Mass Effect gets turned into an Early Access game after launch

>Mass Effect gets turned into an Early Access game after launch
>literally too shit to torrent

We have come full circle.
Early Access > Release > Early Access

>mfw i tried to click the link to the BotW article

and Origin Early Access to boot

i'm more interested in that botw article

>Invader Zim is returning
oh fuck

Cartbox flying is a legit thing in BotW

But that Invader Zim is back tho

>Every game is a service
Thank you Bioware and EA for granting me the gift of being able to spend money on your shitty games. I can't believe some people are so entitled they can't appreciate this service you've done for us.

every article in this pic deserves a definite eyebrow raise

Im not really suprised frankly. Lots of games are doing this.

They release an unfinished product at full price then expect the players to pay for the privledge of developing the game for them.

This is more important than OPs news.

>Invader Zim returns

>launch a complete game that's been in development for 5 years and is considered a FINISHED PRODUCT, READY FOR GOLD by Bioware's AAA corporate publisher, EA
>turn on the Early Access flag when flops because it's a sucky game made by an incompetent dev team

That's not how Early Access works.


so their big game saving announcement yesterday was that they reverted the game to early access?

It literally is now.
They probably turned a profit from this shit already too. 2017 gaming is shit.
I tried to get the CPY today and I got a possible false-positive for the crack so I looked up the game and saw this. I can't even be bothered with the pirated version anymore.

>>turn on the Early Access flag when flops because it's a sucky game made by an incompetent SJW team

Isn't that like knocking it back down to beta status? I.e. playable but needs significant work?

How long until casuals start realizing that the games they're buying are shitty and busted, resulting in a decline of inflated-budget games and a surge in smaller studios?

Never. If this could have happened, it would've happened 5 years ago.

Enjoy the future.

Never they're retards that enabled them in the first place.

That tagline is sensationalist as fuck and I hate it but only because I want it to be true as it would be hands fucking down the funniest thing to happen all year.

Is this legal?

This basically means they applied false-marketing and sold an unfinished product for a finished one.

I'm sensing some burger sueing.

So SFV is next right?

Why do the huge disasters this board loves always have a space theme?

Started with ToR, then No Man's Sky now ME:A.

>Early Access
>Earl Acce
>Ear Acc
>E Ac
>E A

Because space is hard.

What the fuck does it mean to make a game "early access" after it's already been released????

EA isn't saying the game is outrightearly access read the article but they are basically admitting its unfinished.

Nothing will come of it, NMS was blatant false advertising but Hello Games never got in any legal trouble over it.

Could Mozart still be alive?

It's been going on for 10 years.

is that invader zim article true??? someone red pill me, that show is awesome

Really makes you think

>After years of fucking with his fans the spic decided to actually bring it back.

Kind of disappointing, in a way.

>Zim is back
Hell yeah

>Battlefield 1
>Bat Fiel
>Ba F
>B F
Don't need no gf.

That show was garbage and so is everything Vasquez has done but yes it's getting a TV movie or some shit.

You could just Google it.

It's been back in comic form. Issue #18 just came out.

t. Mozart

This is a real article on Polygon.
This is not fake.

>Zim comes back
>It's still on fucking nick

What's the point? Fuckers should of gave it to a network that doesn't have to please children's parents.

>buying new games
Nope, I've given up on that a while back. I tend to wait about six months before I buy something I want purely for patch reasons.

>arms not loopy enough
>no protips
>no facts
>no (people) will go bankrupt

Shit trollscience.

This, I actually looked around expecting it to be a real thing so 2017 could be officially the funniest year of AAA western releases, but it's just glorified bitching about "so we released this fucking garbage and we're sorry so we're gonna try to fix it."

Nick owns the rights to Zim for life. It was euther that or nothing. If they are smart though they will start taking cues from CN.

are you gay user ?

>What's the point?

the point is that it is a fucking cartoon for children, not you. holy shit.

>Zim return

thanks for making this thread op, I dont care about whatever this thread is about tho

But they're even calling them "early access patches" on their own website.

but the actual troll science in the game works.


I mean, it's a real zinger and all but fuck, I really wanted this to be legit. Like, this should've been their April Fool's headline.


Just like FFXV

i enjoyed the writing

even is he's gay he'd still need a boyfriend

asexual is the word youre looking for

That's the patch from the trial.

You lost me. The Early Access Trial and the actual game get different patch notes or something?

Fuck off tripfag

Holy shit Invader Zim is back

The Early Access Trial was patched before the full release, hence the name.

>all these people saying Zim is back

No seriously, where have you all been for the last year and a half?

It's shit for the west maybe, but Japan's been killing it

WHOA! The game is unfinished?

You're garbage, user. You are garbage.

Never would've guessed.

They KINDA fixed it already. The netcode is the last bit and they're currently working on that. It's not going very well though.

At least the frame delay is passable now.

>Jack is back
>Zim coming back
Vidya is doomed but can cartoons be saved?

Except it never was really. More of a passion project for the people making it that was funded by a children's network.

>all those people who keep getting tricked into early access

>Invader Zim is back
>Samuari Jack is back
>new seasons of FLCL soon
What a time to be alive.

user, that is the best copy protection. Make a game so shitty no one wants to play it then no one will pirate it.

I don't know what makes me cringe more, that horrible animation or the spores/smoke being effective in that rain.

>release an update every day

is kuchera really so much of a faggot that he's trying to spin this as consumers being entitled and harsh criticism is unwarranted

I don't even get how the entitlement meme is a thing. It's not like they're giving the game out for free.

My bad, I was making fun of a trip-fag in a /k/ thread and forgot it would carry over.

>is kuchera really so much of a faggot

Yes. Regardless of the context, yes.

Holy shit, Invader Zim is returning?

Invaders zim was only for the cringiest, stinkiest fucking losers at my highschool. Like the kids that thought linkin park and disturbed were badass and wore trip pants.

Funny you say that - Hot Topic-core actually did have some good shit mixed in there like Zim and The Birthday Massacre.

You forgot Ghost in the Shell.

I liked itvwhen I was 12 but had grown out of it by 14. All the scene kiddies l9ved it through highschool tho. Pretty much as you say.

It was all the "LOLZ ROFLMAO RANDUMB XD ;)" types who were into it.

If Skyrim couldn't do it, literally nothing will.

How so? Just curious, ive never heard of him?

I'm legitimately confused that FLCL is returning.

The original series pretty much did and said everything that needed to be said and done.

I'm skeptical of this. It has to be a glitch and not something all players experience, right?

I don't understand. What does EA have to gain by putting the game into Early Access?


Damn The Birthday Massacre I haven't heard that band in fucking years

How can it be Early Access if it's already out?

I only hope Vasquez gets the control he wanted and isn't just kowtowing to nickelodeon because he's in poverty or something.

Besides residuals from Zim, what does he even do to make money?

No clue, that's why I'm thinking this is him breaking down and saying yes just to get a paycheck.

I never followed him anyway, I just liked Zim as a kid.


So what, are they going to polish it further?

And the people who created this game are complaining that the internet is being too mean to them? Like holy fucking shit, Ride to Hell wasn't nearly as broken as this.

>If it's before launch, it's pre-alpha
>if it's after launch, it's early access

If bioware was as good at making games as at avoiding criticism, they'd make some amazing goddamn games.

>Invader Zim returning
Can we focus on this instead please
