Filename thread

Filename thread.




>not starting at normal

>they get more sad
why i'm not surprised?




what manga? the style kinda reminds me of BioMega but also Sidonia for some reason

>he doesn't adjust his gamma

>TJ Perkins actually has fans


>not HyruleIsABigPlaceLink.jpg



I doubt it. Dabbing was a big meme last year.

>paper folded ten thousand times

Best one

Need a name

Well, Biomega and Sidonia were both done by the same guy, so...

Fuck, that's much better


>Call of Duty: WaW




do you know the sauce on the manga?







This is a spanish keyboard, look the "ñ" letter

Now look at yours and tell me if you see a key like that



Need a better name

I knew that, I've actually been using a Spanish layout recent. I just don't get the joke.




pretty sure that IS Biomega or something by the same guy.

>polygon reviews

Needs a new name


Is this a jojo reference?

JoJo is one the faggiest things I have ever watched, so it might as well be.




>hey booker, catch this chromosome
>we dared him to make a previous game suck without doing anything to it, and he did it the absolute madman
>if you masturbate to sfm, your waifu gets the flesh trombone
>would you kindly wear this
I don't know. I'm still pissed off at the Infinite and Burial at Sea fiasco. Levine is the biggest hack I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing.

It's 'Blame!' and, yeah, he made Knights of Sidonia and Biomega.






>best one-ing yourself


I don't get it.

thanks m8



noice, thanks


>many men, women and children are trying to escape the horrors of islamic fundamentalism
>Lefties come in and tell the world that islamic fundamentalism is great

I'd honestly go insane if I were a secular muslim and hear this shit spouted.

what weights more 10 pounds of steel or 10 pounds of feathers user?

Fun Fact: Nukes weren't what ended WWII, Japan was more than ready to deal with their country getting bombed and/or invaded. Hirohito went for unconditional surrender because of Stalin knocking on his back door and wanting to forcefully come in.

Even crazy Japs all about "muh honor" have to draw the line at Communism.

Steel. Because steel is heavier than feathers.

Wait, tell me why it was bad. I didn't think it was bad, but I I've been told I have bad taste.



>Let the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild™ come back to life.jpg

well 1 pound of steel is like 15 pounds of feathers so...

stop posting ryder and go watch play with cora


Anyone have a good filename?

>he help her
>she starts hitting him

depends on the feathers, for example ostrich feathers weigh more than pigeon feathers



>starts hitting him in the face

dude fuck chink bitches


She just got clam slammed. You think she's going to react rationally?

>The Asian Avengers

>Are you a boy or a girl?


>unconditional surrender
That didn't happen.


>clam slammed

fuck you i was drinking something.


I am a faggot.jpg

>Orion: Prelude


>plotholes enough to drive a train through
>character assassinations left and right (literally everyone, actually, even the insane artist cunt) seriously, literally everyone becomes a psychopath for no reason
>goes full "would you kindly" and completely removes all choice, despite no reason to (why the fuck don't I want to group up with ryan? why the fuck am I walking into an ambush? why the fuck am i dying in an ambush despite killing ten people at once?)
>why the fuck is elizabeth this supposed genius, yet acts like a complete moron outside of retarded monochrome schematics
>gameplay in the first is repetitious and boring
>gameplay is second nearly put me to sleep
>maps are all linear clusterfucks, with backtracking, because fuck you. seriously, I remember coming to the locked door in the infinite lab and just sighing because I knew I was going to loop around and walk back through it
>liz actings irrational trying to force the little sister out, then blaming booker, completely out of character. then they start the second episode thinking there might be a redemption arc, but no, forgotten.
>nigger revolutionary going full dindu nuffin
>bioshock 2 completely retconned because levine got butthurt someone could write his universe better than him (seriously, empathy as the little sisters? what the fuck kind of retarded retcon, why\
>that embarrasingly bad suchong death scene homage from an audiolog in the first
>dude we promised booker's VO we'd pay him, lets put him in as a hallucination lmao
It was barely functioning gameplay, mediocre map design, and the worst characterization and writing I've ever seen. And the shoehorning, dear god the shoehorning.
It confirmed what I suspected at the ending of Bioshock 1: Levine is an unforgivable hack only good at creating backstory.




Haha holy shit, he thought the elevator was just conveniently waiting for him on the other side

We have a winner

