Why do people even care about persona 5 when SMT IV did everything better except for the datingsim stuff? You guys do value gameplay above weeaboo pandering, right?
Why do people even care about persona 5 when SMT IV did everything better except for the datingsim stuff...
>expecting sonyqueers to play real games
Good luck with that, OP.
I'm still mad about no VIT stat and the fucked up STR stat.
SMT4 had boring dungeons until around endgame.
I like to play everything in the MT/SMT series, even the spinoffs.
IV and especially Apocalypse were fucking trash.
Only 12 hours into P5 and it completely shits over both of them.
If this is the future of mainline, it's a bleak one.
Apocalypse has the best gameplay in the series sonykun
I play Persona just because they don't make console SMT games.
>They released SJ in DS
>Me: Fuck I don't wanna play on handheld but I'll support you Atlus, please make SMT more
>Atlus: Oh you love handheld? here, SMT4 on 3DS!
Go be a grafix fag somewhere, faggot.
>still no Vit stat
>physical demons still useless.
>Smirk improved but still a shitty concept
I'd rather replay Nocturne or even the first two than touch it again.
But persona 5 has a more interesting story, better cinematography, better visual design and presentation, more content, while still retaining all smt demons and mechanics except those shitty smirks.
I dunno, Persona 5 seems a lot better.
Lets forget final exists because it was trash.
>physical demons still trash
M8 physical is the only element worth using in any SMT game.
In SMT IV/A, Phys and gun are the only two elements that can crit naturally, and thus making LUK literally the best stat for rape.
Once you get Phys/Gun Pierce everything dies without even targeting weaknesses.
You are playing the game wrong.
P5 is better than SMT4 but all those nintendos only like games when are on their favorite company
phys using hp instead of mp makes the game unbalanced since you can heal the same turn. Instead in apocalypse phys/gun skill cost less than high ranked magic but they're still not as spammable due to phys demons having low mp
Yeah and mostly budget brought it down, like mixing new sprites with fucking Saturn ones. The game was very fleeting and had a lot of sloppy aspects, even Nocturne was much better.
P5 is more SMT than SMT4 actually
especially everything about the final dungeon
Yeah it feels like a legit fusion. Everything seems a bit more 'adult', even the navigator app reminds me of the demon summoning program in a way.
The only thing I hated about Apocalypse was Navarre
>every enemy is a demon designed by kaneko
>you get new demons by negociating with them
>final dungeon is tokyo merging with the world of demons
>have to fight the archangels before reaching the final boss
>final boss is God, you kill him by summoning Lucifer
guess the game
IV is a 240P 3DS game and came out years ago.
By that logic nobody should care about any SMT game because II exists.
Which is why in SMT4, where Physical skills used HP, Magic was still superior to Physical, right?
>if you're not playing a game the way I am, then you're playing it wrong!
OK then. Here's your you
Wow Persona 5 must be really shit if SMTIV is better than it
I hated our obnoxious childhood friend. Actually, pretty much everyone in the entourage. That game was so poorly executed.
Why? I would prefer to play that on console to Persona.
>Which is why in SMT4, where Physical skills used HP
Retard. Phys skill use mp in both IV and IV:A
also dex build was the best in IV. Mag build is literally noob tier. Fuck off.
>no several route like law/neutral/chaos
>P5 is more SMT than SMT4
>Still can't customise your party's personas
lol ok there bud
this meme has to stop
Can I get a SMT with this graphics, holy shit.
I like both
Fuck you
You mean how SMT4 literally had half assed endings, and neutral just merged both halves making it the only relevent ending?
Persona and SMT are both the shittiest turnbased games
>muh spam for critics and win
You can control your party members and choose skills, smt allies do fuck all.
You're mother.
Persona 5
man it must feel so awful to see the shit you fanboy over be surpassed by something you loathe so much
just admit persona is better than mainline already
Magic had the best versatility when playing through and the best sustainability and grinding. Guns were the "best", but nothing required that level of damage, so throwing away all the other perks of magic is retarded.
SMTIV is fucking trash though, I would imagine Apocalypse being just as shit
Persona 5 blows the fuck out of SMTIV
Your party members in 4 and final are the demons, which allows for customization on battles. I have no idea why they still havn't reverted back to the systems of P1 and P2, but updated the fusion methods to the recent Personas
>Admit persona is better than mainline already
Naw, I still had more fun with 4 and final, i'll beat P5, but in all reality the game plays like a really long VN with little thought going into battle.
persona babbies are literally the worst.
>playing through SMTIV
>put like three points into strength at the start for a stronger sword attack
Is my build ruined now?
SMTIV was years ago dude. It's been talked to death. Plus, it's never been as popular as Persona was on the west anyways.
When SMTV comes out, you'll probably see the exact same thread with people bitching about why people care about SMT when persona's better.
The newer shit always get discussion.
This. Persona 5 might be more polished to to much higher budget but SMT is just more fun to me. Hope SMT5 will turn out good.
Yeah I'd buy this game in an instant if it didn't have the high school stuff.
But user what if I like both?
As it turns out, the dating sim and story stuff in Persona games keeps you interested. Endless dungeon crawling can get tedious if you don't have a break with some decent story segments littered about.
Still, SMTIV has the most fun combat system of any JRPG.
The dating sim stuff is fucking boring id' rather have GAMEPLAY
>id' rather have GAMEPLAY
i mean
it is gameplay?
>The dating sim stuff is fucking boring
not everyone has adhd and is 12, tokyo roaming and SLs are comfy
The persona series won, get over it.
Not him, but my favorite thing to do in any SMT game is fusing
My social-linking becomes this empty task of just trying to make the best demons. It actually defeated the narrative of P3 and P4 for me.
that's just you though
lots of people enjoy that aspect
ever thought maybe you dont like a part of something cause you're not the target audience of said thing?
This meme is as stupid as the Nintendo exclusivity deal that someone was trying to force a while back. Fuck off retard.
I heard Deep Strange Journey was going to be made in IV's engine but then also heard it's going to have the original's First Person dungeon crawling
Anyone confirm either?
I don't like it either and what's worse is there are so many benefits linked to SLs that you are missing out by skipping them. In Danganronpa it's just stuff that makes puzzles easier but in Persona it's experience, exclusive Personas and party member bonuses.
A high school theme isn't inherently bad it's when they do the VN lite stuff and add dating to the game that it becomes obnoxious.
They don't even play similar.
I think it's using the EO engine, but uses SMTIV/A assets for battles.
They confirmed its using IVs engine.
So no First Person?
Im sure they can use 4's engine and put it in first person view
I thought it was going to be a remake, they won't change something like that so drastically
Its using IV's engine but the game is in first person.
I wouldn't mind a variable view tbqh
I liked the shoulder view in IV
Best girl
What a cute and trustworthy girl!
About to pick up persona 5 on ps3.
Should I just do what I usually do and go full magic or is strength actually useful unlike in smt4
Play on your own and find out.
>try SMT IV
>die constantly in the first hours of the game
>finally get to tokyo
>still keep dying constantly
>boot up persona 5
>haven't died once in my first few hours
I understand that certain games evoke different levels of challenge from players but SMT IV is just un fun.
The gameplay is similar to other SMT so I get it and that part is ok but fuck I just can't get into that game, there's nothing fun about having to worry about possibly getting wiped in every battle just because an enemy might land a combo or get first hit on you and get you locked in press turn.
>boot up persona 5
>haven't even gotten to the first dungeon in my first few hours
The real question is why do you care about IV when these exist?
>being this bad at a game where you can save anywhere and buy your way out of the game over screen
You don't even game over when Flynn dies! Your demons can still fight lol
Desu 2 is bad
Desu 1 is godlike.
The only good SMT games are on PS2
3ds versions don't even show your demons attacking physically, shit is held back by shitty hardware
I hated DDS, I can see why some people like it, but it's not for me
Nocturne also felt kind of boring, the amount of random encounters ruins it for me, not enough demons to fuse like in 4 aswell.
Raidou 2 was sick though and one of my favorite SMTs
Saving doesn't matter if I can't win battles because of RNG bullshit. Also I don't like dying because it means I'm losing and I dont want to waste play coins either
I just didn't enjoy 4 at all
I didn't have an ounce of trouble with P3 and 4, 5 is gud so far too
I also really enjoyed so I was really disappointed in SMTIV
I'm keen on trying Nocturne someday or that Strange Journey remake too. IV was just one of the most unfun games I've played in awhile
The story and setting also seemed bland as fuck so I had little motivation. Even after I got to Tokyo I just felt so uniinteretsed
Last time I check a SMT has NEVER come close to a 94. Persona 5 is the JRPG of @"THIS GENERATION"@ up there with the likes of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7.
>only play one game forever.
Do you realize how stupid you sound?
2 is good, but 1 is way better. Neither can be considered bad.
P5's combat is so fucking dumbed down and simple. IV's and Apocalypse's is and are amazing, how can people even think P3 2.0 compares?
Its still a first-person dungeon crawler. It still uses EO style dungeons. It will have fully animated cutscenes, a new character, all characters besides the protagonist will have character protraits, full voice acting, new dungeons, new and more demons, demon co-op system is being upgraded and updated, Alex, and new routes/endings.
And they confirmed its using IV's game engine and is around 70% completed.
>Also I don't like dying because it means I'm losing
>Last time I check a SMT has NEVER come close to a 94.
Duh. Reviewers hate difficulty.
I just play Persona to see next gen models of my favorite demons.
I really wish they hadn't changed the Persona formula to dating sims.
SMT IV dungeons arent best in class but Persona 5 dungeons are trash, complete trash.
All this shit is weeaboo pandering. And I definitely eant my pandering to have dating in it.
I've played SMT4:Apocalypse but not SMT4, are the dungeons the same? Because if they are then Persona 5 would have to have pretty bad dungeons.
I don't like demons
Yes, OP, why don't I replay the same game over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?
Surely that won't get boring in the slightest.
>dating sim stuff
Not really.
>story stuff
P4's story was a watered down pastiche of Diamond is Unbreakable/JJBA Part 4. P5's is downright boorishly simple and stupid. I'd rather have more dungeon crawling, fusion fun, and skill and party management then go through shitty social links just to have access to whatever x number of higher level demons the game forces you into.
So far P5 is better than IV and Apocalypse, and i loved both of those games
Also fuck you too toddler
>P5 is better than IV and Apocalypse
>Not really.
That's literally the way you get the ultimate personas and where most of the character development happens.
I meant to say "not really" as in not really into that stuff, not that it didn't happen. Like others have said, the games from P3 and onwards in the Persona series force you into that avenue to reward the player with higher level personas.
Ignore him. He's literally playing an easy mode RPG.
>tfw even PQ has more depth and gameplay then P5
Sorry but that's how things are, also people think IV is DaS-tier of difficulty when after the Minotaur boss fight the game pretty much plays itself