Have you dared to try a no-fast travel run yet?

Have you dared to try a no-fast travel run yet?

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The wooden posts and the track are still there after more than 10000 years?

>What is rebuilding
It's clearly a different gate and style fence. I wouldn't think too hard about it

Fuck no, as fun as travelling is this game is too fucking big for that. That being said I don't fast travel a whole lot, just when I need to get to Akkala for them Ancient Arrows or Hateno to dye something or sleep in my comfy house.

Well, the layout is too similar. Even that shed thing is still there. The ranch owners really wanted to keep the tradition for several millennia.


The shed is clearly made 100 percent out of stone.

Yes, actually, and it's fine if you use fast flight.

I can imagine it being shit if you dont do fast flight though.

No, I have not dared to actively try to make the game boring and waste hours of my time.

My first run is a no fast travel run.

Still playing actually. Around 80 hours in, done the Divine Beasts, gonna bash Ganon soon

Again dude your autism is flailring way too much. Don't let small details like that bother you.

No, that sounds annoying as fuck

I'd be more open to slowly traversing the land if my JoyCons weren't such shit. Can't even keep a signal when a few feet away from the console what is this crap

No because rain exists so fuck that

All the effort put into that screenshot, and you used the TP outfit instead of the the OOT one.

What is fast flight? Is there a whole mechanic I didn't know about?

It might be an exploit but you can fly super fast if you use stasis and then jump off a boulder/log as it starts moving


this guy does it with daruk's protection but its possible to do without


it's clearly lon lon ranch


That's the only way I have ever played open world games, except Gothic, because there fast travel was just a bunch of in-world teleports obtained in the later part of the game, not a mechanic external to the game world (one that the character wouldn't know about and use consciously)

that seems more just taking advantage of physics than an exploit

I only use fast travel for bs quests or shit that makes you go back and forth. In a game like NV I don't wanna miss out on what could be between me and my destination

sometimes things get built and rebuilt the exact same way without any knowledge of its prior design

It's the devs who didn't think too hard about it. They intended that to be the ruins of Lon Lon Ranch.

>it's a lets make our own fun because we lack games episode

I only accept fast travel in a form of teleports that the character uses knowingly. I was disappoint in Morrowind and Skyrim when I learnt that silt striders/carriages teleport you to destination instead of having you ride them like in Skyrim's intro, and never used them again.

Bitch i didnt fast travel in xenoblade x, son.