Can we expect complete meltdown from sonybros tomorrow?

Can we expect complete meltdown from sonybros tomorrow?

what if they announce it has free online but it's 600 dollars? would you buy?

>Most powerful console in the world
>Zero games worth playing on it

Yeah, the meltdowns will be glorious.

Look at how much hype this thread is already gathering.

No, because I have a PC.

Man I wish I had the console where 90% of the games are the same multiplatform dudebro shooters that I'm not buying on the PC.

>the ps4 has games
>the xbox has no games
>they both have the same on pic related

REALLY makes you think

Online will never be free again on consoles and you can bet your ass it is going to cost FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE U.S. DOLLARS or something that riduculous if the damn thing is double the power the PS4 Pro has right now.

I can't wait. I'm going to buy this day one and tell all my friends to buy one as well with the money I got from Microsoft paying me. How about you?

This is not a troll post but an honest question. How did this "upgraded consoles" thing actually happen? Like, as far as I understood it the appeal of consoles have always been that plug and play capability, the knowledge you can run any game on the system equally as well as anyone else who owns it. That's the tradeoff for it not being a PC -- you miss out on customisation etc but you don't have to worry about not being able to run a game.
But now it's like people are fine with developers making games that can't run on the original hardware in order to sell the """""upgraded"""" hardware. Why not just make games that can run on the hardware you're selling? Why not make the original hardware powerful enough to run the game?
obviously when I say run the game I mean at the level of the upgraded consoles. If it's not running at 30/60 FPS constantly it shouldn't be released, rather than released and then used to sell a new version of the same thing

also the fact that it's not incremental seems weird. People who bought the first xbox one / ps 4 models must be pretty pissed

>worst multiplats
>1 game
how will sony recover?

Like with every MS console-related press release it's going to backfire and people will shit on them.

>"Muh marketing deals"
>"Muh cant see the difference between checkerboarding and native"
>"Muh 60FPS meme"
>"Muh exclusives*"

*Also available on PC

I imagine Sony and MS saw all the money phone companies are getting for slight upgrades and decided to take a chance on it.

I feel like this will happen once again in the future before each "console" just becomes a dedicated game streaming box.

There is no way Microsoft will suddenly decide to drop a major source of revenue for the Xbox.

The point of a console is that it is a more specialised piece of hardware that is better suited for the one job it does - videogames.
...Which nowadays of course isn't an argument any more, so basically the only reason to get a console are exclusives and maybe prize (discuss that one without me).

You know what else is available on PC?

Eternal virginity.

The comparison doesn't work because phone companies make money through contracts and keeping people locked into Verizon / AT&T service.

If you mean handset manufacturers, they bill of materials for a smart phone is usually roughly 1/3rd the retail price of the phone. I don't think that will be the case with any new console.

Nothing Scorpio will offer will matter unless it comes with a price tag that's lower than the BASE PS4.


Why are both console companies upgrading so quickly?
Wasn't the entire point of consoles the convenience of it all? Not having to buy hardware except every 8 years or so?
Now they're both rushing to release systems that are still far behind PC with some sort of misguided hope of getting people on VR despite it being already dead and they both are lying about "native 4K support"
That, and i though muh graphics didn't matter to console users, what happened to playing games and not pixels?

>Sparse rendering
>No price tag
>"please understand"

Can't wait desu

>>"prease understand"


I'm actually curious to see what they'll come up with.

Making a high end console seems tricky, if it's too expensive it'll end up competing with high end PCs and probably won't outperform those.

Even if we're being optimisting and they manage to get the equivalent performance of a $1000 PC for $600, PC has the advantage of a huge established library, backward compatibility and can be upgraded easily.

I'm not sure what niche they're aiming at but I'm curious to see what they'll come up with. Having MS and Sony compete for raw power again might be a good thing for gaming in the end, even if you don't use these consoles.

Yes - because all those Steamboxes clearly made them wail

We aren't even getting a conference right?

It's just a random website giving info?

>Wasn't the entire point of consoles the convenience of it all? Not having to buy hardware except every 8 years or so?

Not necessarily. Console lifespans grew over time but the standard has usually been about 5 years. Last generation lasting as long as it did (from 2005 to 2012) was an outlier.

These are also only half-steps which is a somewhat important distinction. Usually an upgrade requires you to buy a whole new console and games that only run on that new console; with PS4 Pro and Scorpio, those games will run on "old" PS4's and Xbox's as well.

I don't think its about getting people on board with VR either.

Should be from 2005 to 2013, apologies.

>Will still be higher rez, better FPS and play multiplats better than PS4

Careful not to burp up your cum or Tyrone will make you lick his shaft again my Sonyegro friend :^)

>halo wars 2 in 4k
woah .....hold me guys

>play multiplats better

It will hardly be any different and if people just want to play multiplats, they should do it on PC.

can we see their exclusives
oh wait

stream is in 1hr and 10 minutes

>Sonyegros cucked by Switch, PC and Xbox
>Barely holding in tears and holding down the days old cum they are trying not to burp up
>Still only has 1 (One) game

literary who

Many yuropean shops have been increasing the PS4 console bundles prices by 30-40 euros, I wonder what they know that we don't.

No games

Remember that most of these "Also on PC" titles are locked into the atrocious UWP system that's only available on Spydows 10, and tend to be riddled with issues. Forza Horizon 3 was a mess at launch on PC, while the XBONE "just werked".

For Joe consumer, he wants a vidya box he can just hook up and play the latest sick shooter that looks sweet. Whether a neckbeard can also play it on his basement rig he tweaked and overclocked is irrelevant

>called it scorpion the other day


If its really as powerful as they claim, its gonna cost 900 dollars

Not even good bait. tsk tsk user.

>For Joe consumer, he wants a vidya box he can just hook up.

No, the average Joe would just buy the first Xbone or and Xbone S

The average Joe usually go for the cheapest option available

They just raised the price of live in some cases regions

Payed online is here to stay for console

Do we know yet if it come bundled with a scorpion?

It's been a rough year for them so far, i don't know how much more they could take

I think there's a market for well-off dudebrethren who want a "high end" plug-and-play experience. I don't know how big the market is, but it seems that's what scorpio is aiming at.


but Knack

UWP's fantastic though

HaloGearsForzaHaloGearsForza and repeat. Microsoft is trash.

It's not that big tbqh

Not even the Pro is selling that well, most people would just grab a Slim PS4.

Consoles are about affordability and exclusive games. A very powerful console makes no sense.

>PS4 has no games memes

still better than BloodborneUnchartedWeebshit tho


1hr left

That's my intuition too but it seems both ps4 and scorpio are aiming for this "high end" market. I'm sure they spent months and million of dollars in market studies so they're probably seeing something we don't.

>Phil Spencer himself confirmed there's no real point buying a Scorpio if you don't have a 4K TV.
>Still being hyped for it.
Oh boy my multiplats will run at a slightly more stable framerate for the price of a PC that can run them even better. Joy!

I think you put a bit too much stock in how well informed and intelligent corporate executives are. They're timid idiots who don't understand their own markets.

4k is cheap now and will be even more so by xmas

It's tomorrow

It's not a stream

I think that Sony released the Pro and it will become the "standard" some few years later and the original PS4 will be discontinued

No idea what are MS plans with Scorpio but MS have lots of money to burn.

Why the fuck would I want to play my games at sub-30 FPS just to have a bigger resolution?

The PS4 Pro barely manages 4K and I highly doubt the Scorpio will be any different. PCs are barely able to handle 4K well, consoles are not anywhere close to being there yet.

No one cares about the Xbox anymore m8. It's a dead brand.

>No idea what are MS plans with Scorpio but MS have lots of money to burn.
That hadn't been true for a while. At this point Scorpio had to make money to justify itself.

Scorpio is gonna tank and would most likely try to make up for wasted money by increasing the price on what actually sells OR microshit paid the shops to increase the price on ceompetitor's console

Both console companies were pressured to update their systems due to pressure from game devs and publishers. The user base was getting fed up with all the bullshit. The constant lies where publishers pre-rendered scenes on PC's at game release events then were forced to do a graphics downgrade for the final release. Or the fact devs are finally making 60fps the standard for rendering yet the consoles could barely squeeze out 30. Not to mention the CPU cores on both the PS4 and X-B1 were so slow it made things like simple shadow and physics calculations slow them to a crawl.
They upgraded because they had no choice. When basically every new title and exclusive for your console can't even run proper without serious downgrading you either have to ask for even more compromises from devs or you upgrade the hardware.

Sonybros getting started early I see

Yeah and it's called PC you xcuck.
For 600 jewbucks you can get a decent rig on the level or better than scorpio.

Not true though
Scorpio would most likely be peppered with ads like W10 oh and they'll probably sell off your personal info too, if they hadn't yet.

just because it's 4K doesn't mean it can't run 60fps

>For 600 jewbucks you can get a decent rig on the level or better than scorpio. you can't

None of those options makes sense.

I think they know Sony will drop the price on regular PS4 as is the weaker system (Xbone being gone soon) and shops just want somebody to fall on an inflated price while possible.

PS4 199$ by Easter, screencap this.

supposedly a monster of a machine -> zero games to play
an exciting new console -> which contents you can also experience on W10
I honestly don't understand the hype.

going to be funny seeing the meltdowns from xboners in November

>months of hype
>pay $450 for the scorpooio
>set it up
>realise Microshits still haven't released any new games that isn't ForzaHaloGears
>stick in a game
>realise the difference is tiny because you don't ahve a 4k TV
>pay $800 for 4k TV
>bring it home and set it up
>games look really nice. take that Sony
>five minutes later, that effect has worn off and you realise you are playing another fucking Forza game
>cries against poster of 'based' Phil Spencer

gonna be good

>if it's not on a Sony console exclusively it doesn't count


even if its twice as powerful it still has no devs for it. I dont want rehash after rehash trash. gimme something new

user please
Why would MS sell scorpio at a loss when it doesn't even have games where to make a profit from?

>Scorpio is a pc that can just barely run 60fps on medium settings
>4K @ 30fps, 1080p @ 60fps with drops
>you can only download games from windows store

i bet you 100% its this.

to be fair Halo and Forza are the best games in their respective genres right now

with you on Forza

Halo isn't even top 5 any more

>t. no idea how supply chain works

I'd LOVE to see your build though

It won't, though. High end PCs barely manage 4k 60FPS.

1 year later sony announces ps5

boom, scorpio is now a dreamcast

no other arena shootan even comes close.

Though if you were an old halo fan i could see why you would be disappointed

uhh source?


Another Win!

5...The Players!

Halo isn't an arena shooter, not by a fucking mile.

>Not true though
>Scorpio would most likely be peppered with ads like W10 oh and they'll probably sell off your personal info too, if they hadn't yet
The fact is we are way past the "MS will just keep burning money for Xbox" phase.

The online subscription is making bank. But Scorpio by itself wouldn't cause that to increase. Scorpio can't be sold at a loss, it is too late to try to be market leader. That ship's sailed. The only question is, is Scorpio going to be expensive, or crazy expensive?

PS5 is already around
It's PSV

>Dropping the PS4
lolno. It's the only section that still gives them profit, they can't bet on high end hardware and throw all that away

did you just assume my console faction?
anyways I don't understand your point.
Sony exclusives are played on Sony machines.
MS exclusives on MS machines.
The fact is, there are no MS exclusives.

As for multiplats, who cares. If I have a console capable of playing the title I sure will not get a now one just for that. And a shitton of people owns a PS4 right now. Multiplats do not help you move consoles.

>uhh source?
Look at any benchmarks for the GTX 1080.

Halo 5 is

nice meme

Sony will do it if it means pushing ms out of the market.

This is sacrilegious.

Do people not own PCs? Who would be interested in this?

MS already gave up on it though and only focusing on prebuilt pcs meant for spying on people.

Full backwards compatibility with all Xbox and Xbox 360
True 4K gaming, comes with Elite controller packaged.

Xbox One Elite
Xbox One S

*Requires Xbox Live Elite Contract

>Sony will do it if it means pushing ms out of the market.
That's last gen talk. This gen is about being profitable. No crazy money burning tactics trying to kill the enemy. Just selling stuff and get paid.

They can't push MS out of the market. Have you seen the list of most profitable gaming companies of 2016? Sony and MS are still very close despite Sony's huge advantage in the hardware sector.

Now focus on their respective console departments.
It's a wide margin.

yeah on ULTRA 1000xAA FULL SSAO

...fps on specific hardware is a design decision