Will Splatoon 2 outsell Overwatch?

Will Splatoon 2 outsell Overwatch?

Not even close.

t. someone who doesn't care about either of those games.

Obviously not

I think it could prolly outsell the first though

no, splatoon 1 barely sold at all and if the /vg/ thread is to be believed, there is no one playing splatoon either.
it would be lucky for them to even make back half the costs of making splatoon2

No, but it'll still be a much better game

Highly highly unlikely, but it'll be relatively big for a Nintendo release and sell largely in Japan, which is what they care about most.

No way it hell, but it will sell well and probably be a system seller for a lot of people.


Overwatch sold 3 times more than the Nintendo Switch. i doubt it

Since this game is the envoy of Nintendo doing paid online for the first time ever, this will either be seen as a more valuable product and there will be increased sales and following, or a complete joke.

2 million

I will eat a bag of crows and dicks if it sells 20k

What has Overwatch sold, anyways? We don't get sales numbers anymore. Just users and shit.

No. Because it's a Switch exclusive. I'm saying this as a massive Splatoon fan.

Never played the first one. Is the game fun enough to play to distract from the lolli looking cast of characters?

is this a LOL thread?


You really like dicks don't you?

Better get your bag of crows and dicks ready, because everyone said the same thing about the first game and it ended up selling twice as many copies as Bloodborne.

>no, splatoon 1 barely sold at all
4.5M copies IIRC, not that bad for the Wii U

Someone post the damn collage.


This is Judd, the judge of each match, and his new younger brother, also named Judd. Say something nice to them!

the Switch has barely sold as much as Splatoon 1

Yeah, it's a lot of fun actually.

Why make that comparison? Why can't we enjoy both?

Who cares if one outsells the other?

never talk to judd or his judd again


there is no feasible way a really good exclusive will outsell a really good mulitplat

but nintendo games sell well because there's such a little selection of games

>splatoon 1 barely sold at all
yeah nearly 5 mill is terrible isn't it

i'm trying to make a serious discussion about this
fact of the matter, a game that can be played on most platforms and doesn't require you to buy a new device will sell better

Because they're both shooters with a cartoon aesthetic so they must FIGHT TO THE DEATH YOU CAN ONLY ENJOY ONE

Whoever sells the most wins, unless the one I prefer sells less in which case the highest metascore wins, unless the one I prefer has a lower score in which case reviewers are paid shills and whoever has the higher user rating is the winner, unless the one I prefer has a lower rating in which case I'll post a list of minor flaws about the game with the higher rating and say that everyone is overrating it whilst false flagging as a fan of the game pretending that it's not fair.

I'm not joking or anything

nintendo games sell really well because on that platform there's a way smaller selection of games

It would be awesome if it did. Fuck Overwatch.

nah splatoon 2 will definitely sell 25 million copies

I think it's more the fact that people buy Nintendo systems for Nintendo games.

I feel like if there was a larger selection of non-Nintendo games on Nintendo consoles, they'd still sell just as well, whereas if they released Nintendo games on other consoles, they wouldn't do as well because there would be less people buying those consoles for the Nintendo games.

>people are still shitposting about Splatoon sales numbers two years and a sequel later

Lawd have mercy

i know, right?
i wonder how crow and dick tastes

definitely a combination of factors but if your option is basically zelda, mario and splatoon, then those are the games that will sell well

It already did.

Splatoon sold 5 million.
Overwatch sold 2.9 mill.

>inbb4 retards falling for the oldest trick in the jew book " we have over 25 million "players*"

Oh yeah it's obviously a mix of both, but I don't think there's many people buying a switch, wondering what to buy and then deciding on a Nintendo game because there isn't much choice, they're buying it for one of those games in the first place.

Unless I'm just completely out of touch with how un-informed the average customer is nowadays and they're just buying "the new console" without knowing what they can get for it, but I think those types of people aren't usually the ones jumping into a system at launch.

No, splatoon 2 is only on a single platform while overwatch is on multiple. I'm sure it will sell more than the first one, though probably not right away since it's still early in the system's life.


Really? People keep insisting that Overwatch is a 'phenomenon.' Is it really not true?

I figure that if consumers were informed and looking for these games then the Wii U wouldn't have tanked, you know, switch is mostly getting Wii U ports, people would already own a Wii U if they were looking for these games
that just supports my point

How does it make sense to expect a Switch exclusive to outsell a multiplat available on 3 platforms?

it has lost players faster than totalbiscuit lost his hair.

It takes ages to find a match on PS4, and make no mistake, overwatch is bigger on consoles than on PC.

The game is a joke. There is no balance, and no content to warrant a 60 dollar price.
It has like what? 6 maps?

Even worse is that its a full retail priced game, but they STILL have the audacity to jew people with lootcrates

Overwatch has "25 million players*" in the same way that Final fantasy 14 has "over 5 million players*" which is to say, it doesnt. They're just spinning words.

The fact that they never released official sales just proves it.

in japan, yes

i agree that it has FAR less than 25 million players
but the rest of what you say is pure falsehood

I suspected as much. It really did seem like the only people hyping it up were only doing it to promote the game.

In particular, I noticed the whole 'Tracer is a lesbian' thing sort of fell flat on it's face when Blizzard was clearly expecting it to be a big deal.

It sold about 3M on ps4 alone.
I can't find anything on pc sales but as a multiple and on platforms with a much higher number of owners compared to the Wii U its pretty low by comparison.

Why not? Nintendo games in general sell extremely well. MK Wii sold 36 million, Mario Wii sold 30 million. Splatoon has potential to become huge. It'll be the first time a lot of people experience Splatoon so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

It's a big normalfag game with the backing of blizzard shit eaters so I'm sure it's sold at least 12 million. user's just shitposting.

>Sonys best selling ps4 games are two ps3 ports and Minecraft they published

Jesus fuck.

If it was as big as a deal as he's saying it was... shouldn't we STILL be getting constant threads?

Splatoon was relevant for months after release, but Overwatch lost all relevancy pretty quickly.

When you have to pander to sjw you already know the game is failing. just look at yooka lala

Prove it. Oh wait, you cant. Not even him, but what he said is factually correct.
The game has a pathetic amount of maps, even less than splatoon.

>12 million

lamo in your dreams.

It probably didnt even sell 6 million.
If it did, Jewzard wouldve made a big post about it, like with diablo 3

Yeah, this is one of the big reasons why people are starting to question Sony's claims that PS4 sales are outpacing PS2 sales.

Because it isnt. The game is pretty much dead with only a hardcore fanbase remaining.
The gameplay is dogshit.

No joke, the skillcap is lower than fucking splatoon. a kids game where you spray ink on the floor.

The game literally devolves into "press your i win button so you can feel good about your inadequate skill"

PS4s selling better than PS2 and PS4 software sales selling worse could both be happening. Especially since there's a lot of post launch monetization so publishers are looking at each user for more than the initial $60 purchase.