Why was this game so good?

Why was this game so good?

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Chrono cross was better

great cast of characters, amazing soundtrack, simple and fun combat

Also multiple endings

Haha, good joke

Nice story, beautiful graphics with Akira Toriyama's artstyle, great soundtrack, nice gameplay without random encounters.

Only now I've started to like JRPGs, and before that, I had played many games of this genre and none got me hooked enough to make me finish them. One of the only exceptions was Chrono Trigger (the other one was FFIV).

A "lightning in a bottle" situation of talent and tech. Good in conception, excellent in execution; it just really has a spark to it that's sustained to this day.

Dragon Quest + Final Fantasy, Akira Toriyama is the GOAT Character designer, No random battles, a shitload of content, multiple endings, just a once in a lifetime game. Shame they don't make games like this anymore.

>Chrono Cross
>implying that game exist

I love this meme.

The battles weren't a chore and little grinding was needed.
I shit you not, the adventure felt so smooth because you didn't need to tediously grind for money or levels, not because the game was easy, but because the game rewarded strategy.
Also, yes, characters helped a lot, and time travel stories are always very interesting, if done right.

guaranteed replies

The game was easy tho.

>looting the Black Omen for the third time

If you know what you are doing, yeah.

I hate this meme. It's easy when you know what to do already, but the game actually presents some relatively difficult moments going in blind. Especially the Golem twins.

Who is best girl?


>Nostalgiafags moving on to corrupt chrono trigger


this desu I wish it was as hard as based dark souls, no rpg and especially no kiddy 2d shit can ever top dark souls, you fags can take your nostalgia and shove it up your ass

It was made by the Dream Team back when games were meant to be good.

Flea, no contest about it.


What does this even mean?

Why do Chrono Cross fans even exist? It surprises me how anyone can prefer that bloated poorly paced garbage to Chrono Trigger.

>god tier soundtrack
>cool ass combat with no random encounters
>unique story so its not just generic stuff, but not too far off the deep so it ends up being cringe (looking at you, cross)

>a shitload of content
Game is like 20 hours long m8.

Chrono trigger fucking sucked ass because the game had no difficulty. If the gameplay is damn near thoughtlessly easy and being the turnbased rpg that it is, the gameplay being the majority of what you spend your time on, yes that is going to bring it down.

this post reeks of banjo kazooie fanboy levels of nostalgia
>thing just don't be the way it be before
there has been shitloads of great rpgs released since the dated chrono trigger if you'll take off your rose tinted goggles and open your eyes

All of them are best girls, but some are more than others.

K? I've played lots of great RPGs before and since but CT still holds up today unlike most from that era.

it's the only jrpg to get every single aspect of the JRPG down perfectly.

in what way is chrono trigger dated

>Chrono trigger fucking sucked ass because the game had no difficulty
I guess if you play it when you're 25 and look up everything online it "had no difficulty".

Chrono Trigger is probably the only game where I have considered each girl as best girl at some point.

>there has been shitloads of great rpgs released since the dated chrono trigger if you'll take off your rose tinted goggles and open your eyes

Great RPGs? Maybe.
On the same level of masterpieces like Chrono Trigger, Deus Ex, Morrowind, Ocarina of Time and others from the old times? No way.
The gaming industry hardly tries now. It is all without any passion, no real interest in making the best game they can. I think the last good recent RPGs I've played were the SMT ones, but they pale in comparison to the RPGs from the Golden Age of gaming. Consider Nocturne, the best SMT game, was made around the time the Golden Age of gaming ended and the Normalfag Age began.

Because you're looking at it through the rose coloured glasses of a million and seven manchildren. Its hot garbage, basically nothing redeeming about it.

1. Didn't have annoying new screen combat
2. Good, original story
3. Fun characters
4. Nice sense of freedom, you could fight final boss in multiple ways
5. Evolving world


Does the PS1 version have any problems? There's no way I'm spending £30 for the DS version, i'll just emulate it on psp.

But flea was a tranny

How much do you like loading screens?

Long as fuck loading screens, including inbetween menus. Just emulate the DS version.

Because people who play JRPGS like to pretend theyre better than they actually are.

Flea-chan is the cutest girl!

found the 12 year old