Has France ever positively contributed to video games?
Has France ever positively contributed to video games?
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*callously mocks latest terrorist attack*
Yes. Ubisoft Montpellier
Yes. French accents.
Especially if the one speaking is a lady knight.
Arx Fatalis
Dark Messiah
Life is Strange
> Alone in the dark
> Rayman
> Northgard
Them going full coward in WW2 has made games set about that period more interesting.
So, I guess?
Benoît Sokal, that's about it.
Aye, EYE!
Act of War
Arx fatalis
Alone in the dark
Y a t'il des personnes qui parlent francais ici?
We got weeb games translated into another language than english in the middle of the 80'. Very badly but you gotta start somewhere.
Life is Strange.
I don't really get why americans treat the french so shitty. They have helped americans since the beginning of their nation.
Arkane Studios is french?
He said positively
Arkane studio
delete your thread now
Beyond good & evil
I work for a french vidya dev company and pretty much all our games are shit.
But I don't give a damn, we're having fun playing vidya/board/roleplaying games together and the company is stable enough to survive for now, but I wish it'd pay more...
Y'en a plein, mais à quoi bon se faire remarquer ? internet nous déteste en général.
Yes, but I don't really like their games that much.
The closest they've pandered to me is Dofus/Wakfu since I like tactical turn-based games, but the balance is grindy and unsatisfying.
Michel Ancel
Fuck off, rag head.
You're just mad because French girls are sexually open and they STILL don't want to hop in bed with you.
Heavy Rain
France has a huge retrogaming scene.
Dunno. But, as a Brit, I welcome them for seeing the French for what they really are.
I guess when even a country that owes the French as much as America do, still can't help but see them as cowards, that kinda says all that needs to be said.
this right here
there is no better place on the net to meet horny preteen girls
the only answer i ever got to that was because french refused to join the iraq war with the americans
>I work for a french vidya dev company and pretty much all our games are shit.
Amplitude Studios
Tell us your secrets, friend. I want to glander toute la journée aussi
according to Wikipedia they are based out of Lyons, France
Endless space/legend
thanks for making Ankama dudes, even if they've never created something really great.
Yeah, although they have a studio in burgerland that is making Prey
Yes, much more than those faggot freeloaders from Italy.
Je parlais des pauses et de l'ambiance en général, c'est loin de la glandouille sinon... en tant que programmeur en tout cas.
>still can't help but see them as cowards
Says the one who runs back to his island as soon as shit is getting real here
j/k I love you too
Putain mais tellement. Je bosse aussi dans une boite de jv ici, mais la cata complète. Les chefs de projet/game designer sont des débiles qu'on a pris juste parce qu'ils sortaient des "écoles supérieures" spécialisées en jeux video.
De la belle merde. Autant en gestion de projet (retards à la chaine), qu'en culture du jeu video.
Ah, comme toutes les boites de jeu vidéo donc. Je vais garder mon job de programmeur pourri mais bien payé ailleurs :(
France made a shitload of classic platformers and adventure games in the 80s and 90s.
I don't think I can get behind the idea of brits and french really liking each other.
Frenchies have made The Longest Journey, no?
Still among the best adventures ever.
tfw j'ai failli rentrer dans l'ENJMIN
Si j'avais réussi les exams j'aurais sans doute eu une vie de merde mal payée et avec un diplome qui vaut rien
Life is Strange was GOTY
>I don't really get why americans treat the french so shitty.
we don't
the american population has always rejected the iraq war and the buffoonery that entailed
the anti-french people were our government and the 10% of our population who think that our government can do nothing wrong. saying americans hate france when 89% of the population doesn't is silly.
Valiant Hearts was pretty great.
this user knows what's going on
Because French people despise Americans, so we hate them back.
Euro Dev Tier List
Czech Republic
everyone else
Y a des pays pour bosser dans le jeu video ou être indé... Mais clairement pas la france, mauvaise mentalité ici (malgré tout le bullshit "la France du Numérique", la branlette complète pour faire bander les ministères)
>Freedom fries
C'est pareil dans tous les milieux je pense, dommage que ton/tes chef de projet ne soient pas des personnes compétentes avec de l'expérience.
Yup, plus ou moins.
Après j'ai bossé à Cyanide avant, et c'était loin d'être l'éclate comme là où je suis aujourd'hui.
On peut pas retrouver l'ambiance "startup californienne" partout à partir du moment où y'a 3 couches de hiérarchie au dessus.
>Because French people despise Americans,
ever since DeGaulle they have. Americans would be cucks if they didn't return the favor after the acid DeGaulle spat at the USA.
fuck you
XIII. Or maybe that was Belgian, which still counts.
The time Mad Catz put a French flag on their logo
My bad then, thanks for clarification user.
This thread just got 10x more homosexual
> à partir du moment où y'a 3 couches de hiérarchie au dessus
Ah le bonheur du management à la française :')
Ubisoft was good before they started masturbating with Uplay. Beyond Good & Evil, and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, were both very good.
>The term came to prominence in 2003 when the then Republican Chairman of the Committee on House Administration, Bob Ney, renamed the menu item in three Congressional cafeterias in response to France's opposition to the proposed invasion of Iraq. Although originally supported with several restaurants changing their menus as well, the term fell out of use due to declining support for the Iraq War. Following Ney's resignation as Chairman in 2006, it was quietly reverted.
>three cafeterias
>in government buildings
>several restaurants
Holy shit, that must be like... 100 people? Maybe even a thousand?
Out a country that had 300 million people at the time?
Yeah, I pass in front of their building sometimes.
What has France contributed outside of SECAM, which was phased out many years ago.
Splinter Cell 1, 2 & 3.
You're not allowed to post in other languages here, buddy. It's actually against the rules.
Dofus/Wakfu and the porn that goes with it.
can't believe it took this much for it to come up
also, as a lower budget indie, there's also OFF
I might be the only one who played this game, but Little Big Adventure series were developed by French. And it was one of my fav game back in the 90s...
Vieux de la veille ici aussi bossé dans Le JV mais oui Le JV en France est un monde de mongoliens et d’alcoolique.
Projet de 15 millions foutu a poubelle grace a un patron complètement débile. Depuis 10 ans et la vague de fermeture de studio de merde comme phoenix et white bird que je touche plus a ce milieu d'attardés.
Out of the blue, does anyone knows if there's a nice arcade in Paris? Arcade Street seems to have closed.
Not French but Belgian : The Divinity series.
glorious RGB scart
toussaint. best expansion in the world.
Go to Lyon for the weekend and check game spirit. But yeah arcade street closed on october.
Arcade Street is kill yeah, so you have nothing but "La tête dans les nuages" which is pretty bad really. That's all we have left there.
good taste, frog
Most Americans I talk to don't hate the French at all. The "cowardly" French is a fucking meme, that's all. I personally love France and French women fuck like no other. I love me some Lisa del Sierra.
Did coin up legacy closed too ?
Ah man, that sucks. I'll keep Lyon in mind, thanks.
not a video game but they made the tabletop game "In Nomine Satanis," which was remade by Steve Jackson as just "In Nomine"
I've actually stolen the unique hit point system (corporeal/ethereal/celestial) and modified it for my own video game
I wish my woman was like that user. Cowardly is less a meme now than "french women fuck like no others" that was the biggest meme ever.
Check coin up legacy
>that kinda says all that needs to be said
that most americans are ungrateful mongoloids mostly due to their rotten anglo genes? l agree
C'est la merde même au UK. Je suis dans le JV là-bas depuis bientôt 10 ans (j'ai jamais travaillé en France), mais c'est plein d'attardés aussi.
Et encore on est les moins cons quand je compare avec nos collègues aux USA ou en Asie (incapable de faire en 45 h / semaine en étant à fond ce que l'on fait en 37,5 h en glandant la moitié du temps.)
>un topic fr sur /vee/
This. Valiant Hearts tore my heart out.
> You're not allowed to post in other languages here, buddy. It's actually against the rules.
Not the one you're replying to, but you are retarded if you are thinking there is a rule like that.
There's a tweet announcing a new machine at their place dating March 19, so it seems pretty alive. Their website is offline though. Thanks for telling me about it!
That might have been true a million years ago. Today only Sweden and Czech republic make any decent games with Germany a distant third.