What games give you a sense of loneliness?

What games give you a sense of loneliness?

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real life

Metroid Prime

I was thinking Fragile Dreams and then I realized what your pic was. That game oozed atmosphere. It's a shame that the actual gameplay was so shit.

>gameplay was so shit.
It was mediocre at best


Came here to post this

My biggest gripe was that you had no indication of when your weapon would break, so you always had to carry a back up when inventory space was already small enough otherwise.


Persona whenever it reminds me I have no friends

>Fragile Dreams

Shit, I remember playing that game as a kid and loving it but it was so depressing.

>you had no indication of when your weapon would break
I bet you like regenerative health too

GTA3 and San Andreas.

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

No, I just don't like having to fight enemies by doing 1 damage per hit.


Pretty much any metroid game except Fusion though it does at times.



Twilight Princess at night

That whole game was barren and boring, Felt like a tech demo

Zelda Breath of the Wild. It feels like a lonely journey through a world destroyed and abandoned 100 years ago. The small pockets of 'happiness' in that world only make the feeling worse.

thank you nintendo marketer but i won't buy your trash until you fix the switch

Wii seemed like it had a bunch of hit or miss JRPGs and I miss seeing the volume.

I haven't played this yet (waiting on a sale) but from what I've seen it looks like it could be

Emulate it using cemu

I'm playing it on the Wii U, actually, because I think the Switch is shit and has no games. But whatever, man.

>implying anyone bought the wii u

user please

sonic 1, specifically spring yard zone.
something about it just seems off and I always rush through those levels.


It's kind of like rip van winkle in its premise, and the game's atmosphere feels quiet and subdued.

Star Light Zone always did it for me

MGS5 because there was a big heaping spoon of fuck all to do in that huge desert

Dragon's Dogma with no pawns



play this at 2x speed, and it's what it should have sounded like


mah nigga

Every single open world game after you've completed all the main missions

Sunless Sea. It was fun to explore the zea with my nakamas at first but it felt pretty lonely when I ate them on my way back.

>have a wii u with mario cart and hyrule warriors
>only play these games and the console fades into darkness in my shelf over the years
>see BotW coming out
>hmm I wonder
>Hack exploit for Wii U availiable fuck yes
>now have more games on my wii u than my other consoles combined

The Wii U has a pretty good library, albeit a small one, and I'm a PC man foremost.

God bless hackers.


Thanks for reminding me that this was in my backlog.
I used to see it get posted on Sup Forums a lot back when we had threads for depressing and/or atmospheric games.
I've listened to the intro song so many times but never got around to playing it.


Myst for sure.


Make it a collectathon and it gets x100 worse.

any mmo now
>made for thousands of players
>be alone most of the time
>all that stuff that you cant do just because you cant find other players
rip mmos

Elite: Dangerous.
Mass Effect 1 during planet exploration.
Dark Souls.




Why are telephone e poles with transformers on them so prevalent in Japanese media?

GTA San Andreas

Because that's what their country looks like

Armored Core

But user, theres an outpost in that desert with a meme 80s song and some processed materials :)

Phantom Dust

in fact, the song played at the end is titled "yes I'm lonely"

Shadowgate 64. Despite there being a few NPCs around, the majority of characters you interact with are dead spirits and the areas you explore and traverse are all abandoned. That you can read books and notes in the game that makes it clear these places used to be populated adds to that feeling of loneliness.

And the music. Oh, the music.

World of Warcraft

why was 1 so much better than 2?

I feel like part of the reason is that two forced some lame zelda-like shit with having to go grab a gadget and run to another corner of the map and use it

games that start linear never turn out well when their sequels give into the open world meme

Every open world RPG

The loneliness is somewhat relaxing to me.

It's common courtesy to post the name of the game. Don't just post a screenshot.

its zenoclash

Telephone poles give off an urbanized feel to things, and there's nothing eerier than impossibly lonely/empty urban areas.

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl


much obliged.



I had a couple of big issues with the second game.

The first game was small arenas with multiple fast relentless fucks trying to kill you while at the same time trying to keep control over the weapons on the map such as the guns. The second game was too open with too much dodge room, slower enemies, barely any weapon control. slower juggling combat. It just wasn't as satisfying.

My second major issue is all the character was just gone from the game. They kept the art style but the characters themselves all started to talk normal and lost a lot of their charm. I can kind of understand it because they became more civilized but fuck it. It just didn't sit right with me. Deadra was waifu tier with a cute way with words. Then she became a well spoken bitch in the sequel.

I didn't play too far into the second game, I simply just didn't stick around long with it. I don't mind when games try new shit with sequels but it just seemed like bad decisions all around with that one.

Hyper Light Drifter and The Witness / Braid.

I think I remember tokyo jungle giving my lonely vibes sometimes


>From the dust I can form real objects from my imagination. I think of fire; it appears. I think of grass; it appears, formed somehow from the dust.
>But... what the hell use is that? I'm the only soul left on the planet

SOMA hits a kind of existential horror that few games manage.

One lonely experience that has stuck out to me is messing around in Garry's Mod maps, alone.

Oh yeah SOMA's a good one
They did that really well, even with a supporting character "with" you a large amount of the time

Mega Man X Command Mission. The ending, specially the credits theme.


There are no traditional vidya enemies on the map only you and your horse wandering around the forbidden lands

Metroid Prime is comfy AF tho

At this point I think if you literally just mention a keyword to Marty he'll create the perfect soundtrack to encapsulate it

>driving around in the barren remains of the united states, animal skeletons laying in fields, sounds of crickets at night, nothing else

You smell tantalisingly new, delicious friend.

Games that really nail the deep/lonely atmosphere for me:

Shadow Tower
Myst and Riven
Most of Silent Hill 2
Cryostasis was atmospheric as fuck, but that game is broken as shit
Yume Nikki
Scratches & Dark Fall

It's really hard to find games with that cthonic feeling to them.

>Gunshot echoes through large maps


This is why i can't play Gmod in single player. No matter how many anime grills and meme ragdolls i put in a map shit alway gets lonely.


And by extension, Riven. Obduction is pretty good, too.

This game was fucking dreadful. I loved it.

Even though Super Metroid is still my favorite of the franchise. I gotta give credit to Metroid Prime for taking the franchise 3D but still maintaining the same feeling of the 2D games. I love how they didn't add too much story or any spoken dialogue. Literally perfect. The moment ZeroSuit Samus happened is when the franchise strayed away from what it was into generic anime trash.

As for other lonliness titles... HalfLife series always seemed a bit emotionally cold and lonely, yet the games were refined.. kinda like a video game if it were made by Christopher Nolan.

Good tastes, OP

Everything from the memories of dead people you pick up, to the atmosphere, and to the fact all the friends die or leave you in order to pass on made for a very lonely and feelsy type game.

I didn't even mind the combat.

the first Dark Souls is great at making you feel lonely

Silent Hill
Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Alan Wake
Deadly Premonition

>Shadowgate 64: IF IT'S GREEN YOU DIE

Game was still vaguely amusing.
Especially the 30 seconds of BLOM NOM NHHHH capped with HEH-HEH HEEEEH

Who's the long-necked Jew?

Was destiny's keyword money?
