Why does Steam do this every time I start up my computer?
Why does Steam do this every time I start up my computer?
You probably got the steam virus.
because its updating
Good question
Maybe you should've got the Mobile Authenticator
Now they've gotta make sure you're not a duping, hacking Russian
Leave the Steam beta if you don't like it.
Give me your fucking phone number already and I'll make it stop
But user, Steam's been in beta since 2003
Name one difference between Steam and Playstation Home
>he got the botnet that posses as a steam update virus
Looks like Steam is updating...
Nobody here knows fucking anything. You have to manually close steam before you shut off your PC if you want this to not happen.
>shutting down your computer in first place
You fucked up, OP.
Omg, how do I delete it?
You can go bowling with Steam
Is Sup Forums still pretending Steam is the only thing that uses two-step verification?
>tfw pirating so much that I don't remember the last time I've launched steam
Steam is the original early access
open CMD and type
>del system 32/*.
Steam has no problems maxing out my 200 Mbps connection
it have to update steam with the things you did while not running it
>installing steam
>having steam account at all
It's checking your new loli porn to send it directly to lord Gabe for his loli collection.
Steam has more games, not even counting early-access.
It's nearly impossible in today's day and age, but every time that actually works on someone I'm pretty sure I grow angel wings.