It's ogre everyone

It's ogre everyone

Sony officially wins 2017


>User scores>Critic scores

Sony always wins. It was redundant creating this thread.


Japan officially wins 2017

By having a worse score? I didn't realize coming in second means you won.

>Trusting Metascores or userscores
Both games are shit

>7.6 user rating

>inb4 Sony trolls boogeymen

>Nintendo is a target for metabombing because Sony fans are mentally toddlers
Sounds about right.

Only Suits care about "official" reviews anons.

>Based on OVER 900 ratings
>Based on 600 ratings

/r/ing the image of the sonybro shitposting on metacritic and telling his noose "not today old friend .

Sony troll boogeyman

Idorts win.

Weeaboo flavor-of-the-month

Literally the highest rated Persona game ever released

you know those things are so easy to falseflag, right

So weeaboo flavor-of-the-month.

If metacritic were to carefully and subtly only count 1/10 of all 0/10 scores, and only 1/3 of all 10/10 scores, the user review problem for games would be solved.

>fans of either game would purposely lower the userscore of their game

You are fucking retarded.

"Official" reviews don't hand out 0s and 10s based purely on faboy agendas.

Lets be fair user. With its rating, it at least deserves weeaboo flavor of the year

Zelda isn't weeaboo game retard.

You know it doesn't really matter because at the end of the day it's still people posting 0/10 scores for the purpose of pissing someone off.

Go away ACfag.

They also don't hand out 0's or 10's based on real opinions

Yeah, let's just ignore Sony fanboys all gave it a 0 for weeks because they were so butthurt

When a sequel is more of the same high scores from normal people are expected
Zelda is different and thus divise
But Im responding to a bait thread

By that logic, let's ignore all the Nintendo fanboys who gave it a 10 because it's nintendo

No some do it for other reasons.

A 10/10 is accurate.

Persona doesn't normally score very high. Highest before this was P4G. Everything else SMT or persona related is sub-90

>scores of people who didnt play the game matter more than scores of people who did

it could be falseflagged by any shitposter. they're only looking to get a rise out of you, user

> rating a game 10/10 in comparison to the industry standard of past 10/10's
> bad
> sonybros from a 55 million console fanbase bomb a game just because they can't handle people liking it
> same logic

Nah it's nowhere near the same thing, heaps of games are allowed 90+ on metacritic wiht 10/10 reviews people take with a grain of salt all because they don't have literally tens of millions of children spurging out over it.

Sure, but I was talking about user scores. Only fans or shitposters vote in those usually and its the dissatisfied fans because a game is not more of the same, the ones that tip the balance of all the 10s and 0s.

>game that's been out a day has less user reviews than a game that's been out a month

It would be nice to know that the 1.5 game was to laugh at them

>P5 is the 3rd highest rated game on the PS4

What do they mean by this?

It was DoAX3, which the reviewer personally imported for the sake of giving a low score since Play-Asia and KT called out SJW on social media. Destructoid had never imported games prior to DoAX3. The reviewer even had to edit his review several times after getting called out on bullshit like "missing content" and "entire cast of white women".

Or you know, it could be the fact that Zelda is the only good game on the Switch and the Switch itself is having some launch issues.

i enjoyed both games

Nintendo always gets like 5 handicap points

>Persona wasn't trolled by buttmad Sony fans
>clearly Sony won


Fucking Destructoid

Considering BotW was even allowed to get that low due to soniponies, is evident of nintendos decline

>implying either played

>game journos are horrible casuals who don't understand how to make or enjoy a good game, and would rather watch a cheap cinematic experience that looks pretty
>they enjoy Zelda and Persona
>it is physically impossible for a broken clock to be right twice a day if it's still ticking, but set to the wrong time, which describes idiots like Jim Sterling

>user score now means shit

Can't you count? BotW has at least 9023 people that bought and played the game while P5 has only 586.

Different sample sizes idiot.

You realise no one but Sony fans give a shit about Persona but literally everyone cares about Zelda? Jealous Sony fanboys probably make like 30% of those user scores on Metacritic.

Literally completely meaningless.


>Nintendo is on the decline because sonyfags are autistic

>Says this
>All the 3DS babbies who treated Persona Q as the second coming of Jesus