drag it around opponent's parries and make your attacks less predictable.

If you can get into Chivalry and appreciate its depth and complexity, you will never be able to enjoy shitty spam-your-weapon combat like Skyrim combat or watered down lock-on combat designed for consoles like Dark Souls and For Honor.

Sadly the game is kind of dead right now because the developers abandoned it and it's a clunky, buggy mess. I still enjoy it because it's the best game of its kind, despite its flaws. Luckily an entirely new game created by Chivalry veterans called Mordhau is coming out soon and will hopefully be its spiritual successor. The alpha starts in a few months for kickstarter backers.

Give me a quick rundown on the skill ceiling of Chivalry

You get a bunch of stars and fight wacky people so everyone's wishes can come true

press O and spam R1 to win