>Sup Forums is not a good place to gain social skills
What did they mean by this?
Sup Forums is not a good place to gain social skills
Other urls found in this thread:
I think he was pretty clear.
I haven't watched in a while. Is Ian dead?
The truth. for evidence of this, you
Hey buddy you got the wrong door, the eceleb board is two block down.
Pat's cool but the guy on the left is really obnoxious.
Yes as opposed to hiring prostitutes for your videos because you are 40yo and still not married is.
>there's no eceleb thread
Ahh, I see what you did there
WTF I hate Sup Forums now!?
so just like everyone on /v
No he's going to get better
He looks like he has to take a massive shit in each new ep
No,most of the guys here may be virgins and not retarded enough to hire dominatrix to pegg them and upload vidoes on youtube.
Also his book if anyone wants it,be warned its written in a 10yo style.
Definitely will die this year.
don't konck till you try it
Its not.
Sup Forums is the closest simulation of having a bunch of close friends you can talk about private shit with wothout having to worry about consequences. You get this without having to make any effort to get to know people.
It can thicken your skin somewhat, and as a hugbox goes its at least somewhat leaky, but in terms of meeting people in person, and going through the transition from associate to actual friend, we dont practice that on this site.
The only reason why Im social at all is that ive stubbornly maintained the social group i had in high school.
I like femdom but only in regards to facesitting. Which might as well be vanilla.
I wish we had an eceleb containment board.
yeah okay, pol taught me everything about the world, i don't even need to leave my house to know niggers will kill me, jews want to enslave me, and all fellow whites are allied as we are skin kin (as long as they have blue eyes, blond hair, and can supply full hereditary documentation)
>I voted for Trump
this whole last part about white kin and shit literally doesn't happen on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is not a good place to get pats on your back and get coddle for your insecurities
>jews want to enslave me
On that note
>late last night
>young brother makes post on facebook
>reading Mein Kampf
>in comments post something about jews in deutsch
>goes to uni
>comes back late
>searches for his post
>cant find it
>its deleted
>there is no notification about being deleted
>probably he want to some watch list somewhere
Thats a pasta newfag
I spent a full year on pol. Go start a thread about european heritage, you will get 100+ replies arguing whos the "true white"
only a moron would defend pol
we already do. its called
pasta? I just made that up, nu fag
They are just kids give them a break.
Pretty sure I have seen that multiple times.
>video games
>social skills
since im not into e-celebs i will ask the following
>literally who?
Because you're all bitter, joyless, jaded, argumentative, self-righteous fucks in the face of money and greed turning a hobby to shit, and mods no longer let us fucking go off-topic to pleasant subjects and find common ground as if we were chatting IRL.
Some guy trying to follow the coattails of AVGN by hopping onto the retro bandwagon and some guy who works at or used to work at a game store.
They just bitch about shit and the guy on the left is dying or something.
40yo man with no wife and kids who resells /vr/ games makes youtube videos.
>Even if find a user who likes the same things as you, you will never find out who that person is. You will never find out their hardships or how much they have lost. You will never meet up with them because for all you know they could on the other side of the planet. For all you know it could be the last time they post on the site before passing on. The only memories are in that brief thread that will 404.
>One day the site will disappear and everything from the shitposting, memes and honestly good discussion will fade away
>One day people might actually have to go outside and face reality
That's the true irony of the site.
To some people this is their only social experience.
probably because a lot of people realized they were wrong at certain points... their posts used to be tagged as "CTR!!!!!!"