Do girl gamers actually exist and we all tar them with the same brush?
Do girl gamers actually exist and we all tar them with the same brush?
If mobile games and Sims counts as gamer girls then yes.
And girls that say they are hardcore gamers playing WoW and bloodborne are just attention seeking whores like the rest of the female population.
Women are cancer.
Who was in the wrong here?
>girls that say they are hardcore gamers playing WoW and bloodborne are just attention seeking whores
What if they aren't? I used to be in a guild when I played WoW that had three women who used to jump on TS with us and none of them were cock hungry retards and nobody orbited them because they just played the game.
>Play CSGO
>Have my gf sit on the mic and make callouts while I play
>She enjoys it, fucks with teammates
>Otherwise only plays Animal Crossing and that's it for vidya
We make it work.
Yes. Although they usually suck. Most can't grasp he concept of moving the two sticks at once. They walk,stop,turn and then walk. Many such cases
The autist for not getting the hint. Also because he's unattractive.
It's because we assume that women just sit around checking Facebook and twitter all day. Which they mostly do that or watching tv.
>tfw you realise the banter between your gf and teammates is crossing in to flirting territory
Just be confident
She's gonna cuck you ahahahhahahah
>when you login with your gf's account and start flirting with her steam friends
Every girl who has ever mentioned video games to me plays like once every month and plays it right the fuck up trying to let everyone know to try gain attention.
>mfw i was with a gf in highschool and she started yelling out to everyone that she's a GIRL who likes VIDEO GAMES.
She's probably already been doing it for a while and is trying to push her luck to actually make that poor user a cuck.
Holy shit this. My wife always does that. I always end up crushing her if I don't purposely let her win.
I think hes trollin son
I love this shit. It's hilarious when it happens to insecure guys
>inb4 people call me broken or sadistic
Yeah, maybe. I don't even bother with women anymore, I just pump and dump.
Why is it so fucking hard? The have zero situation awareness too
>I don't even bother with women anymore, I just pump and dump.
Cool story brah
Having spent a couple of years on a 'nerdy' course I'm used to being around really large groups of gamers, and you learn pretty early on how to spot the normal people from the fucking weird ones, guy or girl. Skyrim became something of a red flag if it's the first game a girl will bring up because there is a significant number of girls who played Skyrim back in 2011 and decided 'oop, I'm a gam3r nerd now!!XD" and don't actually play video games in any capacity that isn't just buying excessive collectors edition versions of games on release and then not really playing them at all. Some are worse than others and some are so subtle it's noticeable, but that demographic always has a slight attention whore vibe, and find ways to steer any conversation towards them, even if it's not vidya.
On the other side of that, thirsty virginal dudes are the fucking absolute worst to be around. Like if one of the normal, literally just wants to discuss vidya girls comes to talk to me I can literally see these guys ditch whatever the fuck they're doing JUST to squeeze their awkward oversharing asses into the most passing of conversations, it's fucking infuriating, super obvious and incredibly cringy.
Bit of a tangent there but yes, there are normal 'girl gamers' and we generalise them too much considering how bad both sides of that spectrum are.
You are better looking than Arthur, right Sup Forums?
This guy looks just like me