Nintendo Switch

so here is how I think Sony and Microsoft will respond to the success of the Nintendo Switch.
>Sony will make a new console that is essentially a rip off of the Switch
> Rather than having 2 separate joycons, it will be a single controller that slides apart to allow to console to be docked between it, and slides together to make a dualshock controller.
> It will be naively compatible with dualshock 4 controllers, and the touchpad can simulate touch input allowing touch screen games to be played even when playing in docked mode
Since Microsoft is trying to integrate Xbox games onto windows 10
> There will be a gamer bundle for the next line of Microsoft Surface laptops
> The bundle will come with a dock for the laptop to be displayed on a TV, and an Xbox one controller, possibly have some games pre-instated onto it
> It will be marketed to PC gamers who want the portability of a Switch, but all the quirks of PC gaming

Other urls found in this thread: adapter

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

Im super curious. What does Sup Forums think is causing the Switch to be so successful? Especially compared to the WiiU. Im still trying to understand it. From what we know its not the launch games, there is so few. It couldn't be the design, we are getting so many people complaining about broken/bent screens or bad stands. It cant be the software or hardware, its almost the exact same as the WiiU.

Im pretty damn sure what makes this so successful, is the FUCKING NAME. Not even going to joke, id put money on that's its literally JUST the name, its not even a good name. But its different than WiiU, people now realize that nintendo released a new console. We can find similarities in everything comparing the switch tot he wiiU, EXCEPT the name

It's legitimately doing better than the Wii was. Don't fall for Sup Forums memes.

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

>its selling better than a console memed by its artificial scarcity

breath of the wild, that's literally it. the game is a system seller. it's zelda, which always sells and open world, people think skyrim. of course it's going to sell

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

That, and the fact that Nintendo is actually advertising the Switch unlike the Wii U. They even had a super bowl ad for the Switch.

If the Switch is successful I'd be delighted if Sony responds by making a tablet-sized PS4 that can plug into a TV. I think technology will have progressed by then to the point where it might be possible.

Why is it doing so well?
That device is the most insulting thing to consumers and people defend it.

are you saying that this company has the power to sell millions of consoles in weeks with just 1 (one) game?

>the success of the Nintendo Switch.
And no sane hardware manufacturer would design a controller that slides anywhere, only Nintendo has fanboys so braindead they can buy a piece of hardware that actively damages itself by simply using it like it's supposed to.

the painfully obvious samefagging is abhorrent.

>the success of the Nintendo Switch.
>actually sold worse than wiiu

You do realize that the people having these issues are likely a minority, right? People that have systems that are working fine aren't going to go on to the internet and talk about how fine their system is.

I honestly think the only big issue was the left joy-con issue.

As for why it's successful, well, hard to say if it will keep up that momentum. In Japan it's obvious. But in the US, it'll be hard to say. I think it aims at teens to adults who don't have a lot of time to sit in one place due to college or multiple jobs. They might want to play something more in depth than phone games, so they get a Switch. It's just a convenient device.

Line up is lacking right now, but Mario Kart is this month, then Splatoon and ARMS. I think E3 is in like a month as well. It'll at least have a good first year I think.



stay mad pc cuck.
enjoy your games at sub 30fps while i enjoy 4k 60fps on my switch, which is also portable.

It's use and intent is instantly conveyed upon holding the thing. The Switch has been marketed well, and Nintendo seems to be smartly marketing their IP.


the botw hype was intense. all the reviewers claiming it's a 10/10. people were riding the hype train. yes, they bought it for just one game with the delusional expectation that the switch will have a library of good games. botw isn't even a good game

>I honestly think the only big issue was the left joy-con issue.
I guess having your console warped by your (mostly empty)stand due to shit heat dissipation, shitty OS that crashed on launch, no D-Pad and all that sliding wearing and tearing both your joycons and main unit isn't an issue.


It doesn't warp from the dock

I wouldnt write off issues just because its a minority. RROD was a 30% failure rate for xbox which is technically a minority but it had a huge influence. These things happen and are impactful to the consoles. I feel momentum is something that feeds itself, as more people purchase the system, more people will buy it because its what normies do. We all know its going to be a hit, but im still trying to figure out why. I guess its the power of nintendo familiarity like zelda/mario and shit


it has one game.

The system doesn't even hit 50 degrees. If anything, any warping was likely right out of the box and was there from the beginning due to manufacturing variance. The system is likely made to have some give in case it's dropped.

I have one, it's not warped at all. I've put over 200 hours into it. But disregard this because it doesn't cater to your agenda.

>Success of Nintendo Switch
>Implying Nintendo didn't copy Aikun's concept

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

The RROD didn't manifest until like 2 years later, so it went under the radar for a while.

Anyway, I think people just see the system as convenient. You can play it on your tv, you can play it like a handheld, or you can use it like a mini-tv.

Shit, I know some people who are truck drivers for a living that are trying to get one. It's perfect for them and people that aren't always home or are always traveling.

All it takes. Also you must own a very thin library of games; I know I'm also interested in a Switch for Snipperclips, Blaster Master Zero, and I suppose I'll finally get Shovel Knight

>The RROD didn't manifest until like 2 years later, so it went under the radar for a while.

The hell you on about?

>runs app store games only
>input lag
>horrible looking design

haha Nintendo STOLE


>works fine on my machine!
>you just have an agenda against Nintendo!
Sure, bub.

But it not only has paid online, it also has a price hike on games.
Speak nothing of the defects of the system nor how weak it is, just those two points alone should be a warning sign.
But no, people are paying money for it just because they saw it on tv.
It's depressing.

God, I hope some company used this to try to get money out of McDonalds

>all these samefags
I'll bite, gimmie one ((((1)))) legitimate source that says the Switch is selling horribly

I don't think anyone is saying otherwise, but it means nothing at this point. Sales could very well plateau once the die hard fans all have one and the average joe realises it only has one game whilst all their favourite franchises are on Playstation and Xbox. Or they could keep going as they are as Nintendo manages to pump out quality first party titles and third parties are forced to put something out on it.

Nobody denies that it's selling decently you imbecile, saying that a console is a huge success when it's been out for barely a month is what makes people raise an eyebrow at retards like you, especially when the Wii U was a thing.

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

these posts were all made by me by the way :D

The irony is, if Sony made a gaming tablet it would actually be good, unlike the garbage console Nintendo shit out.

I know, user. You and I are the only people who post on Sup Forums.

You're absolutely not wrong, but there's something about the switch that makes it feel like a warm, comfortable gaming platform, whereas I imagine Sony would put out something sterile that is like any other tablet.

I haven't purchased a console since the 360, so I don't really have a dog in this race

>there's something about the switch that makes it feel like a warm, comfortable gaming platform, whereas I imagine Sony would put out something sterile that is like any other tablet.
This is the dumbest faggiest shit I've ever read on this board.

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

>This is the dumbest faggiest shit I've ever read on this board.

We both know that isn't true, user

Sucess of the switch xd

No to all of that. Kys retard.

> the success of the Nintendo Switch

Sony already had the vita. It could remoteplay PS4 games. Nobody wanted it.

Honestly, it's not far fetched that they'll eventually do that, especially if the Switch somehow sells well.
Granted that they'll find a way to shot themselves in the foot as always, but yeah, it would be a nice piece of hardware compared to the Switch.

The Surface line is wildly overpriced. What you are describing would be upwards of $3000, going by the price of the rest of the line.

Retards love ads these days and will buy anything they see advertised

it is the Nintendo handheld of the next gen, and a successor to the 3DS. it will be succesful if there are no competitors. also you can be sure that most of the good games from 3DS library and all the weebshits from vita will be ported into it.

Stay upset.

Serious question tho, How is the Nintendo Switch doing compared to the other Handheld/Console systems out on the market right now?


>nintendo switch

>the success of the Nintendo Switch
Should we tell him?

>you can be sure that most of the good games from 3DS library and all the weebshits from vita will be ported into it.
You're either underaged or deluded

"success of the nintendo switch"

what did user mean by this

It's Nintendo's job to make software that's good enough to carry hardware. Zelda used to be a guaranteed system seller, but ever since WW has been mostly a laughingstock to the masses.

I am not underage and I want to know why I could be deluded.

>What does Sup Forums think is causing the Switch to be so successful?

Perfect timing. We're living in the peak of the neo 80's resurgence. Nintendo played a large part in 80's pop culture.

Many people don't even realize that the WiiU was a thing, so for a lot of people the last Nintendo console was the Wii.

Its competition is lackluster. XBONE may as well not even exist, and the PS4 has been shit for exclusives.

Pokemon GO reminded people that Nintendo was a thing.

Good advertising/clear communication of what the device is.

A GOTY candidate on launch, that may as well be an exclusive given that no one owns a WiiU.

Gamestop is pushing it hard in the U.S., because Nintendo seems like the only platform holder still willing to play ball with them.

Nintendo actually is stocking it better than normal, and not pulling the artificial scarcity routine.

Basically, it is a perfect storm, much like the Wii. Unfortunately Nintendo will try to chase this high and fuck themselves over sometime down the road, but for now it should be a fun ride.


>Sony will make a new console that is essentially a rip off of the Switch
People keep saying there is no way Sony would do this. And that's why I think they will. It will fail gloriously

Your ideas for what they would make are not feasible though.


>People keep saying there is no way Sony would do this. And that's why I think they will. It will fail gloriously

The problem is that they can't push another handheld because we already know that Sony of America will intentionally tank it. That's what they did with the Vita.

They also can't just magically shrink the internals of the PS4 down to fit in a handheld, so making a handheld PS4 isn't an option either.

They are not going to make a Switch competitor.

success of the nintendo switch

>Wireless connection

Oh geez
How was the testfire with a wireless connection?

It's too early to tell. The "IT'S SELLING FASTER THAN THE WII!!!" meme is only because there is more of an initial supply ready than they had for the Wii. Who knows, it may eventually actually do better than the Wii in lifetime sales, but we'll need to see how fast it's still selling a few months to a year from now. The Wii U initially sold better than the Wii did in it's first month too. Nobody likes to point that out though seeing how the Wii U ultimately turned out.


>I want to know why I could be deluded.
Because no third party other than a few big names in Japan wants to have anything to do with Nintendo, and even the big names have still put out more stuff for sony platforms and even the Vita.

You're saying that somehow they'll be magically attracted by the Switch even though not even the DS managed to get as much attention compared to the PSP, nobody wants Nintendo to eat most of your profits, that's the sole reason Sony has still complete control over third parties, they make better contracts, something Nintendo will never ever make.

Worked fine. I wasn't at home during the test fire though, I was at my girlfriend's parents' house as her grandmother was in the hospital/dying. I did get some playtime in for a couple of the session though, and it did work well wirelessly.

The switch is definitely a roast cooking in the over. Eventually the Switch will have a good library of games.

>No more heroes
>Splatoon 2

BOTW is still a great game that you can spend a bunch of time in playing. I like my Wii-U and I refuse to accept anything like that considering the Gamecube was a "Failure" as well.

It sucks because I really want to play BoTW, but the other games you mentioned look boring

It doesnt hurt to yknow adapter

Better than buying that 25 dollar nintendo brand for some fucking reason

Sony will never make another handheld since the last two never took off in the west.

If thats the case, Its only confirms my thoughts about Nintendo fans loving the Nintendo games. People who had a wii back at launch and saw games like No more heroes and played them are totally going to be excited that a new game is coming out.

It always seems like people who say that Nintendo is bad are the people who dont like any Nintendo IP. Plot twist, I love Nintendo games and all their IPs

I mostly use it as a handheld, I never put it in the dock.

He meant "go back to Sup Forums faggot."

man did youeven read my reply
>it will be succesful if there are no competitors.
if there are no competitors, they don't have the luxury to put out more stuff for vita.

It was always going to do fantastic in Japan, it will probably trounce Wii U fairly quickly worldwide (real big achievement there). The question is will it get iterations of Pokemon and Monster Hunter? The answer SEEMS to be yes and if it gets those prepare for massive sales.

The worst thing Nintendo can do (which they seem to be doing) is keep supporting 3DS. I think though that 3DS is just running through the rest of the games that were already in development when the Switch debuted, after the next handful it will not get new titles (hopefully).

Absolutely correct. The success of this thing, long term, depends on Nintendo not being retarded. They need to focus on this one single platform, period.


>This is the dumbest faggiest shit I've ever read on this board.
So you weren't here during the pokemon Go release?

>your face

The same way they responded to the success of the Wii U.


ITT: Switch shills paid by Reggie

It's too early to tell, given you have 10ish million hardcore fans who will buy anything with a Nintendo brand. We have no evidence if truly seeing its reach outside of the Nintendo faithful.

Furthermore, the console is doing poorly in UK and Europe.

And lastly, it's underselling both WiiU AND 3DS.
>but it's undetstocked
clearly not as much as you think. Between week 3 and 4, if you look at the Japanese charts, it doubled its own sales, meaning there was clearly stock to go around. Now it's back to sub WiiU numbers.

It still hasn't burned through the 2 million initial shipment, and it's headed to match the WiiU very soon.

All the stories of it outselling the PS4, and the Wii, and that Nintendo intends to sell 30 million by the end of the year, etc... are cleverly spun misdirected stories to keep investors from panicking, and get people to think it's doing well to prevent a failure.

Such a thing as sponsored content does exist when it comes to news, and a story such as "Switch performing poorly, underselling WiiU" can also be created with the data used to spread the otger one. Nintendo is paying journos to keep things under wraps. Look at the facts and hard numbers.

Personally, I'd be VERY surprised if Switch gets anywhere NEAR 30 million first year. It'll be lucky to surpass the total number of views in Crowbcat's video in its lifetime.

I'm absolutely sure that Nintendo will focus all their games on the Switch after they run through all the 3DS titles they had in development. The reason I think this is because of the fact that they merged their handheld and console divisions. That was most likely done so that all their developers would be able to work on Switch titles.

>did youeven read my reply
I did, seems you don't want to read mine though.
>they don't have the luxury to put out more stuff for vita.
That must be why all those Vita games have been ported to PC or PS4 but not Switch or any Nintendo platform.
Again, third parties would rather port to other platforms than Nintendo, get this shit through that thick skull, if they're going to make a game for Nintendo it will be an exclusive, and most probably that will be later ported to sony platforms, see what happened with all the GBA/DS games that got enhanced ports or remakes for PSP or Vita like SRWA, Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare, all of the Shiren games, the FF3 remake and so on.
Now go see how many PSP/Vita games got ported or where multiplats with the 3DS and do the math.

They really need to, it's straight up retarded to support the 3DS (its software can be easily pirated now) alongside of the Switch.

>the success of the Nintendo Switch

they made games for gba/ds in the first place though

>to the success of the Nintendo Switch.
What? And I am being serious.