You don't pirate do you Sup Forums?

You don't pirate do you Sup Forums?

I do,by writing on Steam forums that I would rather watch a let's play than buy their overpriced game which also gets me banned for advocating piracy

all information should be free

you wouldn't download a human life

I do but only Singleplayer games because there's literally no reason to buy them except to support the devs which I don't give a shit about.

I pirated Watch_Dogs while buying Transistor. Ended up putting the emotion-demanding Transistor aside because Watch_Dogs was just such a mindless game I could launch and play without thinking or caring. I finished both eventually.

Buy keys from other sites like G2A they are a lot cheaper.

Paying for entertainment is retarded lmao. Devs, musicans and directors exist solely to serve me not the other way around.

top kek

I buy about 2 games per month (plus 4-8 old games I liked long ago, like Earth 2150, and muhindieshitthatsbetterthanAAA like Brigador), pirate the rest.

support the publishers who work 100 hour weeks
support the investors who lose sleep over their investment and risked a lot to make the game happen

support the marketers who slave day in day out getting the game known

its amazing how easy it is for you nerds to steal from hard working people

give me your credit card details then..

where's the part where she shoots a Canadian(OP)

Most of the shit I buy I end up regretting, most of the shit I pirate I end up regretting not buying.
It's a constantly cycle of having hopes for a game only to be let down.

give me your passwords

That's literally all I do.

It's not hard user. Just pirate shit games and buy good games.

free as in beer :^)

>No flash
>No kickback
>No impact
>No bullet wound
>No blood

No wonder this garbage game failed.

>risked a lot to make the game happen
any sane investors have hundred of investments to balance out the loss. any sane investors also expect their investments to perform really fucking well every single month, leading to the shitshow dlcs, microtransaction and broken launch we have today.

Why payth when you can get for freeth?

you could play as a grill in watch dogs or did someone actually mod the game?

Only because in 2017 they decided to stop making demos for games.

Looks like a mod.

What is this?

>do you Sup Forums?
What do you think I'm doing? I'm gonna Sup Forums all day.

look at how fuckhuge the gun is compared to her hand, it looks too wonky to be an actual thing
I mean I know the good people at ubisoft are mostly incompetent fucks but still

Wait, isn't that watchdogs

Wasn't the protag a dude

>nobody posted THAT webm yet

Fuck off leaf

Abunai machine.

Paid on a salary regardless of game sales, marketing companies are usually third party unless you're talking AAA publishers who most likely have an in house marketing team.
Never at any real risk since they can just liquidate the IPs and studio that made the game if it bombs.
Same as above, except it refers to the publisher being liquidated. This applies to almost any endeavor in investment by the way, assets will be liquidated before things fail completely.
>mfw you didn't mention the only person who gets fucked
>the developer
>mfw I have no face


developers are lazy nerds who fuck everything up usually

I used to, but in the recent years I stopped.

Either the games wouldn't work online when pirated because they're always online and I want to play it with friends,

or I don't care enough about the game to begin with anyway.

Or I want to actually support the dev if it's a game I really love.

I just haven't seen a reason to pirate anything in quite a long time.

ye mate games making is a zero risk investment m8 yh yh nice brain m8

god you are thick

go make a game dev studio if its such a money generator no brainer no risk option?


ayy lmao

BRB investing my life savings into a video game business because it is literally risk free and DURP DURP ASSETS CAN BE LIQUIDATED TO MATCH OR EXCEED INITIAL INVESTMENT NO PROBLEMS

if anyone wants to join this lucrative endeavour please send 100000 dollars to my bank account its risk free

you mean that one, right?

Is it multiplayer and under $10 and worth that amount? Okay, I'll consider if friends have it.

Is it singleplayer? Most likely pirate.
Does it advocate some stupid new form of DRM or removing more consumer rights? Pirate or ignore completely.

The devs are already paid, purchasing the game outside of some indie games pays the publishers instead, and they're usually just assholes instead.

Anything in active development (NOT just EA) is almost always a regrettable decision, because (indie) devs seem to fuck stuff up big time at some point. This has happened to some of the funnest multiplayer indie games I've played/bought, so I stopped.

that's even worse than piracy, because you are giving literal thieves money

If you hate pirates and boor people, go outside, seek for them and fucking kill them!
>hurt, piratefags are commies and they should be hanged in public
>hurt, poor people are retarded unproductive niggers and Slavs, hang them too
So, poorfag genocide when?

He 100% let her do that.

Can you play as a girl in Watch Dogs? what's this?

>Idiot sees something cheap
>Doesn't wonder why it's this cheap
>Doesn't worry there might be something off with the product
>Oh shit turns out a lot of shady shit is going on with this vendor, and despite their product being this cheap they're making absurd amounts of money to then spend not on their bottom line but on shit like adverts and sponsorship
>Where would this money be coming from?
>Welp, I guess I'll buy it anyway, it's soooo cheap after all!! :^)

And it's the fact that most consumers are exactly this retarded that makes capitalism fail as a system.

>he pirates games
>doesnt realise how many keyloggers he downloaded
>doesnt realise he is fucked if he ever starts making money

yeah dont pirate games

capitalism failing as a system


poorfags getting poorer and richfags richer, poorfags of course don't like it

Nobody here pirates.

By the way where do i "acquire" persona 5?
The meme masters are getting loud and i want to appear in the epic screenshots

People who want your data will get your data, there is no such thing as adequate protection other than minimizing the prize you're putting on yourself while maximizing the cost.

>B-but muh keyloggers!
Low tier paranoia.

>Download pirated media

No, you pirate media by downloading it from an unauthorised source. You pirate the media the media isn't already pirated.

Failing, not failed, clown.

Yeah, I just pirated Snake pass and Rain World.


>at uni few weeks ago
>talking to hottie from my clas while smoking a cig
>she tells me hos she used to do Judo
>entered/won a few tournaments
>"haha my bf at the time didn't like to come watch"
>"heh yeah I think it's pretty cool.."
>can't stop fantasizing her choking me out in a leglock or some shit

I mean besides the basic finance rule of not putting all your eggs in one basket, yeah. If you invest in a AAA publisher you'll probably see your money increase. Take your pick of any of them. If you want to see an immediate increase just invest right before a big release. Typically any Activision/Blizzard release will make you money, go look for yourself if you don't believe me. They always see substantial growth after a WoW expansion in particular, just look at a 5 year breakdown and look up WoW releases.

I don't know why you think that investors lose money when a developer fails, people just get fired and the studio assets are sold anyways. Look at Sony or Nintendo, you can see small dips when a game/product(see:vita re-release dates in particular) fails, but they always bounce back... I wonder why?

The only way you could lose money would be if you invested in a no-name publisher with only a few IPs.

Maybe if you actually had an education in finance you'd realize that the market is always growing. Barring depressions and recessions(which are typically predicted, allowing you to pull out), you'll always gain money if you invest in something that's large enough to cover its temporary losses and isn't involved in fraudulent activity that could destroy everything. It won't make you money fast, but it'll make you money reliably. And on another note regarding depression/recession, the market generally recovers, hence why we're not in a permanent downward spiral because of the recent recession.

So this is what "erotic wrestling" on escorts' pages is?

>Can you show me some moves?
Cum the moment she leglocks you

holy shit are you some kind of pro wrestler or something? I couldn't tell at all

video game piracy is never justified in any way

The weird thing is I'm not even in to choke porn.
Haven't tried it irl though.

So hang thee poor then, if yo hate them!

There is nothing worth pirating.

>smoking a cig

Worst type of human being right here

In this age of early access nightmares, epic blunders every few weeks, unlimited hype and misrepresentation/misleading advertising, the following is true:
>pirate game
>try game for 3 hours max, make sure it is fun
>if game is not fun, delete and go to Sup Forums to shitpost about game
>if game is fun, buy it and play it online/achievements/whatever

If you don't do the above, either because:
>constantly falling for hypetrains
>pirate everything because "muh anerchy!"
Then you are a faggot, case dismissed.

>I pirate games because I want to try them first
here we go again

>N-noooo you lieeee!!!
Desperate denial is never a good strategy, user.

Don't worry, user. I'm not the bad
I vape and smoke weed as well.
Also the occasional hard drugs.

I'm not saying you're a liar, I'm saying you're the most insufferable kind of faggot there is

>I have an opinion!

Why is that insufferable?
Why is it too much for you to bear?

That's capitalism

no of course not

>Just pirate shit games
Why would you want to play shit games?

This one?

there is no reason to be buying that many games, you're wasting your money

Kek, I love how VN publishers try to ban LPs of their games because they consider it a form of piracy.

The best part is there's nothing you can do to stop it. The fact that people care so much about piracy just makes it all the more funny when I download someones favorite game.

I've pirated 100% of the games I've played and/or later bought.

I pirate because I live in a boat.

>tfw poorfag
pirating indie games feels kinda bad


>Cutting off your nose to spite your face