Damn 73 bucks? I always thought they were 50-60 dollar range. Fuck I feel bad for my parents.
Damn 73 bucks? I always thought they were 50-60 dollar range. Fuck I feel bad for my parents
I only had 2 games back in the SNES days and rented everything else.
I had a couple of SEGA Genesis games, but my parents would buy them at flea markets or garage sales. Except for Sonic 2 and Aladdin, those came with the system.
72.99 AFTER coupon.
They would rent games first and bought the ones we really enjoyed.
Yeah, carts were expensive. N64 games were more expensive than PS1 games during the era.
I got Megaman X and Mario Paint with a SNES for Christmas one year. Pretty much everything else I rented from Blockbuster or borrowed from friends.
But Mom, it has Tetris AND Dr Mario! AND we have a coupon!
Turns out Dr Mario is a shit game
I know the games were more expensive then ps1 games. I remember Parappa and others games at 39.99 while almost every n64 game was 60 or more.
that zoop math doesn't add up
>Spending over 100 dollarydoos for DOOM on the SNES
Anyone else have any more old circulars to post?
Jesus Christ...when adjusting for inflation these fuckers were like $100+ per shitty game back then. Fuck.
What's more fucked is that 70$ after inflation in today's money would be around 150$.
Video game costs back then were between 100-200$ when adjusted for inflation in todays money.
But most people just rented, fuck buying.
There was no shortage of shitty games either. all those licensed games were going for premium prices too
you're an idiot.
>a hundred fucking dolaridos for doom
jesus crist this guys where fucking omega jews
they still are.
when the fuck is after dark updating again
they are happy merchants now
Cartridges were incredibly costly to manufacture. Why do you think video games really only caught on big time after the first Playstation?
PS1 games were like $40 in an era where Nintendo games were $60 to $100. Because CDs are incredibly cheap to manufacture. Thats why Nintendo was fucking around with Playstation and Philips back in the early 90s, but because they want to stay proprietary they decided against it much to their chagrin.
This really explains why my family would only get games on birthdays and Christmas and why they were always shitty games and never the big titles.
lol poor fuck
Yes, my family was poor. Great observation.
Theres a reason renting games was actually a good idea back then.
lol if ur parents couldn't make that good baby boomer money.
>baby boomer meme
Grow up.
woah. Nintendo looks mature.
My parents worked in a casino and made tons of bank in the 90s more then they should have. and lived way beyond what they should have.
>Turns out Dr Mario is a shit game
Hold the fucking phone, cunt.
Sure it's not as great as Puyo Puyo 2, Tetris Attack or Tetris but it's still a great game.
Department stores like Macy's would carry games. My sister bought me smash 64 for $80 plus tax.
>not paying 200 bucks a game to get dem superiour 4-dimensional graphics and nearly life-size characters
lol @ not buying a 3do for 700 bucks
>not having parents who owned an arcade where you hung out all day and played all of the games for free
DOOM on SNES has pretty good music and extra levels IIRC, but the visuals are horrible.
Best thing about the SNES doom is the map
Weren't those expensive because you could plug those carts into the PCB of a Neogeo Arcade Cabinet and play them on the cabinet?
No, the arcade cabinets were MVS carts.
AES carts are the home version, which are identical to the arcade, but with fancier packaging and labels.
MVS carts are actually cheaper than AES ones.
>Vanilla MK3 is 100$
Wonder how much the Ultimate version would cost
That WWF game was probably so much more expensive because they needed to get legal rights for all those characters, which was less common back then i'm assuming