Who is the best princess in gaming?
Who is the best princess in gaming?
Where do you live so I can kidnap you
The Anime World.
Far right.
Out of those? Clearly Midna
>tfw remember jacking off to Sigurd's art when I was 14
The art style reminds me of those flash games for girls
Minus the weird shit
So 2 years ago you cretin?
more like 8 years ago
Make Twilight Realm Great Again
Ughhh wheres the better version?
This princess of Nevarre.
is this bait? how is true midna Sup Forums?
Either way, I want Midna to reemerge again, it's shameful that HW is the best she'll get
jokes on you he already has the thunder helm, rubber armor, and HIGH LEVEL ELECTRO ELIXER
The joke is that he said far right.
The comment was because of the "far right" comment.
You said "far right", retard.
That's pretty stupid, how can you see politics in a simple waifu thread
I'm not that guy dumbass
She doth protest too much.
It's just a dumb joke. Politics have nothing to do with it.
You have to realise that you shouldn't be taking 90% of the posts here seriously.
Just tired of seeing people link there for no good reason, just their memes
That's fair enough. The best thing you can do is not respond when people link there though. It's just an easy way to get (You)s at the moment, which the shitposting Canadians have swarmed in on.
Better Midna
>making Midna shy
Nah. She is vulnerable only with emotional issues. Canon Midna is better than whatever moeblob you've conjured.
So we dumping midna now?
I'm unfamiliar with that term, it could mean one of two things, which is it?
It's a british term for large or huge. Usually when referring to someone's body parts. Fat stonkin' tits.