>CD Projekt owns the "Cyberpunk" trademark in the EU
>developer of the Witcher series trademarked the term Cyberpunk so it can't be used in other video games

Around poles never relax

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God dammit Sup Forums what will they do next ?

Cyberpunk was already trademarked for over 20 years by the owners of the pen & paper RPG, cdpr just shifted the trademark to themselves. Nothing to see here.

>rpg for mature audience

they trademarked it as a title for a video game in yurop

It doesn't prevent someone from making a cyberpunk game, or calling their game a cyberpunk game, you dipshit.
Just prevents people from naming their game "Cyberpunk 3077" or something like that.

it's not just video games
you literally cant use the word "cyberpunk" anywhere in a product without getting sued by cdprojewkt

>trademark the game
>game will be out in 2077

It is what said. CP2020 was/and to some extent is a tabletop RPG.

Yeah so that they can be the only ones to make Cyberpunk games. It doesn't stop things from being Cyberpunk in theme.

You are getting mad over 24 year old story, you know that?

>in the EU
Who cares?

Is that Aaron Paul?

"Use the new schway Cyberpunk Toothpaste or frag off!"

I can't really see anyone using "Cyberpunk" as a name for anything.

EU trademark sounds fucked up lel

Why would any Cyberpunk game/movie/book need to say Cyberpunk in a sentence? That be fucking stupid anyway. CDPR doesn't seem like a company to slam people for something as little as that.

Retards here have no idea how copyright and trademarking works.

The only thing that we can expect from this is Bio droneys getting antsy because they think Bioware won't be able to compete by crapping out some D-tier Cyberpunk RPG.

>[citation needed]

"Snatcher: A Cyberpunk Adventure"

>people get mad over it, yet no one get mad over trademarking Alien movies, you literally can't make movies with Alien in title.

>Recycling clickbaits from leddit
When have Sup Forums fall this far?

>They trademarked the word Cyberpunk
>People and companies will just sayk its a Cyber Punk game

Amazing why should i be outraged?
Is this coming from Witcher 3 shitposters again?


Nice lie dudes. There are dozens if not hundreds

Using the theme of the media as a subtitle is fucking stupid anyway. Again CDPR haven't proven themselves to be dicks about this kinda thing yet. I'm sure it will be okay.

>Around Poles, you'll pay the tolls
There, I did your job for you, cunt.

the OP image is fucking disgusting, you just know they are trying to shoehorn in niggers as much as possible, nigger probably has no clue about cyberpunk

What a terrible fucking name for a not-great-but-not-terrible movie.

Doesn't that just mean the game has bear titties and curse words

>trademarked the term Cyberpunk so it can't be used in other video games
not how trademark works

Alright, but this doesn't change the fact that Alien franchise is trademarked and in this case nothing stopping you from naming game "Aliens & Cyberpunk & Cowboys"



back to plebbit you go friend

>Its okay when CDPR does it!

why the fuck do people suck this companies dick so hard?

This is blatantly false user, it's not nice to spread misinformation on the internet.

Copyright law applies to the product category it's requested for. The copyright is requested for games called "Cyberpunk...." meaning that any suffix falls into the copyright.

However, Anons Cyberpunk Adventure would not fall into the copyright. It also only applies to videogames, so outside of that it's still free reign.

why is aaron paul on stage talking about this game?

nice bait

But I already have it opened in another tab. You can browse more than one site at a time my man.

I thought you were serious at first. Gave me a good chuckle

Wheres your proof?

that's not how trademarks work

That bartender game did it didn't they?

Valhalla: Cyberpunk bartending action was the subtitle?

it means its primary demographic isnt pubescent kids like:

Try making a movie called "Elder Scrolls"

>Aliens & Cyberpunk & Cowboys
Gotta name my game like that for shit and giggles

"A new cyberpunk thriller from the makers of[...]"
Or stuff like that on the back of the cover/in ads.

Also why is it possible to trademark a genre name anyway, that seems kind of retarded.

This is fuckep up, i'm legitimately upset

fucking greedy fucks
sound like a chinese company. i really hate this shit. fuck polacks.
so does it guarantee something. the copyright owner has changed, then the management of it also has changed, hasnt it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but...

While the theme of cyberpunk was around in movies like Bladerunner, didn't the table top rpg, "Cyberpunk 2020" coin the term cyberpunk?

No cyberpunk was coined in like the 60's by an author, and the general attitude and atmpsphere of the cyberpunk genre was created by william gibson

same. this is a totally fucked up shit. if you love/loved the genre even more.

Well, to be fair, I doubt most cyberpunk games use the term cyberpunk in them.
That's still pretty weird.

"A new cyber-punk themed game from the makers of..."

Problem solved. They would be idiots not to trademark "Cyberpunk"


Obviously if CDProjekt wants to publish Cyberpunk they are going to need permission from the rights holders, they probably just considered it more useful to buy the rights altogether.

I mean they themselves did it, they could have called their game something completely different if they wanted to. So why wouldn't someone else? Like Also this, if there's justice in the world the EU won't be around much longer. Still, this is fucking stupid.

How is it not open domain?

>so does it guarantee something. the copyright owner has changed, then the management of it also has changed, hasnt it.
Uh... Yes? They did the same with the witcher franchise

Its seriouslly laughable

Fuck all these DAMAGE CONTROLS without any evidence
Fuck Polacks and the greedy ass company
Seriously kill yourselves

This is unironically the only game I'm excited for. It reminds me of how excited I got for games when I was 12.

t. corporate shill

You guys can't be this stupid, right?

Every game gets trademarked. For one example 'Doom' is trademarked.

This is just to prevent people from naming their games like "Cyberpunk 2" for example and riding off CDPR's hype, however you can still use the word cyberpunk in your game name, if it's something like "Joe's cyberpunk adventure" and not "Cyberpunk ___"

The Elder Scrolls isn't a generic genre term now is it dipshit. Who knew I couldn't just make a game called Rambo.

no. it means that cdprojekt now owns cyberpunk. all of it. every book, game and product belonging to the cyberpunk genre is now their property

Alien is

a bunch of Poles doing damage controls

Are you fucking retarded?

Elder and Scrolls arent generic terms?

Kill yourself

>bear titties
Don't encourage the furries, user...

>greedy ass company
>the rights to "Cyberpunk" are already held by some irrelevant company from the 80s
>CDP just buys the rights from them
Yeah so greedy. You'd be retarded NOT to buy the rights, the rights holders would take you to fucking court.

Me too, also will buy new PC just for it.

>isn't a generic term
>no one uses scrolls any more
>therefore all scrolls are elder
They should never have been allowed to copyright it

Damn you're dumb as fuck, kek.

>dude "referring to some scrolls as old" isn't generic. literally would never happen in literature.

What are you on about? I'm saying they shouldn't be able to copyright the word Cyberpunk alone as it's a genre.

a bunch of retards spreading panic and disinformation

blame americans that allow this shit

This is wrong. They only trademarked it as a game title. You can still say cyberpunk.

I'm filing a DMCA on this post

Hence why nobody is getting sued for using alien in a fucking title you wankstain.

If you called your movie The Elder Scrolls, which just so happens to be a high fantasy setting, it would not be fucking generic no. Star Wars is generic by that logic because stars and wars, go ahead and use that name fucknut.

I'm sure bethesda will sue your ass for having a character say "these sure are some elder scrolls!". This entire thread is retards.

It's literally only video game titles you stupid shitposter

Yeah but then they CAN sue anyone else from now on. You are just shunning the most important point, you fucking corporate shill.

Fuck Polacks from the bottom of my heart. This shit really disguise me.

Hopefully Mike Pondsmith isn't as dumb as Witcher author who took some cash from CDPR instead % of profit because he thought this won't sell

>Hence why nobody is getting sued for using alien in a fucking title you wankstain.
And why nobody is going to be sued for using cyberpunk in a fucking title you moron.

I'm glad you're arguing with me about the position we agree about, thanks for not reading what I'm responding to chucklefuck

>Sup Forums too young/stupid to realize Cyberpunk is an existing IP and CDPR's game is a licensed game, just like The Witcher
Ask /tg/ about Cyberpunk sometime

I'd just ask if they showered this week instead.

Get some reading comprehension you absolute retard. You have no idea what you're even arguing for.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 going to be a third person shooter? Or will they be gay and be mostly cyber-melee?

This is very rich coming from you numbnut, having a hard time with the Hardy Boys are you?

Edit 6: Looks like the word Cyberpunk will not be usable in TILES of games, but could still be used as a descriptive term.So it will be a gray area depending on whenever the customer perceives the game as a Cyberpunk game or a cyberpunk game. Owning a word is still not cool but my title was an overreaction. It's not CDP fault, the system is broken.

i know this is reddit but still kek

Fuck Polacks and the fanboys

"Copyright" and "trademark" are two different things, but because some people are unable to tell them apart we have now dumb threads like this.

It's not like the Witcher books were worth anything.

How about you fuck off to your circlejerking contamination site?

lol at you polack fuckers still defending this garbage

>You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

How would you know if you didn't even read them?

That's kinda bullshit. I should be able to use the term cyberpunk in my game titles. This is as bad as when these cucks tried to sue pirates.

Why Are You Typing Like This?

But I did. Two of them at least.

trademarketing doesn't work like that you fucking mongrel.

Cyberpunk 2077 concept art