ITT post ports that should happen
ITT God Teir Ports
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galaxy is overrated
>Galaxy is 10 years old
Throw in #3 and I'm sold.
>Portable no wagglanbullshit Galaxy Trilogy
Honestly I believe this is coming just so Square can use their amiibo for something.
wiah i could play galaxy with a non retarded controller
don't remind me.
port beggers begging for inferior ports are sadder than pc petition race
X1 can't run FF7 remake
What was the appeal of Galaxy again? Couldn't really get into it.
Rance Quest
I know it will never happen. But a man can dream
Really any fun game that was ruined by fucking waggle
Zelda HD Collection with WW and TP is a no brainer.
Basically all the good games from the Wii U since nobody played them.
I want my zelda machine, but i don't wanna buy the wii u
Why should they port Galaxy or Galaxy 2? If anything, they should be porting games that actually move hardware.
Hd update of pic related
Fuck no. I never want to use a motion controller of any kind ever again as long as I live.
I just want Smash.
>Subject is about actual ports
>Body is about theoretical ports
Fucking pick one
No it wasn't.
>tfw every single subsequent CC game was shit and missed the point entirely
All they had to do was continue the Gauntlet-esque design and keep Mog as bucket bitch in multiplayer. That's all they had to do to make an actually good sequel to this but they just kept fucking it up.
Surprised this isn't a real thing yet. If Square can do it so can Nintendo.
Jumping around in many different galaxies, each studded with planets with their own gravity, I think.
Name one game besides SS that was ruined by waggle.
It's too bad you can't play the original games. I don't know why they're allowed to make discs that spontaneously disintegrate after a certain amount of time, or that Nintendo routinely rounds up all of the Wiis they've ever produced and throws them in a fire.
>Nintendo Switch port uses more simplistic lower poly character models
>Whole aesthetic of the game is tweaked with less focus on 'realism'
>Combat is made turn based in order to allow for easier playing in mobile situations
>Content to broaden appeal (snowboarding, crazy motorcycles, Tifa's breasts) is added in
Nintendo Switch version of FF7 remake would be the best version.
XD yeah! also GTA:SA, OoT, and TES Oblivion are SHIT! We contrarians have the best opinions
Honestly its actually possible to get the game running on Switch, considering how small the areas are and that it runs on UE4 make it entirely possible if they ran it closer to the Xbox one presets.
already happened:
Still cant run it properly.
I guess i cant speak from that rom file alone, but literally every other wii game ive emulated has ran near flawlessly. We arent talking about CEMU here user.
Metroid Prime is one of those games that doesn't run well on Dolphin and still has fucking crazy bugs, its not unplayable like CEMU or Citra but it does fuck up a lot.
>phone game
When has Square ever done a compilation port? The only ones that come to mind are the recent Switch port of the Mana games and the KH games. Other than that they're just as bad as Nintendo, making each of their fucking Final Fantasy ports priced at $20 as separate entities, even the ancient ones with shitty iOS tier graphics.
And A SS remaster without wagglanbullshit
DQH1/2 but that port was terrible and Square and Tecmo were blocking japs who complained.
Somebody is upset. The fact remains that Galaxy is part of the reason the 3D Mario games have become so linear. Oh, and all those games you mentioned are also overrated.
Final Fantasy X and X-2.
There was actually a Dragon Quest 1 through 6 anniversary collection for the Wii which used a different set of emulators than virtual console for the games. Only problem is that it was Japan only.
>Name one game besides SS that was ruined by waggle.
Donkey Kong Country Returns
every port
>there will never be a DKC1-3 remaster using the original 3D models
oh god please
i don't even care if they're lazy and just upscale the graphics, just make a multiplayer that doesn't require an addon that maybe 5 people bought
Holy shit he actually bit. What a fucking retard.
W101, the Bayonetta games, DKCTF, Sm4sh, Hyrule Warriors, etc. should all be ported to the Switch. I enjoyed all these games but I hate the WiiU. I'll admit it's not economically sound but I would totally buy them all again just to have them on a system that isn't the WiiU.
>Tfw no Doom 3DS with wad support and 3D
Unless there's like an unofficial thing I dont know about
this SCREAMS baby's first mario the post
There's an unofficial thing that you don't know about.
It's not a very good sourceport though. It's functional but it's not very good.
There should have been an official one with map making and sharing
>Metroid Prime 3 is going to be 10 years old.
>Mass Effect 1 is going to be 10 years old.
>Bioshock is going to be 10 years old.
When are they going to HeartGold/SoulSilver Diamond/Pearl? Hopefully it gets treated well like the gen 2 remakes and not the shitty gen 1 and 3 remakes.
>Fallout 3 is going to be 9 years old.
>Persona 4 is going to be 9 years old.
>PSP could emulate PS1 classics
>PSVita couldn't emulate PS2 classics
>the handful of PS2 ports the Vita did get all had poor framerate and forced backtouch to make up for the missing buttons
Thanks, Sony. You sabotaged what could have been your greatest handheld, before fucking release.
DKCR was never good.
I just realised that nintedo isnt nearly as bad as they could be about re-releasing old games. Hmm
breath of fire 1~4 with remade textures.
Or look like octopath traveller.
>Name one game besides SS that was ruined by waggle.
Twilight Princess
Your bad taste doesn't change facts.
I'm boxing my Wii U as soon as the new Mario Maker is announced.
It's an insult to the original trilogy. And does absolutely nothing innovative. Controls are slow, collectibles a chore and it has absolutely no inspiration. It also looks worse than the original. But that's kind of unfair
um, OP.....
Regardless of your shit taste, it is a fact that the game was made worse because of motion controls. Don't move the goalposts.
>you have shittaste
Nothing I've said is wrong.
>don't move the goal posts
I wasn't disagreeing with you how can I move them? You're just a nigger. And that's sad.
>Nothing I've said is wrong.
Yes, we know you have shit taste, you don't need to keep telling us.
I'd rather get OOT3d and MM3d in a two pack running at a higher resolution
Why not both?
Also, to get 20 hearts for Wolf Link in BotW and you only have the Switch version, you also need Twilight Princess HD on Wii U, so you need both a Switch and a Wii U.
If we had a Switch port of Twilight Princess HD, we don't need a Wii U for 20 hearts on Wolf Link in Breath of the Wild.
I don't care for galaxy though.
I'd love a real 60fps HD port (it's possible already in Dolphin) of Super Mario Sunshine though.
I never liked waggle controls and don't really like games that rely on them.
If the rumours are true, we'll be getting VC Mario sunshine
That rumour was from Laura Kate Dale.
It's about as reliable as my asshole is at holding in shits the day after eating pizza.
VC sunshine just means an SD port at 30fps - who cares.
60fps@720p or no buy.
the waggle could easily be replaced by a button press
Maybe, if it improves the controls and allows for completely non-waggle play with Pro Controller it might make the game enjoyable.
It was?
Oh fuck that sucks, I thought there was a grain of truth to it. Apparently not.
Well, there goes my hopes for GameCube VC
Paper Mario TTYD
Dolphin was almost able to run it perfectly with the HD texture pack before they released that big update.
I want a Kirby 25th anniversary collection on Switch with HD remasters of Kirby 64, Return to Dreamland, Triple Deluxe, Robobot and Rainbow Curse.
No need to update the visuals, just a 60FPS port that does 1080p when docked and where you can use the joycons pointer controls for Rainbow Curse when docked and the touch screen when not.
Any decent Wii game with forced motion controls.
Fuck I would day-one the hell out of that.
Persona 3/4 golden on switch would be neat
When I got a psp with spiderman 2 as a kid I was disappointed it wasnt the console version. im still waiting to play a proper open world spidey game with the device in my picket. I was so fucking disappointed with my vita when it couldnt play ps2 games
>ever being true
Any Monster Hunter game on anything besides a handheld.
Waggle was the absolute least of Skyward Sword's problems.
I don't know, because the waggle pissed me off so much I never got past the starting area.
I still haven't played it.