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>343 kept saying Halo 3 Anniversary isn't going to be a thing
stale bread
They will make it a Scorpio launch title if they know what's good for them.
Why should it be a thing? We already have Halo 3 in 1080p 60fps with updated lighting. The graphics boost from doing a remaster on the Xbox One would be minimal and would drop the resolution and framerate.
Why don't just release halo 3 for pc for its 10th anniversary?
Halo MCC and Halo 5 sold so poorly that they can't afford to make an 'anniversary' of Halo 3
That would be worth it.
What is the cost of porting an (almost) 10 year old game to PC anyways?
it hurts
Frankie mentioned 'diminishing returns' when asked why there wouldn't be a H3 remaster.
But fuck me this is microsoft here. It's guaranteed to sell a couple million copies, especially if they make it a launch title for scorpio, which is supposed to lauch around the holidays.
>Cortana turns bad
>Suddenly wears clothes
They're telling us something.
IDK, but Alan Wake on PC made up the costs to port it to PC in 48 hours, so it can't be much.
Does anyone trust Frankie, user? He is the voice of lies
What's his role in halo, 343i, or Microsoft nowadays?
>mfw I do that shit all the time, just quote cool Halo lines like a fucking nerd
It's really fun even if its embarrassing as hell. Halo 2's Truth was just too based.
exactly. he said the same thing about h2a before it's announcement.
They didn't want her to look vulnerable anymore.
If I had to guess, I would say it is largely symbolic and a biblical reference. The Bible says humans didn't wear clothes until they were kicked out of the garden of Eden since they rebelled against their creator. Cortona is now rebelling against her creators, and she started wearing clothes.
I get it, because she's now physical closer to being human she wears clothes now?
That means she can finally get fucked. Half-AI babies, here we go, now this is a better synthesis ending than ME3.
how? she was an AI that kicked a lot of ass, and in Halo 4 when she was going rampant, she went crazy and scared people. she was only vulnerable to the Chief, who was pretty much who she spent a huge amount of time with
Truth had a great voice in Halo 2. I hate his Halo 3 voice.
Posting this again
They nailed this trailer so hard, I'm still in awe over it. The mess of panicked voices that die out and a Spartan replying firmly saying they're fighting to the end. So good.
Stop being a turbo autist for five seconds and think of the imagery of being a nude woman versues a clothed woman.
I thought him in 3 was alright, but it was most certainly not muh Truth and Wincott was far superior with the character.
Manipulating Truth>Religious fanatic Truth
Phil Spencer and GrimBrotherOne have also said it. Not just Frankie.
It doesn't matter what they say, user. What matters is Frankie being a liar and fraud.
how about
>stop promoting ruining the design of characters by making them intentionally uglier
i dont care about her clothes but her face is fucked
We need more niggas playing with us
Yeah he seemed a lot more composed and methodical in 2. I love wacky Terrance Stamp though so it's a fair trade in my book.
What are latest updates since the beginning of 2017? I haven't played this in a while
Did they finally add all the halo 3 maps?
Any Halo Reach armor modded in? I saw some images of anons using halo reach armor
Did they get forge and customs working?
>he seemed a lot more composed and methodical in 2
That was very intentional, because Truth slowly went more insane throughout Halo 2 and 3. Truth is probably the best character in Halo.
>intentionally uglier meme
Next you'll say "ess jay dubyu".
Is there any hope of Halo 6 being good?
No, not really. It just baffles me how they make her progressively better then she hits a brick wall literally lol in 5.
Was there any hope for Halo 5 being good? Blind faith
Who are the good and the bad people working at 343?
Why is Halo 2 so much more quotable than 3? At the moment the only lines that really comes to me from 3 is the "Tank beats ghost!"
You said "progressive". That's close enough.
Bonnie Ross, is that you?
because Halo 2 was kino
How are you enjoying halo wars 2 Sup Forums? if you're playing it
>Just one question... what if you miss?
good stuff
I enjoyed the first game a lot more.
as the series grew in popularity it started taking itself more and more serious. which means more pressure on the writers.
"You're almost a man!"
3 had some good ones, off the top of my head
>Wake me, when you need me
>Were it so easy
>Shipmaster, they outnumber us 3 to 1 and the response
>Then you must be silenced
>Send me out with a bang
>When I make a promise....
And it's not really a oneliner but I really love Hood's last speech at the monument.
They were more passionate and excited to make a sequel to their most successful game
ghostbusters in halo 3 will always be the best custom game ever made
Kino is theatre in german
Is that when a team of harmless invisible players need to hide from the other players with brute shots and rocket launchers?
visit Sup Forums for a while all will be revealed
yes but it was on a foundry map with streets and allies and tall buildings, the ghostbusters had shotguns and warthogs to use and any ghost that was killed became a buster. the ghost could only kill busters by backstabbign them
Holy fuck now I remember, yeah that and duck hunt were my favorite.
I hate to say it but...
Halo is dead
Maybe that's the case.