Persona 5 Difficulty

I'm not sure what difficulty to go for in this game. I want a challenging RPG experience, but not if the challenge just involves me grinding for a little longer or the boss just becomes a literal health sponge.

What difficulty should I play on Sup Forums?

Just start on normal and up it to hard if you're finding it to be too easy.

Normal is fine if you've never played SMT/Persona before.
Hard or higher if you have.

>He didn't download Merciless
You arent a filthy fucking casual, are you user?

Play on safety lmao nobody wants to fucking play a turnbased rpg in 2017

Hard. Just don't be a lazy fucking faggot and wait a week to do the dungeon like a good number of people have been doing.

This, there arent even any difficulty related trophies past normal

If this is anything like Persona 3 easy just gives you 5 revival items.

Isn't Merciless just Hard but "lmao no xp or yen"?
It's already annoying as is with nigger demons one-shotting you in the first dungeon

I love difficulty modes like that since it makes low level runs much easier.

The only choices are Normal and Hard. Anyone who's not mentally handicapped or a game journalist can beat the game on Normal with ease.

>Normal lets you retry fights, Hard does not. It kicks you back to your last save on losing a fight.
>Normal makes bosses less likely to target your MC with their kill moves, as well as them being much less threatening in general
>enemies evade much less often on Normal, making Sukukaja and Sukunda much less important

Merciless is pretty poorly balanced, it's nearly impossible to get through the first dungeon on Merciless because you don't have access to good skills or persona yet. It gets more fair later on, though.

I feel like switching the difficulty midway would ruin the experience. Some games have their toughest hard mode bosses early on.
I haven't, but I heard the Persona games are much easier than the mainline SMT games.
It's just a Japanese image that I pulled. I have merciless downloaded as well.
I don't still wear diapers and have my mom dress me, user.
This seems reasonable. What about merciless?
It's about the experience. The achievement. The thrill of getting gud.
This is what I was thinking. The game would be too easy on normal and hard provides the extra sense of challenge that forces you to think about your next move.

Also disables automatic saves in safe rooms. Kind of pointless since if you've ever played any other JRPG in your life you're already manually saving every time you go in one.

Been playing on hard. Had no trouble beating the first dungeon on time. Only took a couple visits to get through it and still had plenty of time to do other shit.

>I want a challenging RPG experience
you are playing the wrong game then

>Normal makes bosses less likely to target your MC with their kill moves

To be fair this is absolute shit game design.

Is merciless really just the same difficulty with less exp gains and money? That doesn't sound as difficult as it does annoying.

You can make Joker way tankier than your party members, especially resistance wise. By midgame you should have a persona with no weaknesses and some strengths.

Pretty sure merciless is just artificial difficulty and more luck than skill is needed.

>enemies evade much less often on Normal, making Sukukaja and Sukunda much less important
Really? That sounds annoying as fuck. Enemies evading sucks. I have PTSD from The Answer.

No, you take more damage as well. First boss's volleyball super attack one shot anyone who wasn't guarding even though he was ATK debuffed, but on Hard I could survive it.

Still shit game design.

It's not that bad. If they're AGI debuffed or you're AGI buffed you'll basically never miss unless using a really inaccurate attack. Normal is basically that way except you don't need to debuff them or buff yourself.

Is this because of the 3x crit bonus everyone gets or are the stats really just a level up from hard?

>In a turn based RPG
All it does is increase your chances of RNG fucking you over

I think it's a stat up, or damage multiplier. It doesn't make them more durable though, I was doing the same damage to him but taking more in return.

fuck this guy

>I feel like switching the difficulty midway would ruin the experience

good thing you can always change it

That's what I meant. I don't want to miss out on the early game challenge by playing the first dungeon on easy.

I decided to play on normal for the first dungeon and I felt like I was being efficiently challenged.
I went normal because when I tried hard for Persona 3 I got completely raped, and I could only take it up to the 5fth boss

Im in the second palace in P5 and the game feels super easy now so I might switch to hard tomorrow

P3's hard difficulty is notoriously cruel. This game seems to balance the challenge a little more.

Safety = "Welcome back to my Lets Play, guys"
Easy = "Mom buyed that game for me"
Normal = Babbies first SMT Game
Hard = There is a Reason to use Buffs & Debuffs
Merciless = Random Crit equals Death. Fuck you!

The difficulty in this game doesn't come from the combat itself, but from the eventual moment when you're out of SP and can't afford to pull back because it would be a waste of time
Playing on Hard means you will heal more often, draining your SP faster and forcing you to make several runs into the Palace to complete it, effectively wasting your time
It's a matter of choosing between challenging combat or experiencing everything in the city

why are "SELECT THE DIFFICULTY" and the difficulties themselves in English? Is this a stylistic thing specific to the game or do jap games frequently do this for difficulty screens?

Is there actually anything besides enemy stats that difficulty affects?
It seems super easy to just
>Ambush enemy
>Exploit weakness
>All out attack

On hard mode you'll get one-shotted unless you're guarding and have buffed your defense and debuffed the enemy's attack. This isn't SMT where the buffs last more than five seconds, so it's just tedious as hell.

ok, how the fuck do i sell shit?
do i REALLY need to fucking progress in story to sell shit?

Sounds like hard mode is the right one for me then. Dying to RNG is anti-fun.
I'd rather beat a boss than romance a girl.
Japs think English words and text look/sound cool. I'm guessing it's equivalent to the Terminator saying "hasta la vista, baby."

Ambushing enemies is not as easy as it sounds.
Sometimes enemies will spawn right before you, other times there won't be covers, especially in Mementos
Also exploiting weaknesses is fine at the start when the enemies are convieniently all weak to your skills, but it won't last. By the second Palace you start having enemies casting elemental walls and shit.