Story of Seasons / Harvest Moon

There was no Trio of Towns thread, so I made one.

Lets talk about farming.

Other urls found in this thread:

>found out about the adzuki beans too late

Waiting for those to fucking grow. It's the only thing I've got planted.

isnt this a general i mean you dont even bother using a new image for the threads


Does brown, alpaca, and llama wool matter outside of fashion stuff? I know that plain wool and cotton is needed.

Also any reason to raise poultry besides the regular chicken?

One of the Lulukoko town ranks requires Alpaca wool. Besides that I can't of any other reasons that aren't fashion related.

There's a really easy recipe called Three fried eggs that requires one of each type of egg for a speed boost and discount bonus.
Having all three chickens maxed out means that you can essentially always have those two buffs on you.

Chickens are pretty easy to care for and the eggs sell for decent money, so there's no real reason not to.

I have a great need to touch the fluffy tail.

We all do

speak for yourself, I ain't no furry


>don't want to use guides
>have no idea what I should keep and what I should sell
>just unlocked farm circles
>all these empty spaces on my land just crying for fields to be placed on them
>can barely deal with the fields I have now
>somehow still have no money
aaaaaaaaa why must I suck at games I like the concept of so much

To be fair you really should use something like a guide for this one to avoid headaches later.
Not for minmaxing purposes, but just so you know what to grow and hold onto for later.

My quest for softshelled turtles continues

>Finally, a list of objects Dessie gives you for her offerings.
Is that just giving her a present like anyone else or is an offering something different?

>found the answer by just reading a little more
christ, I should really start to read things completely before asking questions

Between the Black Lumber you get from her offerings, and the Black Stones you get for breaking the big black rocks that show up on the second/third field, you can actually get the textile mill before they start selling either of those things in the store and without breaking up the regular black rocks (and fuck chopping up black branches. or acquiring them.)

What words would you use to describe this man?

Best and Boy

>waiting for marriage events trigger in RF4

I'm getting tempted to just reset for it, but that feels like cheating.

Just do it. It isn't worth dealing with the RNG for both marriage and act 3.

Kind of dull





The RNG is one of the big things that stops RF4 from being perfect.
The SoS/HM games did it right by having set times for events.

At least when RF5 comes out we can hope they learned that it was a bad idea.

Its especially annoying cause the fucking bulletin board was a perfectly fine system and was kind of kept via best mailbox, but nah lets just make all events RNG, thats so much better

Something makes me think that the RNG is a result of being rushed to put this game out before the troubles really happened.

Instead of coding in specific dates they just threw them all into the pot and let RNG deal with it.
It honestly wouldn't be such a problem if the more important events were prioritized or could be influenced in any way.

Is there anything better than farming and waifuing? It's such a deadly combo.

Thats possible, but i could also see them wanting to try it to make the town feel more "alive" i mean there was quite a few events even outside of the marriage events, ontop of the very lengthy number of daily lines, it does kind of stretch the game out. he being held aloft by nothing but his dick?

Don't underestimate Wayne


That is a good point.

Should I emulate Tides or Frontier?

tides is trash

Frontier with the max runey cheat. Tides can come later.

Tides is a shit RF game from what I hear. People say the waifus are top-tier though.

Tides isn't trash. It just doesn't play like you'd expect it to.
Tides is an average ARPG with some barebones farming.

how can i enjoy games like these? i only played every farming game i bought for a couple of hours and starts to get bored.

These games are about relaxing and the feeling of progression as you build a proper farm from nothing.

Much like Animal Crossing it isn't for everyone.

Where did I call it trash? It's shit a RF game from the gameplay I've seen. I'm sure it's fun though.

Maybe they're not for you, user. For example, people who enjoyed the tycoon games of the past can find fun in these.

>be in mid-summer with like 17000 gold
>don't really feel like doing part-time jobs anymore

what's the best way of making money by this point

I have all these tomatoes that I don't know what to do with

Hot but dull

Sell pudding.
Sell gems you don't need.
Sell excess animal byproducts.

You are making mass omelettes, right user?

who the fuck doesn't work on Thursdays

who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make all your progress revolve around this asshole

why don't I have two hot childhood friend twins


Will I profit blowing all of my money on milk (then waiting for butter) + eggs or no?

redpill me on pudding, where do I get it?

>who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make all your progress revolve around this asshole
What other reason would you go to Lulukoko for?
The shops close midday and they don't even carry animals or fertilizer.
If the seaside cafe wasn't a cheap way of restoring stamina then Lulukoko would only be useful for Ludus and fruits.

save some milk for the rank ups and the dairy machine

I know that you have to go to Westown for mining, but what's the purpose of Tsuyukusa?

>what's the purpose of Tsuyukusa?
Good shops, hairstylist, some animals, okay clothes, Inari



>have to feed foxes to touch fluffy tail

It's always something with these games




>what's the purpose of Tsuyukusa?
To have all the best girls as well as to make you really mad when you want to fish turtles from the river.

>doing a home remodel while your baby is still inside


>implying your baby wasn't doing the interior

>trying to decide between Iluka or Komari
>realize she's had an implied accent this whole

i dunno anymore man

You mean you weren't imagining a hick accent from her the whole time?

sounds karen-approved

>marry anyone but Lisette
>force them into a western home, eat western meals, and accept western ideals

I just hate the thought of deciding between three small barns or a massively huge three animals barn

Not him, but I imagine Komari as Sawashiro because of a certain short haired tomboy she plays.

Space becomes a non issue eventually. I've got 4 large barns in my southern field with room to spare.

How long does it take you to take care of all your animals?
Does at some point it no longer matter if you pet them/brush them daily?

All my tools are sped up, so not long at all.
I've got one of each animal and I finish all of my chores by 12:00 -13::00 even though I've got other fields and the cellar to manage.

You gotta pet/brush often to help keep stress down if you don't let them outside. I think they also get dirty without brushing, but I haven't let that happen to mine.



>trying to cook stacks of food
>crops are all huge so it takes extra time converting my stacks of crops to stacks of food

I can bring my watering can to max efficiency right now, but I'm not sure whether or not I should save the materials. Is it worth it?

>Brad actually danced with Carrie for once in the Pizza festival
I swear couples never seem to want to dance together in these sorts of events

I say go for it. I mean you do use that tool everyday. Those few seconds of animation it shaves off is going to add up.

>dance with Carrie at pizza festival
>Carrie says that Brad will get jealous if she continues to get excited

Poor Brad.

>remodel house
>windows get moved and removed
>wife now stares at a wall instead of out the window

It's a little spooky.

does this game have qt waifus

It's filled with qt3.14 girls

>dance with Brad to see if I can make Carrie feel jealous
>he ends up just telling me I should dance as the lady next time because I'm a manlet

>I finish all of my chores by 12:00 -13:00

I feel like that's a super long day of chores, in my game I feel like the day is coming to a close around 13:00 because shops start closing soon.

I am done all my chores by 8-9, then I go mining and talk to people, or fish.

also, fuck Lulukoko and that stupid shutting down mid day bullcrap, I need fish bait and shit, dammit!

>can't romance Hector
Shit game

Hector can hang, what gets me upset is each town has a 10/10 older lady and none of them are romance-able.

That's cause they're all taken and one of them is Mithra.

>wanting to romance hags
what is wrong with you?

>can't romance Shizu

This is almost as bad as Lin Fa.

>hating on Ittetsu

post your save files.

Why isn't this on freeshop yet? How do I go about getting it on there?

>matchmaker hooks him up with a top tier wife
>she stays with him
>has a good job in town
>works at the same place as his wife
>nice house
He's living the dream.

Mithra's possibly taken as well considering she has a kid

Does she really? That's a surprise.

>not remodeling your house to accommodate your spouse

>doesn't want to support the series
>too retarded to google
fuck off faggot

Surprised me as well, she mentions she has a daughter who's doing her own thing in life in one of the random daily conversations

>constantly being in a state of mad and butthurt
Your life must suck

But the Lulukoko house and 2/3 of the Tsuyukusa houses look awful.

Are you saying this doesn't scream "comfy farming life" to you?