Xbox One

Name one thing wrong with the Xbox One.
It has a great lineup of released and upcoming games (not all announced like halo 6 / gears 5), backwards compatible with a TON of old classics, best controller (batteries and all), and almost every game is Multi-Plat these days.
Only thing it doesn't have is smaller JRPGS, but that honestly doesn't matter, especially compared to all it's games.

>Halo 6
Nice try, Todd.

4 years in and still not a single good exclusive
ok maybe quantum break but yall didnt even bought it wtf

No third party exclusives other than Sunset Overdrive.
Thus little reason to get one.

>It has a great lineup
Why do you feel compelled to lie on the internet?

No exclusives worth buying

You can't scale the picture size down on the console itself.
I'm not buying a new TV for this shit.

>has a great lineup of released games

it has literally only one game I'd be slightly interested

>name one thing wrong with the xbone
I have a 360

You really think someone would do that, just go on the Internet and tell lies?

Forza 6 and horizion 2 are the best racing games hands down. Don't act like Driveclub is anything more than a pretty game.
Also Quantum,Halo, and Gears to name a few.

the marketing for it was absolute dogshit

I have a PC so Consoles have no other use than playing exclusive games.

Xbone is by this definition useless.

First actual flaw I've ever heard for the console besides no anime garbage

Multiplats on Xbone, exclusives on PS4. Worked for me last gen and I'm doing the same thing this gen.

>Third party
Are you retarded?

Yeah but that doesn't make the console bad
look at the wii u for example

meant to click the person below him
muh bad
on the topic I've heard good things about recore

>Xbox One
>34 exclusives (counting retail and digital)
>Wii U
>51 exclusives (only counting retail)
>less games than the fucking Wii U

PC+PS4 or PC+Wii U or PC+PS4+Wii U.

But never Bone.

The insistence that the home screen be a jumbled mess and that the console run in this retarded kiosk mode crap where you can only open 1 game and 1 app at once.

Oddly enough, those two complaints stink of an xbox division at Microsoft that has a lot of infighting. i can only imagine what the project team meetings are like on hot button issues.

the hell is the point of that

I haven't owned a desktop in over a decade and have no interest in building a gaming PC. Sorry not sorry.

Wii U has good exclusives, but lacks total third party support, it doesn't even have resident evil 4 which was on ZEEBO.

No need to be sorry. Only idiots spend time and more money building a PC just to play video games at a better resolution on a tiny monitor

why buy an xbox if you don't care much about the exclusives? seems pointless

I like the Xbox controller, interface and XBL better but I still enjoy the Japanese exclusives that Sony gets. Multiplats are just more enjoyable on Xbone for me.

>tiny monitor


>the interface
it's barley different, aesthetics aside, from the ps4.

Wat. Literally every multiplat is better on PS4. Higher resolution, or framerate, and most of the time both.

Is that a 60" TV with 7.1 surround sound and a subwoofer loud enough to shake the house? No? Didn't think so.

I'll be honest, I'm more of a casual these days and that shit just doesn't bother me anymore. I really doubt I could tell the difference. Plus

then hook your computer up to that you retard

It's weak, that's why it's getting replaced by a better system, the Scorpio.

>dragging a huge ass tower into the living room, cables everywhere, having to use wireless mouse/keyboard

Yeah, no thanks.

>spends 600 on consoles +games +subscriptions
I bet you have an iMac

I'm somewhat the same, I'm more like casual games (Assassin's Creed, Batman, Call of Duty) on the Microsoft side with the Playstation side being other multiplats and exclusives. I also enjoy the Xbox controller far more for CoD and AC games.

No iMac but I do have a MacBook Pro lol. I've just never been into PC gaming. I get the advantages but I've always preferred playing on consoles.

It only has 64 megs of ram :/

>huge ass tower
>cables (power, hdmi, same as consoles)
>having to use mouse and keyboard
use a controller, and don't build a big tower if it bugs you, are you even thinking

Both of its predecessors do though.

games still looks fantastic on it,
same deal as ps4 and ps4 pro

If it wasn't for Sunset Overdrive I would have 0 incentive to buy an Xbox One.

and look horrid
re4 is still fun with the wiimote tho

What abou Quantum,Killer Instinct,Halo,Gears,Ryse and Forza?

Shit hardware, fuck all exclusives (except for a handful that mostly cater to teenage arseholes, are boring, focus tested to hell and back soulless money grabs, tired franchises being churned out long after they stopped being relevant, or all three), and it's aimed squarely at Americans and no one else, so only appeals to the yanks and dumb cunts that want to be them.

It's fundamentally just a shit PS4.

Hopefully Scorpio will both be amazing value for money and coincide with a concentrated effort to expand their first party variety, audience appeal, and library of games.

If it's just throwing power at their problems, all they'll be doing is polishing a turd.

And they're going to look far better on the Scorpio.

Don't care, just another technically impressive but boring game. Only thing I really like about is CIA Guy playing one of the main characters
>Killer Instinct
I don't like fighting games and there are better fighting games on the market
Stopped caring/playing after 3
Stopped caring/playing after 3
Literally The Order: 1886 of Xbox, scripted cinematic bullshit.
I don't care about realistic driving games

Sunset Overdrive is the only XBox One exclusive that I would love to play. That's it.

>dude just turn your PC into a console lmao
Just buy a console for 1/3 of the price

Yep, but build a $250 gaming pc that doubles as a 4k player, and has graphics as good as Xbox one. Scorpio is being guessed to be pirced at 500-1000

both have they're advantages, but pretending a PC can't hook up to your tv and use a controller is absolutely retarded.

>Scorpio is announced tomorrow
>They announce one of the most requested features will be coming
>Xbox Huge Backward Compatability
>JSRF, Burnout 3 and Metal Wolf Chaos re-released as part of first wave

It's just specs reveal by digital foundry. Call your tits

If they announce that and it also comes to the original Xbone I'll buy one tomorrow

>better fighting games on the market
like what? (besides smash) Fighting games are dying out and Killer Instinct is one of the few unique and fun ones.
>Don't like realistic driving games
Play Horizon, or do you not like racing games at all

>Xbox Huge Backward Compatability
Guess who is buying an scorpio?

Don't bother he's just memeing you tell by saying QB is cia man when that your not even fighting cia

its a console

If you don't like the games on the console,fine.
But don't act like Forza/Forza Horizion aren't the best racing games. They literally have no competition.
Gears is still the best (and almost only) TPS
then there's games like Recore, Quantum, Sea of Thieves and others
a shit ps4 would just be anime garbage with no multiplat

>It has a great lineup

I genuinely think he's just an idiot

Prove me wrong, unless you love nothing but anime rpg trash

Youre right. Scalebound is a great game that really makes a xbox worthwhile.

Real talk, i have an xbox one to play multiplayer games with friends that i grew up through the 360 era. I have PS4 for single player and weebshit. Although, there are some single player titles that i do get on xbox one just because they weren't in stock for the PS4 (whether it be Amazon or a retailer store) so it's not that big of a deal. I am considering building a PC in the next year or so.

Paid online

>great lineup
>literally all shooters or dudebro games and all upcoming games are shooters and dudebro games

>bc with old classics
Most 360 games were shovelware dogshit or multiplats, the only stand outs being the early JRPGs or the good multiplats

>best controller
>horribly awkward d-pad, rounded buttons, analog sticks horrible for games like Half-Life 2, requires you to use batteries, etc.

>almost every game is multi-plat
Nice try Microshill

It won't fit on my desk

>2 ps4s
I lik my PS4 and all, but why did you get a slim and not a Pro for the vr meme?

What is this advert trying to convey?

Only shooters are Gears(solid TPS) and Halo.

Forza & Horizon are honestly the best racing games and nothing else touches it, seriously name a better racing game.
Also Quantum,Killer Instinct, and others, obviously you haven't looked past Playstations games

>only stand outs being JRPGS

Maybe cause you have two playstations

King of Fighters, SFV, Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, One Piece are all great fighting games

I think they were appealing to Westaboos
>Picture of American businessman Bill Gates holding American console
"How do we make this advertisement more American?"
"Add burger."

>quantum break
The game everybody forgot about after I guy got autistic about it being on PC
>Killer Instinct
The game everybody forgot about after it came out

Also, Playstation has
>infamous second son
>ratchet and clank
>digimon world
>the nonary games
>jak x (soon)
>persona 5
And many others.

I enjoy Forza Horizon on my PC.

The name Xbox One is really bad.

Fat was having controller issues so I bought the slim. It was also cheaper than the pro. I sold the fat for $175 and bought a Switch.

>dragging a huge ass console into the living room, cables everywhere, having to use wireless controller
Stop being a scrawny bitch

>on the topic I've heard good things about recore

As someone who owns one, there is not a single good exclusive for it.
Scalebound is cancelled, Halo 5 is PTW trash, GOW4 is the same shitty cover shooter, and every Forza is just "look at these new cars!"

There's no reason the regular Xbone couldn't do original Xbox BC, doing 360 BC was much harder.

I have a Bone that I enjoy but I certainly did not buy into that one or whatever that "reddit" game was. Stop saying that.

Rumor has it the Scorpio will be called Xbox One X.

>literally all anime games
>typical fighting gameplay
why even mention SFV

Scorpio is "console price point" stop spreading this meme.


>Halo 5 is PTW trash,
Love this meme

It will probably get called Pro or Xbox One S+

Xbox has
>Forza 5/6
>Forza Horizon 2/3
>Halo 5
>MCC (Halo 2 Remastered)
>Gears 1 Remake
>Gears 1-4
>Sea of Thieves
>Other indie titles I honestly don't care about
Besides Uncharted/Last of Us most the games aren't even worth mentioning

Man, remedy should make another Alan Wake.

MS should also make a new Banjo game. Also make Fable 4. Also resume Scalebound with another studio. Also release Crack down 3 already.

They are all fighting games, just because you don't like the artstyle does not change the genre. In fact, what the fuck does it matter what the artstyle is since you are playing to beat the shit out of the other player.

>why mention SFV
You seemed to have a blank memory and left it out naming only sm4sh as a competitor.

>Forza is just "look at these new cars!"
>GOW4 shitty cover shooter
>Halo 5 PTW
Besides scalebound being cancelled wtf are you on about?
You obviously play with full assist if you can't see the improvements in each Forza, even horizon. Or you just don't play them.

GOW4 is a tps wtf do you expect? Best in the TPS genre
and halo 5 being ptw... come on

>racing games
>sub-60 metascore games
>unreleased shit
>stuff i can't name but trust me it's real

>jak x (soon)

You have no idea what's worth playing and what isn't because you simply want muh realism

Y'all motherfuckers need Halo.

SFV is seriously just 4 with less characters and modes. It's not any nicer looking, and the gameplay feels worse somehow. I own it and hate it.
Art style does matter, they all look boring as hell, same literal cartoon drawings smacking each other.
Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat X have a great cast of characters.

Mortal Combat is shit and Tekken is about to shit on any fighting game you could possibly play on the Bone.

>Discs in 2017

I don't blame you tho. I would never buy digital from Sony, their online infrastructure & security is interior to Steam/MS. Wouldn't like my account to be breached again.

>falling for the switch meme

>horizon series is better
>originals and MCC post patch are better
>gears of war isn't that fun when you actually play it
>Repeat the above
>Bland open world game that got rightfully panned for being derivative
>ryse is just a shit game
>not out yet
>falling for the indie meme

>besides uncharted/last of us most the games aren't even worth mentioning
Same could be said for most of your list

>implying ms will greenlight another banjo game
>implying scalebound would work without kamiya
>implying crackdown 3 will come out

>gears 4
>best in tps genre
My fucking dudebro brother thought Last of Us of all things was a better TPS

>ps2 yakuza 2
Gimme plz