is the series dead?
Is the series dead?
After the piece of shit that was 2, i would certainly hope so.
Team Ninja made 3 and ruined everything.
Oatmeal Cookie made Devil's Third and committed Sudoku.
The series has no future
Fuck off with your hipster faggotry, 2 was great, only 3 was fucked up
>having taste this bad
I pity you, user
I keep seeing people rate this well on the cuhrayzee scale but it seems like every game is trash according to Sup Forums. Which ones are actually worth playing?
1 & 2 are great
Never played 3 but I heard they fixed some problems with rerelease, dunno how much better it was
1 was ok. 2 had terrible design decisions that ruined gameplay. 3 i never even tried because 2 was so bad.
Ninja Gaiden Black
Ninja Gaiden II
Both on Xbox, but those are the only good ones to me. Black is exceptional. If you want older game recommendations, I've played them all.
>Ninja Gaiden / Ninja Gaiden Black / Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Play any version, since they are all excellent. They all have their pros that make them stand out in some minor way from the rest.
>Ninja Gaiden 2 / Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Get NG2. Sigma 2 should be skipped unless you really have no other choice.
>Ninja Gaiden 3 / Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge
Get Razor's Edge if you really need more Ninja Gaiden. It's decent and much better than some games Sup Forums memes are god tier games like Metal Gear Rising. The standard NG3 is absolute trash and should be avoided.
TN have said that they'll bring it back "when the time is right".
It looks like Nioh will be their cash cow for the foreseeable future, since it became KT's highest selling title since the merger in 2 weeks.
i played both sigmas on vita and thought they were both great. whats wrong with sigma 2?
you're the one with shit taste
1= god tier
2= great tier
3 + yaiba= shit tier
Without cookie face they can't make it good. I have no idea how nioh turned out so well
They took out the blood.
>copy Dark Souls
>game sells by association alone
really? what the fuck?
Yeah. How about an actual DOA fighter?
Sigma 2 on the vita has the blood
How did Lords of the Fallen sell?
>most gore removed / censored
>lower difficulty and less enemies
>removal of some ranged weapons
>loading times
It's a good game though. Easily better than any ninja gaiden without itagaki
Nioh is not comparable to Ninja Gaiden though. Two different styles of games.
Weird, especially considering Sigma 1 had blood.
Didn't know that. I know the only other criticism of Sigma 2 was that a few boss fights were different and that there's less on screen enemies (but I thought there were more long range enemies to make up for it?)
Hayabusa is essentially Team Ninja's mascot. He's been in every DOA as a high tier character. NG Black and NG2 sold really well and spawned remakes that also sold decent. He even had a spin off game (Yaiba)
After the shitshow that was NG3, it was smart to put the franchise on hiatus and focus on other projects. But after the success of Nioh as well as the experience of working on Hyrule Warriors and Dissidia I have a strong feeling they will eventually try to bring back their cash cow superstar
2 was fun but the dismemberment and finishers made human enemies the most fun to fight but the entire middle section of the game is various types of demons and monsters and shit that are all extremely unsatisfying to kill
Yaiba was the last game in the series, though. If anything, it was the commercial failure of Yaiba that has put the series in hiatus. 3 still got Razor's Edge.
vanilla 2 was a trainwreck of bugs, bad balance, and other issues.
>but I thought there were more long range enemies to make up for it
don't know where the hell you heard that since that is plain false.
You could do finishers on monsters though. You could do them on everything, even bosses
Yeah but they weren't as satisfying somehow
Razors Edge was an improvement on a shitty game. It didnt suddenly make it a masterpiece. Obviously selling like shit inspired TN to make a better version to recoup some dollars. I think it was a combination of both failures.
I actually enjoyed Yaiba even though it wasnt great
>itagaki dickriders still exist
>don't realize he was holding team ninja back
>only NGB was good, literally his only good game ever made
>DOA was bad until DOA5 which he had no involvement with
>NG2 was bad
>DOAX was always bad
>devil's third was easily the worst game he's ever made
>huuur durrr itagaki WAS team ninja they're nothing without him buuuurrrr!!!!
He's as big a conman as Inafune.
>I actually enjoyed Yaiba even though it wasnt great
I liked it more than DmC.
would be nice surprise but i wouldn't count on a DOA6. They'd basically completely assblasted it into fanservice to the point that the the loli and the braindead cowtits are their frontline characters if DOAX3 is any indicator.
Well, some bosses didn't have dismemberment but I thought that fighting the werewolves, the purple guys (both with wings and without wings), and the metal scorpion things were still pretty fun
was actually a decent volleyball game with tough AI.
Sequels are shit, though I ended up liking the Jet Ski mini game a lot
Sigma 2 is wierd, they omitted boss fights and added some for some reason, like in the liberty island stage you fight the actual statue of liberty, they cut some of the item puzzles which i was never a fan to begin with and cut down the enemies which is kinda disappointing, also it had a wierd rebalance, enemies don't spam explosive shurikens forever but now grab you more frequently when they are dismembered.
But they added Ayane and Momiji to play has and the coop mode is really fun.
>NGB elitist
>thinks DOA5 is not only the best DOA but also the only good one
You are small time and part of the reason the Ninja Gaiden fanbase is so cancerous nowadays, discussions on the series is impossible.
>itagaki haters still exist
>don't realize he and his team ninja were 16 year veterans
>every game they made was good
>DOA5 the worst DOA yet, which neither he nor a majority of the original Team Ninja had any involvement with
>NG3 was bad
>DOAX was always bad
>Devil's Third was pretty bad and clearly got caught up in licensing and development hell - the original trailer looked more interesting that the final game
>hurr durr implying Itagaki was the only person who quit Team Ninja while forgetting the over 40 other people who left when he did, a few of which joined him at his startup
I have more faith in Itagaki than KT's nu-TeamNinja.
Despite NG2 Sigma removing the blood I found it to be a better game. A lot of shitty things were improved
>camera was pulled back
>terrible bow combat was altered and toned down
>the obscene enemy numbers were replaced by waves
>the chapter with that stupid underground worm was changed for the better
>more extra features/chapters/missions
I have both games, and I missed the gore, but the original NG2 was near broken at times
>NGB elitist
wrong again, NGS is the best version, I'm just saying NGB is the only truly good thing he ever did.
>sluurp slurrrrp nom nom shit tastes so yummy
NG: BLACKED is an amazing action/adventure game.
NGII has little if any of the exploration/world of NGB but where that was lost the combat was cranked up to the extreme. Each weapon is detailed enough to use from start to finish without a care, that's 8 playthroughs at least.
For the action purist, this is raw sex.
Sigma 1 is acceptable if you can't grab black Everything else is shit.
With the success of Nioh? You bet your ass it is.
DOA2U was amazing
Original NG was god like
Vanilla DOA5 was good, but the ungodly DLC and DLC characters were trash. Or how they released it 3 fuckin times.
Both DOAX1 - 2 werent great by any means but at least they were enough to call games. DOAX3 is literal polished shit
NG3 could've been great but Team Ninja fucked that up big time
>twin armadillos removed for a real boss fight
>twin flying dragons removed for another real boss fight
>water combat which was shit was almost completely removed
>jellyfish mines removed
>all the bugs and balance issues from the original gone
>incendiary shuriken spam is gone
>bow ammo is gone
>second zedonius fight has the swimmable lava removed and just turned it into normal lava pits
>almost all of the super shitty "puzzles" were removed
Truly the only real strikes against NGS2 are the censorship of the blood and gore.
Itagaki is a hack, Hayashi isn't perfect (NG3 cough) but he's done more good for the studio than that outspoken aerosmith loving retard ever did.
People seem to forget Team Ninja became more than ever a publisher's studio after Itagaki left and the only reason in the past they had some creative control was thanks to Itagaki being the face of the studio. Koei Tecmo stepping in to decide NG3 is supposed to appeal to a wider audience is why the game turned out shit. That said, Team Ninja has been smart enough to make use of the Koei Tecmo's greed by turning the DoA series into their cashcow, giving them some leverage to produce more games they themselves want like NioH.
Black and vanilla II
Accept no substitutes
>terrible bow combat was altered and toned down
Lmao what. There are maybe 5 moments in total in the entire game where you will ever use the bow
>replaced by waves
more like removed completely, it's sometimes absurd how empty the game is.
Even Acolyte difficulty wasn't as empty as Sigma 2.
The removal of blood and gore greatly changed the core combat though. The dismemberment rate being much lower meant that enemies had a lot more health and became really damage spongy.
>DLC characters were trash
whoah there, a few of them are good, Nyotengu is a case of bringing back a fun moveset but giving us a much better character to use it with than Bankotsubo, Marie despite my dislike of the loli pandering has a fully original moveset and is fun to play, Phase 4 is an interesting Evil Ryu style rework of Kasumi's moveset with high execution, Raidou gets a pass for being a returning legacy character, his gimmick moveset is excepted but he has a few of his own moves. The only true crime here is Honoka who literally has nothing original or positive to bring to the roster at all.
I won't get into the guest characters as they're pointless like the VFers.
NGII needs a true finished version, once you get to the end you see this game get more and more broken.
This fucking stairs section on the higher difficulty levels is nigh unplayable, you get enemies swarming the screen everywhere and spamming explosives, framerate at 5 fps, your strategy boils down to jump attacks and spamming UTs forever, it's no fun.
>less enemies
Indeed but you forgot to tell that they have more hp a cause more damage
The patch fixed that though (by lowering the spawn count a ton) didn't it? At least it did on lower difficulties
Perhaps the lower enemy count in NG2S was due to the technical issues the game has on Xbox360. Devs already had a difficult job porting games to PS3 last gen, let alone porting games that already were pushing the Xbox360 to the limit. Can someone confirm the performance of NG2S?
I don't want Hayashi touching NGII.
They're both the same thing.
The only patches for vanilla NG2 were to fix a couple of game breaking bugs which prevented progress, all the other bugs and problems still exist.
These stairs are fucking incredible you weak fuck.
>3 fps is fucking great please fuck my ass more itagaki slurp slurp
Digital Foundry did an analysis way back then that said that was probably the reason. It's evident because even the cutscenes and setpieces (like the colosseum) have way fewer character models on screen
>virtually everyone important to the studio leaves
>instead of starting a new studio, just hire a bunch of interns to fill in the gaps and give everyone who stayed like 4 years worth of a promotions overnight.
>many are now above their paygrade and out of their element
>everyone else just graduated university with a major in CompSci
>Just so they could keep the legacy Team Ninja brand name and push garbage to the market that might sell on brand recognition alone.
>the Team Ninja name barely doesn't even matter anymore thanks to the flops.
>there are literally retards in this world that think "there's no such thing as bad publicity"
Fuck, Ninja Gaiden 2 was one of the those games where I steadily got more frustrated and angry the further I made it through the game. I remember that jungle level in particular being a real pain. I like the game, but I can't replay it ever again. I would lose my shit.
come on, they only genderswapped tengu cause they already knew they were on the slippery slope of "titties for the sake of titties" fanservice pandering.
And Honoko is virtually just a female version of Raidou. At least there it's a whole new character instead of literally just genderswapping raidou.
People liked Tengu's moveset but not Tengu himself
People liked Raidou
People do not like Honoka
The vita version of sigma 2 got the blood back, but only 3 people in the world have a vita so who cares
10 years too late OP.
Nyo was fine, but she was just a rehash
Marie Rose was actually fun despite being loli cancer
Phase 4 was not very fun, literally almost identical moveset from Kasumi, which might be okay if there wasnt already a Kasumi clone in the game
Raidou was trash, shoudve stayed dead
Honoka, pure shit
VF fighters were cool additions even though their movesets did not meld with the DOA fighters well. I'm not talking about them
Thanks, it's an interesting article to read. I didn't even know the Xbox 360 version was running at sub 720p, while the PS3 was hitting that number.
>twin armadillos removed for a real boss fight
They recycled a boss from 1st NG, that is worth praising how.
Armadillo boss worked just fine in vanilla 2 since you can hit their head and reduce their health bar like candy due to how enemy health/armor works + incendiary shurikens.
Guess what Sigma 2 removed.
>twin flying dragons removed for another real boss fight
Nice change. Nobody liked twin dragons. Everybody skipped them by using Vortex ninpo
>water combat which was shit was almost completely removed
>jellyfish mines removed
And you end up large stretches of water where literally fucking nothing is going on. Water combat section(only happens in ch5) is piss easy anyways and you get an underwater chaingun with infinite ammo to deal with both enemy or jelly fish anyways.
>all the bugs and balance issues from the original gone
and replaced with worse performance issues.
NG2 runs like ass due to shit on screen. Sigma 2 runs like ass even when there is literally fucking nothing happening on screen. If you compare vanilla's acolyte(maybe warrior) and sigma 2 on any diffuclty (both games have roughly the similar enemy count) by average vanilla 2 runs better.
>incendiary shuriken spam is gone
get fucking good. Incendiary shuriken spamming is the last thing on the fucking list of NG2's problems
>bow ammo is gone
alongside incendiary and windmill shuriken. Not worth the tradeoff
>second zedonius fight has the swimmable lava removed and just turned it into normal lava pits
Don't fall in to the fucking pits then, the problem with Zedonias is that the faggot can spawn helper enemies on higher difficulties and killing the framerate(can stop him on ground in vanilla 2) Sigma2 fails to fix that and spawns helpers automatically, removing the extra dynamic it had.
>almost all of the super shitty "puzzles" were removed
Oh noes, backtracking 1 feet has been removed. Hardly a fucking improvement.
I haven't been in an NGII thread since 2011 and the abundance of shitters here is unsavoury.
You're shit at the game if the slowmo rape stairs make the game unplayable on higher settings. It's a karma farm that lasts as long as you like and you shouldn't even be getting hit.
Shuriken Spam is not a bad thing.
PS3 was still better despite the cutbacks.
who are these people
I liked Tengu as a character. His moveset is mostly shit and copied attacks from Tekken, but even then it's fun to use and regardless identifies with him. You can't argue that they didn't just genderswap tengu for the sake of more titties, cause that is literally all they did.
What does it even mean to like his moveset but not the character? They're one in the same. The moveset exists for the sake of the character, and the character was in all versions of DOA2 along with returning in DOA4, so it's not like his existence was an accident by any stretch of the imagination.
Like this only really works for the concept of Spartan from DoA4 who had a great moveset but was clearly a guest character with a one-off appearace, so repurposing most of her moveset for use by Rachel was the best we were going to get.
>all this mindless dicksucking of a shittier version of a game made by a loudmouthed faggot
that's so nice of you
Yeah, only mediocre Souls clones now. This is the future you chose.
Is this as fun as it looks
>"stop liking what I dont like" the post
Yes, it really is. Cutting off limbs and decapitating ninjas is liquid sex.
DOA2: Hardcore
DOA2: Ultimate
Tengu was in 5 separately released games since 1999
It's not he wasn't unknown to the DOA franchise and that no one would notice if he was suddenly just a succubus girl.
Yes actually. That first level was based as fuck
Tengu is just weird to a roundeye. His design looks dumb. Its like having a Warhammer dwarf in Guilty Gear.
The smart move would have been to make him karasu tengu though. A birdman isn't so alien to the west.
No. This is a super cherry picked webm
>rocket launcher ninjas
What he said.
Other games offer you a "press X to feel like a badass", NGII asks you to get good and become said badass. When you flawlessly eviscerate the shit out of a roomful of SWAT Ninjas, stand knee deep in their gore and flick their warm blood from the cold steel you'll fucking feel it in your prostate.
>this is weird lol lets eat hamburgers
>ayo whats that mothafuckin weird thing called again?
>lemme google dat shit
>hol up
>*smacks lips*
>so u sayin he wuz japanese mythology n shiet?
>no nigga i aint know what a mothafuckin katana is
>nigga who the fuck is rye-oo hayabusa
>nigga i only bought da game cause it got some big ole titties on the box
literally who thinks like this
also being colloquially referred to as "Tengu" instead of Bonkobotsu seriously means that shit is easily googleable.
>warhammer dwarf in GG
no japs just hate old people, they're always the least popular characters in every game.
Heihachi is unpopular? I'm genuinely asking.
In my experience the japs are much more inclusive of the elderly and children in games.
>best character in VF is an old man
explain this
doesn't mean he's popular.
main character status keeps him around
is ninja gaiden CUHRAYZEE?
NG2 has a long list of fucking problems. Sigma 2 fixes fucking none of it or somehow makes it worse.
Ch 3 Mike Pence snake boss needed fucking fixing.
This is not fucking it.
skip to 12:00
Ch5 water dragon boss needed tweaking in both hit box and attacks
not turn into a fucking bow shooting range like sigma 2
Hayabusa village 2 needed some changes in enemy spawn triggers, or spawn amount.
Not turn into a dog house for almost half of it.
Incendiary Shuriken spamming got fixed, but explosion aoe kills you in one hit, along side most if not all projectile attacks like arrows or rockets if memory serves.
That's replacing bullshit with fucking bullshit
and that is ignoring other changes that make the game worse.
NG2 sucks, Sigma 2 sucks even harder. Fuck off.
t. tomonoshitter
Don't make me post the video.
That worm boss was infuriating in vanilla, but this is just pathetic.
hitstun with shuriken, then close in for attack.
or just incendiary shuriken to disarm them completely.
The other variant that spam a ton of then on screen don't leave as large an aoe as the regular single rocket launcher faggots so you can just zig zag dash through
After 3 and with Itagaki long gone and possibly a hack now anyway, I hope so. 3 was bad to such a degree that I don't know if I could ever trust that developer to make another one.
they bandaged up the corpse that is 3 with Razor's Edge. You can still see its ugly organs sticking out here and there, but it's still fun to play.
>possibly a hack
>one decent game to his credit
gee I wonder
>they bandaged up the corpse that is 3 with Razor's Edge
Stop pushing this meme. It's the only version of it I played and it was absolutely fucking atrocious. I don't even want to think about how bad vanilla must have been.