Is it nerfed yet?

Is it nerfed yet?

Why would they nerf a deck that does literally nothing for the first 5 turns?

Rogue is my favorite class but now it feels like i'm just jumping on the broken bandwagon for playing quest rogue

>Be pirate warrior
>Against quest rogue
>He autistically plays with himself bouncing back the same 1/1 for 4 turns and not defending himself.
>He is dead before turn 5.

Pirate warrior wasnt even scratched by the expansion.

>it is another anti-control deck
Meanwhile paladins get the hardest quest with the shittiest reward

Control Warrior would like to speak to your ass

>Pirate warrior wasnt even scratched by the expansion.

So fucking glad I moved to Shadowverse. God damn Blizzard is fucking stupid.

play a real card game

Pirates get 95% fucked over by taunt warrior, which is the most popular deck on ladder right now though.

>Spellweaver is dead
>New MTG game isn't out yet

What are you playing these days? Digital only, I moved on from physical card games.

Taunt warrior is the only deck that can actually keep up with pirate warrior, specially on wild with belcher and annoyotron, but it is butt fucked by all the other high value quests (hunter, shaman, rogue)

It is a "beat the best deck, but lose to everything else" situation. Not worth it.


Everyone still playing this and funding blizzard are the cancer of video games.

>and funding
Well then, I'm fine.

Literally just kill them before they can play the quest.

Same. Been playing Vengeance Bloodcraft and OTK Azazel. I really don't understand how Blizzard fucked up Hearthstone so bad. Shadowverse at this point is entirely a better game, even with broken Runecraft all last expansion. Better than Pirate spam.

>Decide to try HS with the 3pack incentive
>Still starter deck
>Every other queue plays this card

Great job, Blizzard. GitPacks(from the store) isn't a solution and never will be.

>stop playing after WotOG and Kara adventure released and i didn't want a single card
>game is still shit

why blizz? they want money so they push the esports aspect cause they want ad revenue and shit but then they fuck over the consumer because they don't actually try anything new or innovative just stuff that slightly shifts the meta

I'm enjoying Shadowverse a lot, it has honestly added quite a bit to the formula and it gives you a good amount of shit, even the cosmetics and reasonably priced. I haven't played it for long though.

Only real issue is that, looking through the thread on /vg/, it seems to be quite dependant on rare cards for any level of play beyond beginner. Also while I do enjoy the lewder cards in private I just know I'm going to feel embarrassed playing this shit in public.

>giving a shit about their game

You already bought the packs, goy. At massively increased prices if you live outside the US.

>taunt warrior is popular
time for Control Paladin to come back into the spotlight

this is why I play shadowverse, aside from it just being a better game

even if the game becomes shit (which it hasn't yet), it's completely free due to all the stuff they give you if you put in the most minimal grinding

Be nice if they were 5/4s instead so I could flamestrike them

>play against
>no counterplay, just get fucked up

>play as
>happens too often where you just don't draw your bounce cards and end up with a shitty aggro deck

best deck, not fun from any perspective

>(which it hasn't yet)

Man, Blizzard has been pure garbage with the Brawls lately.
>Distributing the "freebie" packs for Ungoro over the weeks leading up to it through Brawls (excluding the ones for daily logins and 3 freebies for login post-expansion)
>The Brawls all fucking suck
>The Brawl the day before Ungoro drops is a generic garbage Brawl
Why is it so hard to make Brawls that actually feature the new cards. Why wait weeks into an Expansion before putting any Brawl featuring them out?


I play Quest Rogue because I take bigger risks to fuck with my opponent. I love how you see them scramble through their hands desperately when you play so many minions on the field that the quest doesn't actually matter.

Like a Pirate Warrior I played today. Just used the freeze effect to cuck him out of using his precious 8/3 Arcane reaper. Never even got around to playing the quest because I had so many minions on the field I just straight up chipped him to death.

the last card he played was a shield block, kek

I'm sorry you're so cucked into hating anime that you'd rather play a steaming pile of Blizzard's shit than a game developed by MtG pros.

>So fucking glad I moved to Waifuverse

To defeat the Pirate, you must BE the Pirate

Here it is, now stfu.

That feel when no 2 mana 2/1 whose battlecry is to discover a card in your deck :(

I feel like I have a shot against Quest Rogue, and most of them don't seem to get how the deck works despite it being obvious.

Pirate Warrior though - how do people like that shit? I've played it before, it's just SO BORING

It genuinely amazes me how retards like you can be cucked out of their own interests so easily.

You don't even know what's in the game, but still talk like you're some expert. A desire to seem more "masculine" actually makes you look like a bigger faggot.

I got the mage quest in a random pack.
So I play mage.
I kinda like it but half the time I just keep the quest in my hand the whole game and end up winning by SMOrcing or something

>tfw you play quest warrior
>tfw you play a casual quest deck that is easy to beat

>It genuinely amazes me how retards like you can be cucked out of their own interests so easily.
It's mostly because I hanged it in Sup Forums too much. Even though I still watch anime.

I'm so fucking happy my true love handlock is back.
thinking about trying out shadowverse. how is it exactly? Is it less wallet dependent than hearth?

Draft 2x Dirty Rat in your deck.
Craft them if you need to.
Mulligan for them against rogue and exodia mage and enjoy your free wins.

That's what's good about the rogue quest, I think - it changes how a match against rogue is played. There's a sense of urgency. I can tech in dirty rat if I wanna cuck the rogue, I can leave the rogue alone to play solitaire so that he has 2 hp left - the games are repetitive but I feel like they're distinct from miracle rogue.

Against a Mage Quest Mage, it's the same concept every match against a mage has always had. Mages have tons of burst damage so either keep health + armor high or kill him before he starts chucking fireballs at you.

Time warp is just a glorified pyroblast - if a mage was able to play enough discovered spells for time warp you've already lost to begin with

last i checked shadowverse gives you like 40 free packs of ten right off the bat, and its fucking easy to make one/two nice decks right off the bat. its also had like 3 expansion packs already, so it has a very optimistic future

reminds me of when i played hearthstone and i had to sacrifice entire decks just to try and play new ones and grind arena for weeks for dust fodder. the only thing i miss from hearthstone was my mill druid

I played Shadowverse for a short time and let me tell you - for all it's faults, RNGstone wasn't retarded enough to implement such a fucking idiotic mechanic like Evolve.

Quest Rogue isn't good enough to deserve a nerf. As the meta matures it will fall out of favor completely because it's a shit matchup versus real aggro decks and a shit matchup versus taunt warrior.

Don't get me wrong it's stupid braindead cancer and you might as well roll a die and lose on a 1 or 2 for all the strategy playing against it entails, but it's not a good deck.

Evolve is a really good mechanic unless it's used on Storm followers to go face. But the aggro meta is all but dead right now, and the one good aggro deck (Shadowcraft) doesn't play much storm outside of a huge telegraphed wombo combo. Plus every midrange and control deck has access to really good wards, clears and healing now.

wow a 2 cost 0/2, absolute garbage, how is this convincing people to play shadowverse again?