This is your speedrunner for tonight.
This is your speedrunner for tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
kys faggot
he is becoming kinda cute
No he isn't.
The things I'd do to her boypussy.
wonder if he'll start speedrunning prostate orgasms
no it isn't.
>i go fast as fuck to get away from this dude's ugly fucking teeth
Remember that these are the people that post their legs in homo threads.
girl look at that body
when are his tits going to grow
Sauce on the bae?
Challenge John Numbers and you will find one really close to you
soy induced suicide when
Reminder that ((((((this))))) is why you shouldn't fap to traps on Sup Forums.
>Would you fuck me?
>I'd fuck me
what the hell are those
Why the fuck doesn't he get treatment for his horse teeth?
>He fell for the soylent meme
get this painted man out of my sight
Or futa
Slippery slope and all that.
>yfw John FUCKING NUMBERS whooped cosmos ass so hard he broke his mind
why wouldn't laser that stubble off after going through the trouble of SRS? Priorities all over the damn place.
No she isn't.
>this is your brain on soy
Reminder that this man showed his butthole to thousands of viewers, most likely children.
mind break top tier fetish
does narcissa even speedrun or did that die with cosmo
No ze isn't.
No he isn't.
>this is what trap fags fap to while also claiming they're not fags
>Buffalo Cosmo is still alive
"Good Evening. I'm Dr Wu, and I'll be your Computer Programming professor for this semester."
Priorities. His remaining savings are being used on rent, soylent, hormones, and recreational drugs.
some sick fucker actually glued teeth into this bird's mouth?
He actually likes them.
How are you not in a relationship when your standards are so low?
Is Sup Forums genuinely schizoid? do people really believe the "Fluoride in the water is turning our kids into gay muslims" shit now?
is this real
Soy causes hormonal balance shifts
Particularly lowering testosterone and increasing estrogen
Are you stupid?
there are not that many cute traps
Holy fucking hell, as if my opinion of weebs couldn't stoop any lower.
Show some respect, that's Congresswoman Wu to YOU buddy.
>Nintendo never again hosts WCs for fear it will lead to another cosmo
Cosmo is by defintion not a trap because he
>is a full blown transgender, not a crossdresser
>doesn't look like a girl
She runs her own game development studio and is an engineer.
You're retarded. Flouride is lowering IQ's, and the xenoestrogens are turning the frogs gay.
>he is ok with his horse bite but not being a man
And you're becoming a kinda faggot
Bullshit. The worst it will do is maybe give you bitch tits but it's not going to turn you into a full blown tranny.
Soy increases the estrogen in your body. That's why it's important for men to avoid diets rich in soy. It's a simple fact.
Yes, phytoestrogens are a thing.
can someone post the one where he's chugging dick?
No he isn't
Nigger I've read about this shit
I spent a year trying to become a trap
I came close but some shit stopped me
Stuff that increases estrogen definitely affects your mind
asians are ok tho
Soy intake's effect on your estrogen levels is almost fucking nothing. Drinking a beer has the same effect. It's more likely he's been disphoric since atleast 2013 and fell for the "eat estrogen promoting foods for girl mode" meme /soc/ goes on about.
is that why asian males are so petite and girly?