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Video Games #3729
Video Games
*clack click clack clack CLACK CLACK click clack CLACK CLACK CLACK clack clack clack clack clack clack clack clack...
>I have a thyroid problem
What does this picture say to you Sup Forums
Why is this game so bad?
Find this
¿ʇi ʇǝפ
Will he be at E3 2017?
U jelly poorfags
American level
What game do you believe it is inexcusable to shit talk? Not that people can't dislike it...
So did this piece of shit end up getting any games before it died?
Stage one
Horizon Zero Dawn
When you think about it, aren't rogues just thieves?
Your graphics card
What are some games where I get to eat at based as fuck fast food restaurants?
ITT: Titty monsters
Only 68 days until e3
10 days
Now that they're fixing her face, are the autism memes going to stop?
Why does Sup Forums keep pushing the "ps4 has no games" rhetoric when it currently has the most exclusives than the...
I cant believe it.. WoW is fucking saved and back on top!
I deleted all my Steam friends
Why is he so perfect Sup Forums?
Breath of the wild thread
Game has 24 characters
Now that it's been a while, does it still deserve all the shit that we gave it?
Is a sequel to bloodborne really what you want?
MGS threads rare as shit ever since MGSV launch a year and a half ago
ITT: Terrible, horrendously bad, vidya character design
How does Shoji Meguro do it every time...
Are ya winning son?
Is there a videogame that can teach me how to fall in love without falling into delusions?
So this is up there with The Witcher in terms of gameplay, story, content and just plain fun?
Is Persona 5 the most S T Y L I S H game ever made?
Who would truly win and be the better one?
Puzzle time Sup Forums
Game crashes in fullscreen
Teens think Xbox is cooler than Playstation
What mouse do you use and how do you grip it?
I have $800 and I want to buy a new graphics card. What's the best/strongest card that I should get?
This looks fun
Will it be confirmed at e3?
Halo, what to hope for
Buy game on Steam
Stalker thread
Man = Sony
Is this game any good?
Why is this a thing? As in, the tag appearing like it's relevant to the actual game
What do we need to do to go back to this kind of Paper Mario?
Does Kirby wear shoes or are those her feet?
"You wanna talk about aliens?! We can talk about aliens.I know this is a DMC panel, but we can talk about aliens."
What are some other characters who's only purpose is to bring in money from 13 year olds and horny virgins?
Naruto new games for PS4
ITT: God-tier rogue-lite games
Over watch Sup Forums edition
Miss playing your home sport
Are you a physical game buyer gamer?
Give me one reason why I shouldn't
So how come you retards actually BUY games again? Every thread on this board is
Scorpio will costs the same as a ps4
Should I buy a Switch?
Whats your weirdest boner in vidya moment?
This is Narcissa Wright
Let's have a REMAKE WHEN? thread
Listen Sup Forums im going to set the record straight
What video games sequences induce ASMR?
What is the best Pokemon game for a series newcomer?
Need character archetypes for a new skyrim playthrough. Go
Is Yoko Taro a meme dev or does he have the potential to be the next Kojima?
If you could change one thing about your personal GOAT game, what would it be?
What's a good game to introduce my GF to, let her play, and watch her do so? Assuming I've already played it of course
How do we revive the MMO genre?
Linny a cute
Sup Forums says never buy a gearbox game
Specter Knight
Any time someone ever posts Gale of Darkness and calls it "Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness" or "Pokemon XD"...
Haven't seen a BOTW thread in a while
Mind = blown
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on these guys?
What music is playing when you shop for videogames?
Western reviewers complaining there's no diversity
Miss me yet, Sup Forums ?
Rising Thunder/Riot Fighting Game
Comfy scorpio waiting room
Is Company of Heroes 2 better than Company of Heroes 1 now?
ITT: Shit Tier Games with God Tier Soundtracks
If you didn't have this.. then you sucked shit at video games. No childhood, even
First 9 dubs get a copy
"Select all squares with street signs."
If I'm looking for an FPS game with a slower TTK than COD/BF is there any reason I shouldn't play this...
What is the appeal of this game?
Three weeks
Does any of your favorite video games get referenced elsewhere, Sup Forums?
Maddox tells people with clever satire and humour why Ocarina of Time is a shitty game
Why does he wear the mask?
What went right ?
So Commander, if the federation is so powerful why isn't there any good Star Trek games?
You're going to buy neppy's new game when it comes out this year, right user?
Best Game
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Where should the health bar go?
Quake Champions
Worth it to buy a nogaemstation for persona 5?
What the fuck is a yoshi? is he a dinosaur or a bird?
What was Zack's problem?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Friend invites you over for anime video games
Arbitrary Steam Giftan Thread
Is he the only genuinely entertaining e-celeb anymore?
Is playing rpgs with franeskip/fast forward/turbo cheating?
Persona 5 Difficulty
4577 years since the great pyramid's construction
Benizuki is cute! Cute!
Why did san andreas feel so mysterious?
Sony shows Final Fantasy VII at e3
You take on the appearance, skills, and resources of the last character you played as for 24 houre
Why was it so good?
This board is for fuckin n-words turn it off
I love Tharja!
How do we save Cinemassacre / AVGN?
That feel of complete superiority that comes with owning all platforms/consoles
Coco is still quyoot
ITT: Videogame Behind The Scenes
Solaire wasn't in the third Dark Sou-
Mass Effect Andromeda
Sooooo what's everyone's problem with the switch?
This game is bullshit
Fallout V
Should I buy a Switch? Not the kiddie red/blue one but the black one? I'm afraid this might happen
Please post cute and lovable video game cats (male) in this thread
Damn 73 bucks? I always thought they were 50-60 dollar range. Fuck I feel bad for my parents
For me it's the McChicken®. The best fast food sandwich
Team Fortress 2 PS3
Hi, Sup Forums
Mass effect andromeda is what we call a medium game
Did anyone else get in?
Are you ready xbros?
Lets talk about this series
How did the meme that he's a racist start?
E3 2017
BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY: Persona 5 worldwide sales top 1.5 million
You cant deny this
Which makes more sense?
How does the FGC feel abput being ESPORTS now?
Actual spoilers
Breath of the Wild (Great adventure game)
Positive reviews
Is Diablo II still the greatest ARPG of all time? I've been playing Grim Dawn and it's pretty good...
Game came out a month ago
Gearbox paid thousands of dollars to put Denuvo in the $50 Bulletstorm "remaster" that absolutely nobody is going to buy
How would you do a Sonic fighting game?
ITT games only you played
Final Boss is a qt
This is my yard now
Persona 5
Is Pokemon XD a good game? Is it more about battling or is there also a focus on walking around and exploring the world?
Is this the future of videogames?
Why don't more games have strong/beautiful orc women in them?
General DaS2 Hate Thread
Why didnt age of mythology or age of empires develop a competitive scene like star craft?
I don't understand
Has a remake of a game ever been better than the original?
Name a better game of the same genre
So what are they gonna announce at e3?
Post some things that really make you think
What are your thoughts on the sudden influx of hyper-sexualization of female protagonists in video games?
Best android DS emulator?
Fuck me in the ass and empty your balls inside me if I'm wrong...
Thoughts on Jack from mass effect?
"Don't play it user. It's a shitty bad game"
Post video game companies that have never put out a bad game
Its not coming out is it
Who got the better game, Nintendo or Sony?
ITT: Machinimas you watched during it's period
How is she still young after 100 years?
How did we get to this point? Is it beyond saving?
Since he abandon his old green tunic, what would be a his new identity?
Sup Forumsidya humor
If this thread gets to 100 posts before it 404s, everyone ITT will get a gf this year
This is your speedrunner for tonight
Anyone else have Switch Buyers remorse?
This is Claire 'Lightning' Farron, former Sergeant of the Guardian Corps' Bodhum Security Regiment...
Fuck This
Dark Souls 3 DLC
Quake Champion Keys Are Out Now
Remind me why nintendo wasted a character slot on Corrin again?
Find a flaw
You're just a punk ass kid who goes home after school and putzs around BBS instead of partaking in training that's...
Best of Sup Forums thread
Now I've lost it
Video Game Comic aka [spoiler]LOL[/spoiler] thread
Is Atlus actually hitler?
This is a tank
Nintendo Switch
Who is the best princess in gaming?
Why is there no good cooking games?
GTA 3 was released 16 years ago
Hi can we havv a vidya merch thread xd
When did you stop listening to reviews?
Yooka-Laylee turns out to be merely a letdown
What should they fix in Tooka Laylee
Jack, I'm ovulating right now
So do you just go home and play video games after school? You didn't hang out with your friends, go to the mall, etc.?
ITT: you have sex with the last vidya character you played as. what's her/his name Sup Forums
Is Bloodborne the closest video games have come to art?
Find a flaw
What is the best Wii game?
The final boss of the entire Dark Souls trilogy is just some fucking slave
What are vidya where you can transform?
ITT God Teir Ports
Is she supposed to be sympathetic?
Holy shit
TES Lore
It's ogre everyone
Why made this game feel so particularly unsatisfying? Like it was pretty solidly made...
Why did they do this? I want Zelda and not some fart simulator sliding off walls 24/7
What're your Persona 5 MC names guys?
Play TF2 it's good again
Persona 5
Why is Schala a grown woman with blue hair in Chrono Trigger but a blonde loli in Chrono Cross?
Less than 24 hours till Sony is finally dead
Congratulations Sup Forums!
Why do people keep falling for the early access meme?
What is your favorite Etrian Odyssey?
Hello fellow gamers! Rod here again!
Stop using filters when you emulate
Is The Witcher 3 actually good or is just a meme game? I like rpgs that let you do fucked up shit...
Leave 2017 to me
Sup Forums when are we going to stop pretending like reviews matter?
Deus Ex is far superior
You have to do one thing to fix this character. what is it? there is a right answer
Post cool indie character designs
Konami decides to make the Castlevania game of your dreams. What's it like?
God tier rpg's to play, go
Who is the best vidya catgirl?
Rumor thread
Filename thread
Who's the Danielle Bregoli of videogames?
You have received a new friend request
Why does this game make me feel so fucking uncomfortable?
ITT screenshots
Better than Sup Forums
Magilou is flat! Flat!
What games give you a sense of loneliness?
Where is it ultima
Could someone explain why journalists hate G2A so much?
Arigami thread
Game gets an update
Is this reddit: the fps?
How are you enjoying the new season so far?
Have you ever had real hype for the next game in the series only to feel completely betrayed because it was a major...
He knocked some guy over after witnessing a sexual assault, HE MUST BE A CRIMINAL
What does Sup Forums think of Flash's supermove?
Were you talented at the age of 19?
Is it bothering anyone else that Ryder is just too damn nice...
Why are pegasus knights and wyvern riders always the most attractive characters in Fire Emblem games?
This is my favorite pogeyman. Which one is yours?
ITT: we post god tier maps
More DEEP strange journey screenshots
Is the series dead?
What was your first death outside Great Plateau?
So the first expansion pack to Stellaris is coming out in 14 hours
For those we couldn't save
Game has a forced escorting mission
What went wrong?
What games allow me to play as a father figure?
Thoughts on Shiki?
This still pisses me off
This is how Switchfags think
What did they mean by this?
Where's yours, Sup Forums?
What video games embody the spirit of, but are not necessarily about, Peter Griffin?
San Andreas Thread
Another modern platformer that was crowd funded sucks
Now that the dust has settled Sup Forums, can we agree that Yakuza 0 is the greatest game of 2017 so far?
Really, "omg?" Why does so much of P5's writing sound like teen/tumblr shit
This game, when combined with the first...
I summon DMG in attack mode
"user, you've playing your game for 3 hours now. I want you to spend some time with me."
"Hey Sheldon, What are you doing?"
Do you miss me yet?
Combat in games
Why is this allowed?
Anthony Birch had a point. Literally how the fuck is anyone supposed to know or understand anything in thid game?
What's the "Walking Dead" of video games?
I made a game for you guys
Shedew the Eggman
Last boss is actually the strongest enemy in the game and not some DLC or optional boss
Why does he keep losing to Sonic when he's clearly stronger and can easily out-class him?
Whatever happened to Tuba Croc? Anyone have old builds of the game?
Why join the channel and stay muted? The game is more fun when we're all talking and having fun
Randy Pitchford just killed himself because of the shame of Battleborn's commercial failure and now you are the new CEO...
Design system that breaks in a month
Yeah bro i'm a huge gamer too, check out my collection
UM? Nintenchildren?!
Post a screenshot of your favorite game. Somebody say something nice and something mean about it
Requesting Flags/ID's for this board
What's your favorite Contrarian Core game, Sup Forums?
What are some video games with good AI?
What is the most depressing song in videogames?
Shoud I get BoTW or Persona 5? Which one has better gameplay? Which one would last more? Give it to me
The Switch has no gam--
What is your favorite Super Mario enemy?
You can only play 5 games for the rest of your life
Asked if she’s going to work with the Metal Gear creator again, Joosten smiled and replied...
People constantly talk about Deus Ex as one of the greatest RPGs of all time...
Perfect games don't exi-
Main theme of final fantasy plays
On-rail shooters
Webm thread
All these PS4fags mocking the Switch for having only 1 game when it took the PS4 over a year to get its first worthy...
RPG maker
Do you forgive Bioware for this transgression?
What the fuck was her problem?
Hear monster hunter is good
Neo Sup Forums will defend this
ITT: Characters you can beat in a fist fight
Vidya confessions thread
Verrrrrry subtle blizzard
Stop playing as a human
Xbox One
IIT: God tier designs
What the fuck is their problem?
Boss gets more broken each time you fight
Why was this game so good?
W-where are the games microsoft
E3 2017
This is getting too far
Serious Sam Thread :
Don't mind me, just posting the best Nintendo game of the last decade
Less then 10 hours left user
This is Krystal she's from the Star Fox series
Anyone else miss the small vidya streaming communities from before twitch monopolized it all?
So what nintendo staple are you waiting for to show up on switch before buying one?
Is there no new MMO coming out?
Mass Effect gets turned into an Early Access game after launch
Who is more handsome?
Is this the beggining of the end?
Do you think he regrets spending 10 years of his life doing the exact same thing every week and now he's an unhealthy...
Bulborb is always feeling sick
Name a cuter couple
Story of Seasons / Harvest Moon
Damn... so this... is the power... of the switch... woah
Mornin', Sup Forums. I'm hearing Persona 5 is wonderful and i've never played any of them...
No one plays this game. $400 for a console, $150 for a stick, and $60 yearly for psn is too high of a barrier
Playtonic is FINISHED
Are there any "wacky" skateboarding games...
What the hell kind of name is "user", eh? How'd a muppet like you pass selection?
So how is it?
It's literally perfect
Literally sold out everywhere in england or not stocked at all
Male witchers have high libido
Nier Automata
The Sims 4
Mass Effect 1
How do you feel about retconning/story changes as part of regular patching?
Whats in the package Sup Forums???
ITT: subtle video game clothing / apparel
What emotion is she trying to convey?
Why haven't you backed the best melee combat we've seen in gaming so far Sup Forums?
Can we all agree that Cartridges are much better than Blu-rays from a Collector's perspective?
Play mmo
How can NIS revive their non-Disgaea games?
Will Destiny 2 have a story that's more than "fight waves of enemies while your ghost scans computer terminals for...
New Overwatch event
What the fuck happened?
Name one memorable DSi title
Best Mass Effect boy in the franchise
Was it autism?
What are our thoughts on Crash Team Racing?
Are those games still worth playing?
Which game allows me to get bullied?
Grandma died
What was the best class in Vanilla WoW?
Why do Bethesdafags defend this?
Fire Emblem Heroes
How do we fix the Street Fighter series?
ITT: Games Sup Forums told you were shit/overrated shit but deserved the praise they got
Why is no one talking about this game here? It's still in early access and obviously has some minor optimization...
Check out Japanese reviews
Miyamoto founded Nintendo and directs all their games
I finished DaS recently, and I'm about to start playing DaS II. Anything I should be aware of before starting ?
Do you keep the original name or change it to something else?
Now the rain has gone, was pic related good? What's the Sup Forumseredict?
What the fuck was this guys problem? He makes Adachi look like an upstanding citizen
Why does sonic do the narutard run
Why does Steam do this every time I start up my computer?
Name a better fighting game
WiiU emulator is here and Zelda BotW will soon be playable on PC
Not going too play this shit game most likely, but due to the creators' threat against free speech...
Why don't you come back and play the best expansion since Wrath/TBC?
Explain how pic related is balanced
Is he a "pssh nothing personnel...kid" character?
League of Legends: Xayah and Rakan
Pictures that summarize every argument on Sup Forums about vidya games
Vote for cordelia next everyone. Show that not everyone is a huge faggot like the camillafags
This game is pretty fun
Post curved switches
How much do you love vidya Sup Forums?
Name a shittier company
Tfw 90's kid, born in '97
Decent library of games
I'm still gonna give it a shot
Load up fallout new vegas after a long time of not playing
Are they finished?
Morgana was a mistake
Blood elves > night elves
"rpg-beat em ups don't exist"
It's been a month already since this came out. Now that the hype has died is this really a 10/10?
Post your PS4 theme, user
What went wrong?
Sup Forums pirates manga and anime, even have dedicated threads for it
Well, Sup Forums? Why aren't you playing Super Nintendo?
E-sports are real sports!
Dragon's Dogma
Planet Earth Game
360 had issues on launch
Hi Sup Forums rate my gaming room :D
Zelda finished
Give it to me straight, Sup Forums. How many years do I have to wait to be able to emulate Persona 5?
He still plays western games
Buyer's remorse
Currently playing Morrowind: why are spears so rare in fantasy games? Swords get more prominence, of course...
Uncharted 5: A Thief's Inception
Someone explain this shit to me
Are crossovers a good or bad thing?
Vidya Haiku
The PS2 is good! I love the ps2!
Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
Why was the Nintendo DS library SO GOOD?
Sup Forums is not a good place to gain social skills
I've got a girlfriend back at the base
Zero Escape thred: SPOILER edition
GTA SA Thread Part II
Excuse me mister
Is this the most infamous moment in gaming?
Game dev tycoon thread anyone?
Running to the front lines
Screenshot thread?
For all those who ordered the Take your heart CE of P5. Did your box come with a big scratch down the middle of the box...
Reminder that your steam library will be deleted and all the money you have spent could have gone into physical games...
Has France ever positively contributed to video games?
Who else has buyers remorse about the Switch? Beat Zelda a few weeks ago...
That shit game mechanic that ruins the whole experience
Why aren't you playing TK17 user?
Why did they add blatant pandering to Sup Forums in Persona 5 Sup Forums?
So are the old gods stronger than the titans?
Be honest, would you buy the remake?
Audio isn't working on my computer, someone rec me some games that are good with no sound
What are some good games that involve rodents?
Dark Souls is a nice game with good and coherent enemy placement
Shill me this game as hard as you can
Persona 5
ITT: Games that were so close to becoming your favorite game that it drives you insane that it isn't better
What are some franchises where the protagonist hits rock bottom and makes the ultimate comeback?
Why does this game have a 94? I don't understand honestly
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
Punk rock fan
Pick your fighter
Will Splatoon 2 outsell Overwatch?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
My xbox can no longer read disc
Characters who are you
"Welcome to Mc/V/, can I take your preorder?"
Last good MGS
Riksy Rain thread
Do you want multiplayer DLC?
Is he right, Sup Forums?
Why can't JonTron shave his beard?
Can't customize mc
Empty, lifeless environments
"Just to make things clear, JonTron has absolutely NOTHING to do with our game!"
System Shock 2 is far superior
You have ten seconds to name a cringier youtuber
Can we have a vidya humour thread?
Was it really that bad?
Explain this Marthfags
Sandbox MMORPGs
This game looks to be the stupidest shit ever made. Why do you Nintendorks defend this shit?
Daily Spider-Man thread. Web of Shadows is GOAT because of how acrobatic he feels
Your phobia is the game
Crowdfunding video games
PSVR flops
What was his end game?
Less than an hour until this release
Just finished Borderlands 1 and all it's DLCs, thinking about try Borderlands 2 next
Perfect multiplayer games don't exis-
Spookypill me on the Dead Space series
How many series have done this?
ITT: low budget games better than western AAA
It's out
Is on steam sale right now. Should i pull the trigger and buy this game...
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Does anyone else deserve to be on this list
ITT: Friendship destroyers
Was it really that big of a deal? Do you feel like either side accomplished anything?
How's Andromeda panning out for you?
Do you think you could possibly make this concept work?
What's your excuse?
I want to improve my english
Why have you not played Hollow Knight yet Sup Forums?
Will you play RE4: Otome Edition?
He backed mordhau
Say hello to your worst nightmare
Sup Forums, what are the BEST Mecha games out there
Playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Game has sneks
The main antagonist of the game is a giant corrupt religious organization
Is DDR the most impressive game to watch someone who got gud play?
What went wrong?
WWII game
Browses chinese cartoon board
Character overperforms and bores the love interest
Is Witcher 1 the greatest pleb filter of all time?
Do you think by the end of the year this year will overtake 1998 as the greatest year for games ever?
Is it worth for one game?
SHOULD Dark Souls have an easy mode?
MGO2R (MGO2 Revival)
Ok Sup Forums can we come together and find a game that we all agree on is NOT SHIT?
Dualshock 4 light isn't even on
Armored warfare thread
Why is she so perfect?
Okay what is your favorite game from each year of this decade so far
Love SMT games and Persona
Which Mass Effect is the best one?
DoW3 Beta
What is objectively the worst game you have ever played?
Was he right?
You're browsing Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums
Thank fucking god he isn't another Teddie. Who else likes BEST bro?
P4 is one of the most popular and and well-liked games on Sup Forums
Looking to get into Touhou! Best place to start and best game?
Why are asians so good at video games?
How would you feel if they never made another Zelda with the OoT formula ever again?
Does this REALLY have a great single player campaign that people say it has?
Give me some games where you can ride or play as a dragon/dragonoid
PS4 Pros are MELTING
Mass effect andromeda gif thread
State of the world in The Witcher 4
League of Legends: Xayah and Rakan
Lords of Shadow inspired me to read the bible again, and now my soul is with Jesus Christ
How do I get a Yakuza tattoo Sup Forums?
How's that game coming along?
Sup Forums needs flags
Google reveals the coolest video games, video game consoles among US teens 13-14
Why do you keep reloading so much? You have so many bullets left, all it takes is one headshot
94% white
Monkey Paw Thread
Have you dared to try a no-fast travel run yet?
What made Fallout 4 so bad?
MN9 failed
Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a New Vegas thread, I did. Name's Malcolm...
Show me a vidya game character with a nicer booty
Sure it looks visually nicer...
Why does Digital Foundry never point out or even mention advantages of Switch versions...
Say something mean to Haruka. I fucking dare you
Can we have a comfy Pirate game thread?
Have you ever given money to a kickstarter?
Does Star Fox have a diverse cast?
Why do people even care about persona 5 when SMT IV did everything better except for the datingsim stuff...
Mass Effect Andromeda-CPY
Where should Fallout 6 take place?
Can he be fixed? Or is his character too damaged after so many fuckups?
Is the Wii U going to be remembered as anything more than an embarrassing failure...
What are some games where I can get fit Sup Forums?
Forced Diversity in Games
Why don't we get more South American videogame characters?
23 hours until Sonyggas get massively BTFO
ITT: Textbook examples of artificial fun
You are buying her book, right Sup Forums ?
Anyone played it yet?
I have 16 steam bucks. Any of you want a game?
These 3 games released in 2007
Filename Thread
Save the gaming industry
Reminder that the SAG-AFTRA strike is STILL going on after 166 days #PerformanceMatters
Upcoming Microsoft reveal. Got some info. Cheers, Sup Forums
Her game enters beta tomorrow. Last chance to sign up
Hey Sup Forums this is my first Persona game and I started on normal difficulty but it's really kicking my ass...
Media Create
Mordheim thread
What's the origin of the term "vanilla version of the game"? Why not pineapple? Nutmeg? Banana?
Morgana Persona 5 P5
/vint/ is gone
I don't get the point between shoving the nigger who didn't get what she deserved with Chloe...
One of these threads
Thoughts on this?
Sup Forums's opinion at launch
Me! Me! Pickle-Pee!
So Mario Kart 8 will be obsolete once the Switch version comes out right? What should I do with this paperweight?
He plays commando in killing floor 2
What a sad life
Disable sound
Persona 5 MC's name
This is PC's best exclusive! Say something nice about it!
How would the reviews for Yooka Laylee be if it was released in 1998?
GTA SA Thread
TLoU PS4 doesn't count because it's also on PS3
This is the worst UI I've ever seen in a game. It's literally cluttered with useless garbage
Start playing Yakuza 0
Will this be ever surpassed?
Can we expect complete meltdown from sonybros tomorrow?
You don't pirate do you Sup Forums?
Anyone else agree that they fucked up Thousand Needles in Cata?
Nier Automata-CPY
Do girl gamers actually exist and we all tar them with the same brush?
You do realize your fucking 60fps meme is driving people out of their homes right? Some games are 30 fps, deal with it...
You're learning Japanese to play all those games that'll never make it to the West, right Sup Forums?
MatPat hate thread
Will Scorpio be able to undo the damage done already?
Be arenafag
It's a cooking minigame episode
How to play Symmetra on offense on 2CP and KOTH?
Cities Skylines
What are your hopes for Fire Emblem Switch?
What is the best controller for PC?
What should have been
Does Sup Forums know what really matters in a videogame?
So Sup Forums do you have anything to say in your defence?
Mfw my face is tired
Rain World thread
OST thread
Itt: villains who did nothing wrong
Every emulator has a patreon now
Why are people so mean in online games?
I feel like the hype made me do a stupid thing
Yooka Layle undisputably garbage
Hailed as a great PC port
Should I go for original BG1 or BG1EE?
Breath of the wild thread
Is this the end of Gearbox and Randy Pitchford?
What are some cool video game lizards?
Xbox Scorpio Reveal
What's this button called again?
Is NL "our" guy?
The game of the decade is now 50% off on the Playstation Store...
Is it worth invading anymore? every shitter has 3 summons with him and don't forget the darkmoon summon
Wow. How did they get away with being such homophobes in the new zelda?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
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