What was the best class in Vanilla WoW?

Was Frost Mage the best class?

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Paladin if you could stand the really shitty leveling
Rogue if you wanted to be an asshole
Druid for everything else

>Frost Mage
>best class
>anything else but uber shit
Top kek

Mages were the kings.

Easy to level
Good at grindan stuff
Useful in every dungeon group
Top 3 DPS class in raids
Very good in PvP

Rogues were very good too but more gear dependent.

Onyxia, MC and BWL and good in PVP. Probably?

Combat rogue was nice too.

I used to play a Priest and had lots of fun in the game.
Then I played a rogue and everyone suddenly treats you like an asshole.

Shadow Priest. Mana was a bitch tho.

I played a Tauren Warrior.
I regret it.
I hated tanking and at the beginning I thought I could build a DPS warrior, which wasn't really viable in vanilla

Affliction/Destruction hybrid lock, greatest potential to top the DPS charts.

No, Affliction was a SHIT FUCKING MESS until much later in life of the game

>paladin leveling in vanilla
>seal of command
>target move
>right click
Now you only need hundreds of hours of shows/movies to watch while you did that.

>target move right click
Holy fuck, does that work? I thought it was only on left click

Worded it badly. You moved to the target normally then right clicked the mob to start auto attacking.


Shit. I was thinking the click to move worked on right click too.

My human warlock could take 2 rogues at once during vanilla, replies like yours always make me chuckle.

You were a fucking unstoppable powerhouse as soon as you got a spell power trinket. I get that you were a shitter that couldnt raid but...

Being a Warlock in general infuriated people to no end.

Here's some fun I did.

>Fear in general
>Fearing your own realm's mobs into other mobs to make them gang up on your allies
>Permafearing/curse of slowness low level players for an hour
>Summoning people to Gurubashi Arena advertising "free teleports to Booty Bay"
>Summoning people off cliffs

My favorite thing to do was this though (I was alliance)

>Go to Goldshire
>Dozens of new players running around
>Summon Infernal
>Broadcast pretending to be an event (most low level players haven't ever seen an Infernal at this point)
>Banish Infernal
>Ask all the newbies to take up arms against this event creature in the middle of goldshire!
>Hellfire self to death
>Run back to body
>Infernal unbanishes
>Watch as Infernal destroys dozens of lowbies while everyone panics

I did this weekly, good times.

>I thought I could build a DPS warrior, which wasn't really viable in vanilla


Best at what?

Leveling? Probably, it was great for AoE grinding

PVP? It wasn't bad but there were a lot of good classes. Rogue comes to mind because a good rogue could either kill anyone or run away from someone he couldn't kill. Enhancement shamans, if properly geared, could make people explode. I remember shadow priests being pretty good at one point, not sure if it was vanilla.

Raiding? Tough call. Prot warriors were always needed and fury warriors, if properly geared, could do the most dps from what I remember. Paladins were ass at everything but healing and occasionally off tanking (and every ret pally I've ever known is a huge faggot). Priests were always wanted as healers, locks to soul stone for the inevitable wipe. And if you're like me and want to be lazy and collect some loot Hunter was the best.

Ganking? Rogue, easily, followed by Nelf hunter for that shadowmeld aimed shot combo

if you don't answer shaman you clearly didn't play the game

>My human warlock could take 2 rogues at once during vanilla


Maybe in both holes

maybe he mean afk rogues

You only put 30 points into Affliction for 10% shadow damage anyway.

>My human warlock could take 2 rogues at once during vanilla

You'd be dead before the first Cheap Shot wore off

t. vanilla warlock.

>tfw Shaman's weren't amazing but were pretty fun
>tfw finding an arms warrior to team up with in BGs to give WF totem/heals to while backing while using shocks as needed
>throwing a grounding totem behind some terrain when you see a mage trying to pom pyro and them not figuring it out
>tremor just happens to tick right as a lock tries to fear someone

Fun times.

>Druid being a good class

You know what, as much as i like Legion it really is a completely different game that does not satisfy my desire for Vanilla WoW, Blizzard should really consider Classic Servers.


That's just plain nonsense my friend

Druids didn't really make their stride until BC. Even as Resto, they weren't quite as effecient as other healers thanks to having to rely mostly on HoTs. You still brought one or two for the Gift of the Wild, Battle Rez, and Innervates, but other classes outclassed them easily.

>doing Alterac Valley in late Vanilla as Alliance
>losing terribly, make a last stand at the final bridge to the ally base
>see a Tauren warrior in full T3 and Armageddon with a shaman friend and 3 (three) pocket holy priests mowing down teammates left and right

>shitty music
>shitty tiny UI
It's a vanilla WoW video alright.

>summoning internals in goldshire
Haha, you too? I also loved doing the ritual of doom that killed a random person before summoning a demon that'd kill everyone else. Felt like playing russian roulette.

I know, it proves that it's not from some private server, this is has a proper vintage.

Druid was objectively the worst class in vanilla, please don't post when you don't know what you're talking about.

PoM Pyro mage for PvP

Literal I win macro every 3 minutes.

Deep fire was best for end game DPS, Frost was only decent at Molten Core.

This. It's only a coincidence that druids are completely destroying people in blizz-like vanilla private servers

the worst class was warlock. the second worst class was hunter. druid was one of the best.

>tfw some druid shitter roots me and stands in my dead zone /spitting on me while moonfire kills me

>I'm bad, therefore this one class is one of the best
Druids were shit
t. hunter

He's incorrect about it being inviable, but it does take a LOT of work and grind to get it to numbers comparable with other classes



One player being good does not make the class he's playing good.

Frost was mandatory until AQ40/20 where you didn't have to constantly respec back into frost if you went fire because all those fucking dragons in BWL are fire immune, thanks blizzard.

in PvP? Vanilla PvP was generally a mess, it's part of what made it fun, but 1v1 PvP has always been a complete mess and you can't base any real argument off off that in BGs druids were definitely fucking amazing, especially WSG.

In PvE? eehhhh not that amazing, really the jack of all trade master of none class, you could tank but most of the time when big bosses come around you're gonna be either in the melee group as a feral druid doing some minor DPS or offtanking somthing as a bear. Resto is your only other option, moonkin was afaik never viable in vanilla, the crit bonus for 4 caster did not outweigh just bringing another mage/warlock iirc.

Yes, generally warriors are relegated to tanking until they get some amazing gear at which point their melee DPS starts shooting through the roof (around AQ40/BWL gear level)

Also it requires world drop epics which are a pain in the ass to get.

Warlocks were always potentially viable, but you needed to bring a shadowpriest, and bringing a shadowpriest with 12 debuff slots and everyone fighting over what little there was left lead to shadowpriests being largely shunned by the raiding community. On top of that warlocks have massive threat issues on horde side (no blessing of salvation) which makes 8/8 t2 bonus one of the best DPS increases for warlocks on the horde side.

In general mages and rogues were your go to DPS heroes. Warlocks are competitive in MC/BWL but once mages get to spec fire warlocks start dropping behind massively unless you have a shadowpriest for your warlocks.

>one player
you do realize it was a meme in vanilla that druids were unkillable solely because of how mobile and how much utility they had, right? what druids generally lacked in burst (though specific builds literally melted people) they made up for in outlasting you

Yes, druids were unkillable.
They couldn't kill anything, either, because actually competent players wouldn't even bother trying.

>They couldn't kill anything, either
objectively false

>druids unkillable
>no protection against fear effects
>free kill for warlocks unless we're talking full aq40/naxx geared feral druid with lucky crits
>at that same level of gear the warlock needs 1 maybe 2 crits to decimate the druid completely

They were tough to kill but not impossible IMO warlocks definitely had the easiest time with killing them


>it's a druid who gimped himself by limiting himself to one playstyle episode
He deserved to lose desu

Someone didn't play Vanilla much. It was only good for levelling (lol) and Molten Core. BWL and AQ40 saw fire mage wrecking house.

He's not though. DPS Warrior might've been VIABLE, but not nearly as useful. Sure and Arms' warr Mortal Strike -> Execute crits were OP as shit, but not many people played warrior to 60 and tanks were needed very badly. In the grand scheme of things ,it just wasn't realistic to not be a tank warrior.