Linny a cute
Linny a cute
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Whatever happened to Linkle?
>twink aryan
>tfw had a fetish for girls dressing me up
I wish I was still young so I could be dressed in that.
She's buried with Hyrule Warriors, appearently
Thicken him up por favor
Remember that Bozai guy that desperately wanted to fuck "her"?
I'm surprised there's no fanart.
He's cute too
Broadcasting sage is a banable offence.
>not being gay
for you
literally trap erper stealing games from steam loser.
Is it some kind of Japanese fetish for a boy to put on woman's clothing and instantly become passable as a girl?
Something about his modern glasses seems silly in the context of the picture.
>my BF wants to do a cosplay duo as link and boots guy
God damn it I've already jerked it twice today, this is bullshit
>when he's shaking so much because he wants your cock so badly
>getting off to that
>with all the much better and lewder art out there
Poor taste.
I wonder what caused your basement dwelling faggots to develop and become homo-sexuals?
Is it the lack of female interaction in your life besides your own mother who despises that her son locks himself in his room and regrets not swallowing you when she could have.
Now you faggots will continue to act like the degenerates that you are because all the good looking gays are out there getting laid while you ugly faggots dress up in twink costumes to hide your sad insecure lives cuz youll never get a bf
>dat projection
>dat insecurity
I really just like boys, I dunno what's so offensive about that.
But I have a boyfriend... and I have him dress up as link.
>in twink costumes
My only issue is that you don't know what a twink is
Why are you so bitter about something that doesn't even affect you m8?
i hope you feel better letting all that out now, remember the first step is to admit you have a problem and now you can work to better yourself and hopefully one day you'll get a boyfriend too.
Blue is superior colour
>get boner
>all the gerudo can smell the precum
>another gay link thread on Sup Forums
why does this always happen?
Not him but it doesn't change the fact you're a sinful faggot who's bound to get killed and sent to hell at some point
>you'll go to hell if you stifle what you like and pretend that you don't like it, even when the thing you like doesn't harm anyone
I refuse
Now let me enjoy cute Link
I just hate gays
But Thanks for the (You)s
Best boy.
Eh I prefer these over legoman threads.
I'm christian, and the parts of the bible that condemn homosexuality also condemn the wearing of mixed fabrics.
It's not even condemned directly by Jesus.
Not him but it harms Link, he can't think for himself, he's fucking retarded. You're literally abusing and molesting an innocent boy just so you can "stifle what you like."
I hope you get sent to prison so niggers can rape and kill you after, filthy subhuman
opinions, opinions... have a (You).
Your life must be sad if you thank someone for just replying to your shit.
the bible also tells us that god, a being with infinite power and can do literally anything he wants didn't just start over instead of fucking flooding the planet like a moron.
you better thank me.
I bet you wanna use that as an excuse for kids to walk around naked all day so you can touch them you fucking pedo.
You're a disgusting human being, kys pls
Sorry, sir. If you dont calm down im gonna call the janitors.
I like his nickname 'Linny'.
it's effeminate like a girl
Fun fact: Ancient Greece and the early Roman Empire didn't even have a concept of homo/heterosexual. There was only dominant and submissive, and these are cultures created governments that we still emulate today.
I cummed inside a man's asshole and it did not make me feel any gayer.
I live a relatively straight life and still fuck women.
I don't think i'll get have a dick inside me though that's pretty gay and i'll never let anyone dominate my asshole.
God damnit why is boy butt the best.
What does that have to do with my post?
Homosexuality isn't a sin.
You SHOULD also have kids with a side chick or keep your gay thing as a side thing you do while you have a wife, but it's not a sin.
I do plan on having kids one day as well, well 2 kids with 2 surrogates for my bf and I.
Pic related.
Prime example of a homos literally bring down any society that they have power over, over time. You don't see England, China or America disappear of the face of the earth because their leaders are faggots and fuck eachother daily.
Another fun fact: male and female clothing were extremely similar in Rome and Greece and it was often impossible to tell whether you were talking to a guy or a girl until after you undressed them.
>Prime example of a homos literally bring down any society that they have power over, over time.
Except for the fact that the adoption of Christianity was one of the leading factors of Rome's downfall.
So they saw there was a penis and they still fucked them? I'm not sure where you're trying to take this argument.
>it was often impossible to tell whether you were talking to a guy or a girl until after you undressed them.
calling bullshit
every time I have doubts about myself I remember how much my existence enrages normalfags like you and I think I must be doing something right
Enraging superstitious lunatics such as yourself literally gets me out of bed in the morning
Keep crying, normie, it keeps me going, like music to my ears
Isn't the act called making love? That mean for an instance, you, a man, loved another man enough to fuck him.
That's pretty gay.
I want to get Link boy pregnant!
Are there any feet pics?
My boyfriend is actually from a fundamentalist christian household.
I managed to convince him over like a year to turn from a friend into a boyfriend by unbrainwashing him.
He was just like you and now he's taking dicks in his butt.
There's a fair difference between fucking and making love. I don't make love when I'm drunk, I get fucked.
I want to fuck that ass like there's no tomorrow.
Link and Zelda make linda if they fused.
What the fuck kind of a friend are you? You brainwashed someone just so you can fuck him? Holy shit, you're actually worse than niggers.
You're literally a rapist, kys
you mean you coerced him into your degenerate ways and kept lying that sucking dick or getting your dick sucked or butthole licked doesn't make you gay.
stop being gay
Yeah real hard to convince someone to not live their whole life based on a fictional book written by a madman from thousands of years ago.
Take your degeneracy elsewhere, we're discussing homosexuality here
it was pretty daring of America to elect its first gay VP
I mean seriously what do you call this logo other than little Mikey getting it up the ass
>Believing in a being who hates evil doings yet gives people the capability to be evil.
really makes you think.
link me up the sauce fampai
Trump inside a pussy, that makes more sense than thinking it's gay. Women's holes are meant to be used, not mens you faggot.
>boy pussy
I'm a cockmongling faggot but I still find this phrase to be the biggest fucking turn off, right up there with
>let me worship ur cock XD
Seriously, it's an asshole. Call it what it is, be honest about it, that's way more attractive than
>lel don't worry ur still le strait it doesnt count unlesss you cum in my nostrils XD
Stop being fucking faggots about being a faggot. Cunts.
Just post Link
it is the one and only purpose of this thread
I just love him is all. I want to make him happy.
Story time.
>he doesn't like b0ipucci
Wow, homophobic much
Well as long as your happy doing it keep on keeping on.
I'm not one to badmouth someones sexual tastes considering what I'm into.
What is that user?
I used it to break the ice with people. It's hard to be too nervous when you're both laughing at b0ipuss.
It's Satan who gave humans, you know, free will and shit so they would fuck their own shit up (read being gay, pedo, etc) and get sent to hell. God already tried to help but you failed, you're just a walking ads for Satan to rape like you did with all your other victims.
>boys make better girls then girls.
How the fuck do girls even think they can compete?
They have the monopoly on breeding
For now
I'm not gay but I would love to suck Link's feminine penis unironically.
The End.
I just want raunchy gay faggotry without any pretension that it bears any resemblance to heteroshit. Faggots making excuses and pretending they aren't faggots doesn't turn me on. Just be honest about how much you prefer cock in your ass. Is that so wrong?