>you said it
>you won by the skin of your teeth
>visibly sweating

>>gg hard

gg no re

>close very hard game
>trying my hardest to win this match
>sweating, almost shaking by the end of it
>win game by a split hair

I'm such a cunt

>Like facing bots

>Then go play Ranked

>Well played
>In Gouldan's voice

>lose several rounds because teams are ridiculously stacked in favor of the enemy, they have a hacker or buttplug pocket Medic
>finally win one by fluke
>type 'tutorial complete'

>Tutorial complete

I gotta use that one more often.

>won again, getting boring

>it was gg
>gg back
>they meant get gud and get shitter shattered you said it back

i'm glad this is still uncommon. ironically saying gg is dumb enough

I hate how no-one ever says bg. Everytime I do I get called out for being a bitch, but fuck if I'm congratulating those cunts on spawncamping, being dicks or not helping to balance teams

>gg wp
>"shut the fuck up you piece of shit I'm reporting you for being toxic"

>playing BF1 on PS4
>4 enemies go out of bound on sandniggerland map and snipe us from the mountains
>camp across the map
>snipe them everytime they spawn
>kept going like this for around 3 min
>shirt is soaked wet with sweat
>they leave the match
>we're still losing
>go assault with a shotgun
>never sweated so much in my life
>we win
>have an anxiety attack
>pass out
>wake up
>turn on PS4 again and go wash my face
>get on BF1
>banned from PS Plus for "hacking/cheating"
>throw PS4 in the corner
>stomp it
>piss on it
>throw it in trash

Wrong pic

>*team loses*
>me : gg ez

lets be honest if youre spending half a day burning through matches youre going to encounter a match that's just dogshit retarded

i grew out of caring this much and i feel sorry for everyone who does whether its the guy who types gg ez or the guy who gets mad
multiplayer games are just jew-tricks now creating the illusion that your rank actually means something and keep you interested long enough until you buy some stupid cosmetics


>mfw I had the same mentality
>mfw crippling loneliness (no human contact outside of work related stuff for 4 years) made me gave in

>kill enemy
>private messages me saying "LOL FAG" or some other underage banter
>kill and taunt against him
>lol ima go play a REAL game, fucking baddies

>ez game ez life

>gg ez pz

I do this in Rocket League if an opponent is being a dick. I then proceed to write all words describing how I was better than them, one by one.


Also when someone writes in chat "XD" unironically I always reply "eccsdee" and they soon shut the fuck up out of embarrassment

typing gg is virtually tipping your fedora

>Teammate and I playing well
>Enemy team shit talks a little
>Teammate stops in place and spends the rest of the match shit talking the enemy team and letting them win
>Match ends
>He says "man competitive is such a joke" and leaves

I hate Rocket League sometimes

>people ACTUALLY get upset when people go "gg"
>implying "g" can only be "g" if you end up winning
It's the not the destination that counts, it's the journey. Love your neighbor and have a great day.

>say gg
>bottom of the leaderboard
>on the team that lost
lock me up

>bg 2 ez
Is there anything more bm?

Goy Goy Elder Zion

You are supposed to say that when you lose, preferably getting shitstomped

>difficult game xddd

>"h-haha yeah well played/we really fucked up"
>tfw still really asshurt about it in secret

>Opponent narrowly gets a kill using the terrain
>"derp XD"

>gg ez
>ggwp nice turnaround

>get horribly stomped
>say gg ez
i don't know why i do it anymore

>you mad
>no matter how you respond you will be seen as mad


u mad?

It's past my bedtime. Please don't tell my mommy.

That's correct though
