What made Fallout 4 so bad?
What made Fallout 4 so bad?
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it's a bland shooter and the map feels more like a themepark than a wasteland
>hate newspapers
I started playing it last a few days ago and it's pretty fun so far. Wouldn't call it bad as OP said.
Soon as you get to the city everything looks like shit and your fps drops to 10 fps.
The writing, or lack thereof.
Too much focus on improving the gameplay, it needed more cutscenes and waifus.
Wow, that actually just clicked with me. It DID feel like a themepark! I mean, there were interesting locations like the bandit's robot racing circuit but you couldn't do anything there. You couldn't interact with anything beside shooting them.
They sacrificed atmosphere, interesting locations, a sense of adventure, and passable writing to pour resources into an ultimately pointless crafting (read: autism) simulator.
The expectation of the player to make content for themselves
Everything that Bethesda fanboys parrot about 3 and why they love it IS Fallout 4 leaving normal fans and non Bethesda fans with a shallow "RPG" with a brain dead story and settlements you can do nothing with,
hey thats pretty accurate
Pic related, Pete Hines was the main writer for Fallout 4, and he took the bulk of the credit for the whole "You can actually WALK AWAY mid-conversation!! XD" shit. In addition, he was the writer that called a fan a loser and a moron for questioning why a sealed vault had jet in it. He is absolutely the man at fault for reducing the lore even more, and why there is so little to read or learn in the Commonwealth. He's why the Railroad, BoS, and Institute have absolutely retarded structure and goals. He's cancer.
Voiced protagonist
Shallow unmemorable quests
Shit factions
Season pass is 50% paid mods
Otherwise an OK game
It was boring and dull as fuck.
It suffered not only from further streamlining of its core mechanics, but also suffered an identity crisis. It didn't know whether it wanted to be an FPS, an RPG, or a building SIM. None of which was done particularly well.
It's an "RPG" in the same way that jap games are "RPGs", i.e. not RPGs because if "path of events with little to no character input from the player and complete lack of or severely limited choices" is an RPG, then literally every game with a protagonist is an RPG.
People wanted an RPG.
Hines is PR, not the writer.
That honor goes to Mr. Emil "I can't write worth a damn" Pagliarulo
Judging by how similar FO4 was to FO3 in terms of story content, I'd say this guy has some serious fucking parental issues.
Did his parents abandon him as a kid or some shit?
My infant son was kidnapped 200 years ago. He must still be alive and also he must still be an infant.
Any build can do anything and stats don't matter.
My only complaint was the dialogue system and the whole wife and son bit, it kinda takes away from the rpg aspect when your character just moans about his wife even after you hook up with one of the followers. I don't mind the voiced character, but they could have had at least one or two more options for it.
They tried to go half and half with everything they did.
You are now Nora or Nate, you have a son, and you desperately want to find them. BUT, do whatever you want, become a raider or leader of the BOrailroad or what have you! You're tots free to do what you like or don't! Do crafting and building! Or don't, though you have to eventually.
They keep going back and forth on everything, you can see this in skyrim too. You can become the leader of every faction but you can't actually DO anything as the leader. In F4 it is the worst of both worlds of a linear RPG and an open world RPG where you are simultaneously free but limited and thus can't do anything to actually affect the world nor embody Nate or Nora or be your own person.
Then they had the balls to have that synth Far harbor character to question if we were synths because BETHESDA's lack of writing.
the game engine
the decision making
the plot twist
the janky town building mechanism
Are you saying there was a calendar that was marked inside the vault where the date of kidnapping is noted?
Game of the Year Edition when?
I want to finally pirate it and play for the full experience.
you leave the vault and the first thing you do is talk to your robot and he says it's been 200 years
>yfw they have zero obligation to listen to legitimate critique on their game because the retarded normies will buy up their shit anyway
It would be ridiculous to think the Vault computer didn't contain date/time records of system breaches and changes in life support systems. Of course they could have been wiped or corrupted
That's exactly what Emil says in vid
He pretty much just says "Ignore criticisms, they don't matter"
For me it was a lack of actual quests and too many faction fetch quests.
Gameplay was improved though.
But the combat's good!
This is exactly it.
I don't understand how FO4 managed to do the defined protagonist worse than FO3 when FO3 had a more rigid backstory.
story and side quests are shit. Other than that. It's a pretty good survival game, where one downside is the lack of extra possibilities that could have been added into the main game, like more ways to spend money and interesting things with settlements. I would have like having 5 deep settlements with deeper stories than what it is currently.
Anyone know when a GotY edition is coming out?
Do I have some sort of hidden tripcode that everyone sees but me? I never get replies.
Fallout 4 is not a RPG.
Look at the website, there is no mention of RPG.
Theme park or art exhibition. Low levels of interaction.
That's actually a really good analogy though.
its interesting that fallout 4 sold extremely well but then sort of fizzled out. skyrim on the other hand is still hugely popular
People realised it's shit.
Basically this They expect their community to do the work for them
What butthurt motherfucker made this garbage? FO4 did not murder your children.
>implying Fallout 4 is bad
I don't think you have even bought this game user, so, why don't you buy it first, play the 400 hours of content and only thn start a thread about the game? And if buy the game, you should also buy The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition at the same, another great game of hundreds of hours of content!
Good game, bad fallout
do some research, Pete takes care of publix relations and marketing which they blew out of the park
-Nothing you do has any impact at all.
-Everybody (almost) is essential, meaning rampages are meaningless
-Forced 'muh son' story
-Way to serious for a fallout game
-Conversations dull and repetitive
-1, maybe 2 cool characters, the rest are instantly forgettable
-'weapon customization', but you have only a handful of weapons to actually customize
-Hardcore mode isn't difficult, just tedious
-base building is dull and repetitive, which would be fine if it was optional, but it isn't
-Gathering/crafting is dull and repetitive, which would be fine it was optional, but it isn't
-The main hub city is small and lifeless
-The other locations are visually consistent, but lack any kind of interactivity (someone mentioned this already I think)
-certain perks are gamebreakingly good, while others are objectively useless
Anything I missed?
my birthday gift I think
All I wanted to do was bet on some races :(
A world that looks interesting, but you can't actually do anything in it, other than shoot more raiders.
Bethesda clearly spent more money on advertising and hyping than game than on the actual development.
Voicing the main character was a stupid thing to do and murdered off dialogue options.
The gameplay was a cheap attempt at replicating recent farcry games.
The main story was insanely shitty and was filled with bad retcons and plot holes.
The never ending cookie cutter quest were just down right awful and you are constantly bombarded by them.
The game was horribly, horribly optimised and would run like absolute shit even on a $1500 rig despite the fact that the graphics and visuals looked dated .
Once again Bethesda put zero effort into trying to rid the game of all the bugs and glitches.
The season pass doubled in price and even after some people had already spent $25 on it their passes were invalidated unless the paid the extra $25.
All of the guns were just some lousy variation of the same 5 fucking guns.
All the armors looked like total ass.
Power cores are fucking stupid.
A handful of new songs were added to the radio, the rest were reused from the last game.
So many homo characters, almost everyone is a faggot.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L was totally ruined and turned into some awful perk tree garbage to pander to retarded casual players.
The game actually was skyrim with guns.
All of the factions are fucking moronic and make no sense especially the railroad.
The railroad.
Horrid writing and dialogue.
Almost all traces of rpg gameplay were dropped.
Crafting and building felt unfinished.
that burger looks like a total fucking mess
I'm not reading that. That whole block of text just looks atrocious. Fucking sort yourself out.
>People don't respons to a question which answer is a Google away
Yeah I'm sure you have an invisible special snowflake trip.
It's not a block on my screen
It's spaced out to fuck, what are we reddit?
Why does it matter? It's a list I read it fine.
Shooting First
Fallout Second
What made Fallout 4 so good: exploring the commonwealth, doing what what you want.
What made Fallout 4 so bad: Lame side quests, lame dialogue system, a lot of lame characters.
I know this is a meme, but I legit didn't even know there was a burger anywhere in that image till I went back and checked.
FO4 wasn't a bad game, it was just a bad Fallout. Bethesda should do the honorable thing and give the license to Obsidian. Bethesda isn't good enough to make a Fallout game.
Bethesda will be honorable the day CD Projekt buy them. But seriously, don't expect that to happen.
>doing what you want.
Like what? What did f4 give people that other games don't?
Building and shooting and looting are literally what every shooter does now.
So what is this "what you want to do" that you speak of?
Witcher has less roleplaying than Fallout 4, get fucked.
Do you not know the definition of a role playing game?
Crafting system was stupid
Story sucked ass
Basically only 4 enemies in the whole game
Base building was tedious
Writing was abysmal
Fallout 4 is a pretty decent game tbqh
>you can play as exactly one character with predefined backstory and personality in Bitcher
Now I am just waiting for
>but muh stats are the roleplaying
Point and shooty is way better mechanically but all the guns are worse than New Vegas (and still hitscan without mods), so despite being technically better combat is still underwhelming.
Perk progression is garbage. I'm not saying that Skills were perfect before but by God who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make every weapon a comparative pea shooter without perks? Unless you're willing to invest 8 levels in damage %+ perks, you're limited to one firing type for your entire inventory.
This guy gets it.
>Unless you're willing to invest 8 levels in damage %+ perks, you're limited to one firing type for your entire inventory.
That isnt true. I always carry several type of weapon for different situations. You literally only need gunnut perk to have competitive damage
>you can play as exactly one character with predefined backstory and personality in Toddout 4
This user understands
>"Fallout" 4 being shit somehow makes Witcher not shit
And you can play as two character in F4, which makes it better than the Witcher already.
It's not bad, but just more mediocre. It lacks the charm the other 2 Bethesda games had.
I honestly dont get why people hate fallout 4 except for the main story and some unstable frame rates here and there
There's a decent chunk of fun side quest, the world map is superb, the crafting is interesting and well done, the combat is by far the best combat. I think people who jerkoff newvegas this hard havent played new vegas in a loooong time. Replay it with no mods, it's serviceable at best
Here, I just made your atrocious fucking post just a bit more tolerable.
>Bethesda clearly spent more money on advertising and hyping than game than on the actual development.
>Voicing the main character was a stupid thing to do and murdered off dialogue options.
>-The gameplay was a cheap attempt at replicating recent farcry games.
>-The main story was insanely shitty and was filled with bad retcons and plot holes.
>-The never ending cookie cutter quest were just down right awful and you are constantly bombarded by them.
>-The game was horribly, horribly optimised and would run like absolute shit even on a $1500 rig despite the fact that the graphics and visuals looked dated .
>Once again Bethesda put zero effort into trying to rid the game of all the bugs and glitches.
>The season pass doubled in price, and even after some people had already spent $25 on it their passes were invalidated unless they paid the extra $25.
>-All of the guns were just some lousy variation of the same 5 fucking guns.
>-All the armors looked like total ass.
>-Power cores are fucking stupid.
>-A handful of new songs were added to the radio, the rest were reused from the last game.
>-So many homo characters, almost everyone is a faggot.
>-S.P.E.C.I.A.L was totally ruined and turned into some awful perk tree garbage to pander to retarded casual players.
>-The game actually was skyrim with guns.
>-All of the factions are fucking moronic and make no sense especially the railroad.
>-The railroad.
>-Horrid writing and dialogue.
>-Almost all traces of rpg gameplay were dropped.
>-Crafting and building felt unfinished.
Nate and Nora aren't even characters. They're just PCs.
>the combat is by far the best combat
Not when you have to fight 500 raiders and 200 super mutants on your way to a quest location. Shit gets dull really fast.
It wasn't really bad to me just meh. It didn't really do anything intresting or new.
That makes Witcher look even worse. At least in "Fallout" 4 I am not forced to play some faggot I hate.
>Not when you have to fight 500 raiders and 200 super mutants on your way to a quest location. Shit gets dull really fast.
it doesnt happen though. If anything there's not enough enemies in the world. ive actually played the game unlike half the posters here so youre gonna have to step up your shitpost
Game has no soul or passion behind it
Just feels like a recycled FO3
I'm very critical of BGS games because I like them a lot and I want them to improve. That means I'll point out what's terrible about the game, but also what's good. What Fallout 4 gave that other games(or at least non BGS games) don't;
1. A game world made by Bethesda Game Studios, which is crafted a very very specific way: there's something in the end of every alley, past every hill, or in the distance, and the enviroment looks good. That map has points of interest a few minutes away from each other, in every possible direction. Those things together make BGS games some of the only games where you can have fun just exploring the map for a ridiculous amount of time. Zelda took a stab at this now with Breath of the Wild, and Witcher 3 changed it a bit, but I think Cyberpunk 2077 might be closer to the TES formula, while still maintaining the journey of traveling while doing quests.
2. Almost every single item in the world has a purpose.
3. #1 + the ability to make your own character, and the choice to play in first person perspective or third person perspective is something every game should do.
4. A game of that scope + full mod support.
because role playing means multiple dialogue choices resulting in the same response from the NPC. But in all seriousness, the witcher doesn't try to let you be someone other than Geralt. When you look at the quests, Witcher 3 has a lot more role playing because you might get a "No" option in Fallout 4 but you can usually only be a good person.
Pretty much this. I played and enjoyed it. It was alright. Hated every single one of the characters, though, and the story was best ignored.
A medical clipboard found in a shed has a purpose?
This. Too much focus on crafting and building shelters when they served no purpose.
the entire crafting system is based around finding seemingly useless things and 'using them' for their materials for crafting other, more useful shit.
Medical clipboard would provide 1 unit of plastic and steel for example
In normal mode, you just collect every single piece of junk you find, but in hardcore mode you have to be selective about what stuff you pick up.
Still a tedious system though, finding out you're like 1 screw short of building your ultimate weapon and you have to go out and find out which piece of junk has a screw in it.
I mean that's better than 3 and NV where was was lots of worthless junk.
the useless junk in F3 was mostly for the rock-it launcher
now find me actually useless shit in new vegas. pretty much all the items off the top of my head are useful for something, like some obscure build or craft you didn't realize exists
I've found clipboards and glasses with no use as far as I know.
>-The main story was insanely shitty and was filled with bad retcons and plot holes.
>-The never ending cookie cutter quest were just down right awful and you are constantly bombarded by them.
I assume you refer to the settlement quests. Not true, we are not at all '' bombarded '' by them. At most you have 2 at the same time and it's because you wanted to have them. Those quest are a great way to make the player explore the map and find other stuff. you also get new bases as a reward. I liked it
>-The game was horribly, horribly optimised and would run like absolute shit even on a $1500 rig despite the fact that the graphics and visuals looked dated .
>Once again Bethesda put zero effort into trying to rid the game of all the bugs and glitches.
My game crash 6 times in 500 hours.
>-All of the guns were just some lousy variation of the same 5 fucking guns.
Not true. most guns have a purpose, weaknesses and strength.
>-All the armors looked like total ass.
Kind of
>-Power cores are fucking stupid.
You mean fusion core ? Why are they stupid ?
>-A handful of new songs were added to the radio, the rest were reused from the last game.
Who cares
>-So many homo characters, almost everyone is a faggot.
>-S.P.E.C.I.A.L was totally ruined and turned into some awful perk tree garbage to pander to retarded casual players.
Special was casual in Fo3 and NV too.
>-All of the factions are fucking moronic and make no sense especially the railroad.
Thats like your opinion man
>-Horrid writing and dialogue.
I thought it was serviceable except the main story
>-Almost all traces of rpg gameplay were dropped.
Im sad the traits are gone too Ive no idea why they would do that espcially since it was optional. I think the build you can do in FO4 are fairly interesting.
The special and the perks have fusionned in Fo4 I personally like it
avoidable, I liked it and tons of others like it too.
>-Crafting and building felt unfinished.
clipboards are used with the book chute (granted that's DLC, but all modern AAA (((games))) are made with DLC in mind)
depending on which glass you are talking about, they are used in basic crafting or in some special recipes, or in some specific interactions
Oh, I see. You're doing this on purpose.
Clipboards can be used in Old World Blues if I remember right but glasses? I mean coffee cups sure but that's bout it.
>is crafted a very very specific way: there's something in the end of every alley, past every hill, or in the distance, and the environment looks good. That map has points of interest a few minutes away from each other, in every possible direction. Those things together make BGS games some of the only games where you can have fun just exploring the map for a ridiculous amount of time.
Then the debate is "Sightseeing vs Worldbuilding"
See, you like that beth games are dense but the problem is beth has little care or reason for the things that are placed. There is no logic to these maps and part of the problem is the density itself stuck onto the large map size. They don't have time to make these large maps logical and so things just get arbitrarily placed and the locations feel like there isn't much to them.
Then you loot what little the place has to offer and then it becomes even more bare bones.
I never felt like I was ever in the world and the world had very little to offer me back except literal junk.
Both of Bethesda's f4 story DLC is proof that they can do better (though still subpar) when they have a smaller space to work with and can invest time and energy into actual world-building, ie: the major draw of the franchise.
I mostly agree, but I personally thought it was quite a nice addition to have a voiced character. It finally gave them, forgive my pun, character. Other than that, F4 was quite a let down from NV
coffee cups are useful too, or did you mean something useless? the various other cups and glasses are useful too, like making specific drinks or soda recipes
I did just check and shot glasses aren't used for anything in new vegas, that's the only example I can think of. but I'm halfway suspecting that the wiki is wrong because I do remember specifically collecting shotglasses for some reason in one playthrough