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Video Games #3737
Video Games
Don't you feel guilty for wasting your youth playing videogames?
The Switch is now the fastest selling Nintendo system in history and it did so in March...
Ever gotten a warning from your IP provider about piracy?
Name a better game
ITT: Vidya girls who you wouldn't mind waking up as
Self-imposed Challenge Thread
Playing through MGS5 for the first time
If I enjoyed the old Digimon World games would this be worth checking out?
Lets take banjo tooie and add minigames with the difficulty of battletoads
Haha BotW is a shit game and empty overworld
Things you can say about video games but not your girlfriend
Any video games that let me be a MOTHERFUCKING STARBOY?
ITT we solve vidya mysteries
Just got ending E last night
Am I the only one who thinks she's ugly as fuck?
This game came out exactly 25 years ago today
New Vegas thread? New Vegas thread
Your top 5 JRPG Sup Forums
Tfw pirating MEA isn't even worth the space on my SSD
From Software
Somebody call 911 - because I was ROBbed!
Randy fucking Pitchford
Mega Man is dead
Why are PC babies hate this game so much?
43k copies sold in 2 days
How interesting would a 3d arena fighting game about bugs be to you?
ITT: Every game ruined by furries
I'm a straight male
Just finished Infamous 2. Infamous thread
Police station
Ice and water are 2 different types of element
All gamers with an IQ above 110 will agree on this
Here is my 2017 backlog
Imagine it being actually good and not ruining the trilogy
Dragon Quest fans..... BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
This console won the 7th generation. So why did people still buy PS3s and Xbox 360s? Like...
PS4 sells 1 million Units in 1 day in North America
Prepare to Dine?
Why haven't there been any good videogames based on The Matrix?
Name 1 (one) game with better art direction
Didn't see one, so let's do this. Battlestation thread
Create a level with surprisingly good design
You have 10 seconds to tell me why you haven't fused the greatest angel in Persona 5
Hey Sup Forums, have you had your daily supplement of Orange Juice yet?
E3 2017
People actually thought ARMS would only have 5 fighters
Anyone else here in the Quake Champions Beta?
There are people
Yfw people on Sup Forums who blame their lack of skill at a game on "artificial difficulty"
Antagonist is literally Jesus
Hey there pretty boy, wanna have some fun?
How do you organize your steam library?
Keeping Recov chips in your folder
What is the best controller to use on PC and why did the steam controller fail?
Daily reminder that if you didnt support Nintendo during the Gamecube era you only have yourself to blame for Nintendo...
Dubs names him
Hang on...
Why is she so cute?
How do I into Outrun...
Are ya winnin', son?
Start playing Planetscape Tournament EE because it's my favorite RPG of all time
Yandere Simulator
***'** ******** ***** *** **** *** **** ** fuck **, ****'* ***?
So does Bayonetta have casual sex with Rodin and Enzo for fun or what?
Kirby Thread
So Sup Forums
So i got this recently and I actually liked it a lot
How's this game receive so much praise when it's just a shit version of Earthbound?
$599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD $599 USD...
Any spic gamers out there?
Post cozy games
Halo 5 is the best console shooter in the last 5 years
Final boss is a God
Does making games make you a good politic?
102% Attach Rate
PS vita questions
Let's Play Solitaire
Would games be better or worse if they played exactly as they did now...
So next gen or whenever 4k becomes standard, will 1080p look as shitty as 720p looks now?
Any streamers who can hold a candle to buffalo bill?
Sega employee here again
This is not ok
GOTY 2017
Purchase game
Solo queue for comp
Horizon outsells Zelda yet again
Okay i can't hide it.... This game is a fucking masterpiece
This board is filled with plebs...
I know Sup Forums hates scalping but would you prefer me to be on autism bucks doing nothing instead...
Look at the replies to Nintendo of America's latest tweet
Where were you when Nintendo won the 9th generation of video game consoles?
What is the BEST NES game EVER?
“I can't play games with female protagonists because I can't relate to them”
Switch sells 906,000 units in March in the U.S
How do you get better at fighting games?
Fire Emblem Heroes
What are some good adaptions of vidya into other mediums?
'we want a tank to replace Reinhardt'
Well, Sup Forums?
Let's be honest
Switch sales surpass 906,000 in the U.S
I just finished this game. What ending did everybody get?
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite hopes and expectations thread?
Is it just another scam?
Who innovated more?
Nintendo won
Another one bites the dust
Is this the best monster hunter?
Is the game you're playing right now fun?
Was RE7 bad only to people who think Resident Evil is an action game series / started with RE4?
Buyfag thread
Nintendo announced the Nintendo Switch has become the fastest selling video game system in their history - 906...
Is this game really that bad? It's £2.99 on the EU PSN store right now, 95% off...
Breath of the Wild sold more copies than the Nintendo Switch in NA
Gamer fuel thread
Yooka-Laylee, anyone?
Only Nintendo knows how to make open world games?
Why is this allowed
ITT: Games with god tier modding communities
Search your favorite vidya game charachter on deviantart, post worst results
Post em boys
Where do i start havent played a single game
Fuck off Becky I want a maid that isn't a dinosaur
What is Sup Forums opinion on the Megaman Starforce Series?
Well, looks like these two are gonna die
ITT:godtier vidya soundtracks
Tfw only just played the first Dark Souls after finishing the rest including Bloodborne
Who is Persona's 5 best girl?
Redpill me on DOTA,should I play this sheit?
Find one flaw
ITT:We post the best girl in their respective series
Nintendo continues to be the king of bad decisions. They truly do not give two shits about their fans
What is their best game and why is it Vanquish?
What's Sup Forums general opinion about this?
Refunds in video games need to go
Nintenbros will defend anything. Prove me wrong Sup Forums
What's the game with the best soundtrack and why is it Super Mario Galaxy?
What video game has the best logo?
This is a Pandaren, one of the many races in World of Warcraft
How long did it take for the PS3 to finally have games?
Yakuza 0
Can we please address the Nintendo hate?
This is Sup Forums's favorite video game series
Are there any games that teach you how to be more social or more entertaining as a person?
Why is 1988 water looking better than 2017 water ?
What game is this?
Zelda BotW has the most interactive, varied and vibrant open world ever!
But Sup Forums told me jontron won
9 out of 10 games are decided by who gets the lucky bounces
NES Classic Ending No Big Deal
ITT: cool video game concept art
Why is such a blatantly unfinished game considered one of the best videogames of all time?
Going to start playing this soon, lads. What's a fun party to use? Not necessarily an OP one, just fun
Don't you ever get tired of shooting stuff? I just wish the FPS/TPS genre would be dead already...
Ahh to see the world as Keith Richard does
Who else cheats compulsively in single player vidya?
Final boss music is a remix of the main theme
What's his end game?
Monster Hunter
Le best game of le year
He still isn't playing Sm4sh with mods
Is there anything redeemable about this character?
Why is this game only $40? is it super short
Tired, user?
Japan is about to be vaporized
What is the dumbest vidya opinion youve read?
Silent Hill
Is the Nintendo Switch first year game line-up really that bad?
Now that the dust have settled...
Why don't we get more Hispanic/Mexican characters in videogames instead of your typical black token character or white...
Make Necromancer class for Diablo 3
How do you afford Vidya
Webm bread?
What are your ideas for a fighting game, Sup Forums?
With Mario Kart 8 being remade what other WiiU games should ported to the Switch?
Did anyone else have a weird lonely childhood playing games?
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Any tips on how to beat this guy?
Mobile game revenue grew 53% year over year in Q1 2017, now $11.9B, top games listed
Dark Souls would be a flawless 10/10 if it ended after anor londo. O&S should've been the final boss
Can I romance this girl
Why won't they make a bounty hunting game about the star wars universe? Fuck gay space wizards...
What do people mean when they say MMOs are "dead?"
Subtle vidya tats
Thoughts on this game?
When someone says an RPG is "hard"
Nintendo won't recover after that Wii U farce...
*teleports behind you*
Things you can say about your favorite game but not to your girlfriend
Filename thread
Post your steam library
Howdy y'all
Open world
Team Fortress 2
This is awesome... Just awesome
So is Link canonically gay now?
Gifts friend Dark Souls
Selling cowhides 100 ea
Demons Souls PS4 Remaster
ITT : you poorly describe a game or series and others have to guess what it is
ITT: We post guaranteed newcomers for Smash Switch
Why do competitve online games make me so mad, Sup Forums?
Silent Hill
Piratefags will never EVER play GOTY
What are the best Shin Magami Tensei games ?
Hey Cousin! Let's go bowling
The protagonist's monologue ends with the game title
Smash Switch Hopes and Expectations thread?
Away with you vile beggar!
What did we think of it?
How is pirating games ethical?
How come this game, thousands of years old, still has not been surpassed? How come no tactical video game can touch it...
When you realize that Doom 2016 canonizes EVERY Doom wad ever
Denuvo costs 7fps performance
Thief thread
Game blatantly rips off stand powers
What happened to Nintendo?
Would you kindly have a bioshock thread xD
Thoughts on neon yellow joy-cons? Also post hopes for future joy-con colors
PS4 will rein as one of the best consoles in consoles history
Why don't you play Dance Dance Revolution
Hey Sup Forums, should I buy pic related on Steam or Bayonetta?
Sup Forums drawthread
ITT: The last character you played as is trying to kill you...
Would this get mixed reviews if it was released today?
What am I missing about TLoZ games
Naming your child after a video game character
Sup Forums is suddenly against piracy now
You can actually date and have sexual relations with your high-school teacher
Why haven't you claimed your free copy of windows 10 yet user?
What is "your game"? The one you pick up and beat once in a while
WoW is fucking back baby! Why havent you re subbed??
ITT: Games better than Persona 3
Should wired controllers make a comeback?
What are some games where the antagonists seduce the MC?
He used the meme arrows
Can video games be art?
What are some games developed by this euro country?
Best rts for 20$
League of Legends
What exactly did he do wrong? Didn't your gym teacher do the same at your school?
Games that defined your childhood
Salut !
Is this GOTY?
Would this game get mixed reviews if it were released today?
I'm not gonna lie, I think I have to get the new Zelda amiibos. The funny thing is, I didn't get any of the BotW ones
Why are game mechanics always rock-paper-scissors? is jokenpo the deepest videogame?
This is Shizue-chan
HD598: $100-$200
Think game is going to be shit
Prepare to Dine
P4 > P5 > P3
Best story
How does this make you feel?
ITT: consoles that prove the power of marketing and psychological warfare
Briefly summarize the last thing you did in the last 3 games you've played
AVGN thread
Bump from page 10
What genre wasn't invented yet?
Can I use your phone, user?
I never played the original Fallout games, but I want to
PSN Down
Tomodachi Life
Today I decided to play with my old ps3 games. I wanted to replay some great hits like Bioshock, Fallout 3, GTAIV...
Which would you rather want developed for a triple A game?
What does it say?
How is this legal?
What went wrong?
Who exactly is mad about Cemu?
Persona 5
Is he GOAT?
You pirate Western games?
Be quiet, Lady Maria is asleep
Sup Forums's very own dark souls global restart day, by user
Playing on console with sister or female friend
Itt: What the hell were the devs thinking?
Coming back to vidya after 2 years break any good titles on PS4/PC/3DS (no weebshit please)
Muh dick
Roche or Iorveth?
Meanwhile, on Monstergirl Sup Forums
Why is the Japanese voice cast of P5 entirely composed of the biggest A-listers in animeland and the dub entirely of...
Tfw Nintendo Switch upcoming games list
Is there a non-cancerous channel that I should subscribe to?
What game should I buy next, fellow Sup Forumsagabonds?
FEZ is 5 years old!
But Sup Forums told me Japanese videogames didn't have "politics"
Lets play a game Sup Forums
The last good Civilization game
''Next : Nier Automata Denuvo v.3 x64''
Risk of Rain
Whats the current consensus on this game? Never played a castlevania game before was thinking about trying this out
Will bloodborne ever come to PC?
Are there any hard games that I can actually beat...
Well that was fast
PC releases scheduled for this year:
Games that failed to activate your almonds
Do you think vidya ruined your life? Why?
Is this enjoyable without playing the other games?
Post perfect games. 95 or higher
General Switch Thread
Do you think Yugioh has a future as a Online collectible card game?
Friendly reminder that 2017 is Daisy's year
Pitch your idea for the next inFAMOUS game
BotW is playable and beatable on CEMU
Official Mass Effect Squadmate Ranking
Women cant join the Navy Sea-
Wtf how is critical fucking hot yet have problems with girls?
Building a PC for emulation
Do you know what is the main problem of this game? Its simply BORING AS FUCK and completely not memorable...
Thinking of getting a SMT or Persona themed tattoo and need ideas for one that isn't too cringey
Game is just getting good
Steam is so manipulated. Playerunknown's Battlegrounds has sold over 1 million copies and doesen't show up on the list
Mfw manlytears got banned from youtube 2 days ago
Fire Emblem Heroes
How can white boys even compete?
Metroid games don't sell, yet people swear they'll buy the next game every single time
Mario Kart 8 Switch Bundle is Real But EXCLUSIVE to Russia
Alright Sup Forums, what did you name your horses in Breath of the Wild?
Have to get knowledge to "scholarly" to go out with best girl
What is her end game?
ITT: vidya games vehicle or weapon you wish you could use in real life
Are there any games you try to play annually, Sup Forums?
ITT: Things you're still angry about
Will the Scorpio seriously fix the frame dropping problems that a lot of Xbox One games have due to the One not being...
Hey there youngster, prove to me that you know how to use lighter and i will provide you with dynamites
THIS is the fucking garbage they port over to PC?! Fuck off, Ghostfart. I was expecting something good...
What's the longest game (story wise) you've played Sup Forums
10 points to Gryffindor
Stella Glow
Anyone else with a switch feel like the software and shit feels just like a beta testing?
I've been working on a Sci-Fi RPG game...
Daaaayuuum, Nero looks like THAT?!
New Prey gameplay discuss
What the heck? zelda is sci-fi now?
Is this the first genuine case of nogaems we've ever seen?
ITT: games with the shittiest character editors
This is Toobie. She is an android who suffered a lot theses days...
What is this character's target demographic?
What vidya have the most satisfying explosions?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
RIP in peace, sweet prince
It's not that bad
ITT: only god tier OSTs
How can we "fix" this place?
Bayonetta for PC
Yooka laylee doesnt feel like a cheap unity ga-
Mfw I play persona, wear high fashion and get pussy on a regular basis
It's time for someone to say it
Times when Sup Forums was utterly wrong
ITT: Post a game you hate...
Yfw 1 HP
*raises paw*
You have 10 seconds to name a theme in vidya that is more hype than Life Will Change-Instrumental
Is this character just an elaborate scheme into making us think islam is OK?
What is the most disappointing game you have ever played?
Leaked modern/future Souls images??
Was ESO any good after all? I got some people saying it was ass but most of the people that tried it say it was alright...
When was the last time PC got an exclusive worth mentioning?
Games you're inclined to play more during the summer?
Is this worth 4 dollars?
*Has best Persona soundtrack*
Cup of Tea (Xenoblade X) probably handling the Xenoblade 2's English dub
This is the last post I ever make on Sup Forums
Literally nobody asked for this
Shouldn't digital versions be a lot cheaper than physical?
Worst mario kart
Anyone else annoyed Peach is now useless again in Mario Odyssey?
Do you sometimes use alcoholic beverages to enhance your gaming experience?
Did I miss something about Damiani?
FPS Increasing through prioritization
Notice how the difficulty icons confirm you're a faggot for not picking the hardest setting?
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character, Sup Forums?
Persona 5
PC gaming
How the FUCK are you suppose to play video games in this fucking heat. My hands are sticky and sweaty as FUCK...
Capcom just won E3
Are you tired of hearing the same five or six people in game dubs?
Horizon Zero Dawn was the best-selling game on PlayStation Store in March
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
That kid who tried to use videogame moves against his bully
Why are mods so butt hurt by pics of dunkey
Claim your demon/personafu
Tfw stuck in mid-gold
Whats this game? i never even heard of it and i am fan of atlus
What games let me Hot Topic my characters?
Dead or Alive
Nights of Azure 2
What's your opinion of Liu Bei?
Defend console exclusives
Videogames ruined my life
This is actually FUN
So Berseria won, right Sup Forums?
When is censorship in games acceptable?
Itt: e3 predictions
Unique to the digital age is the video content creation industry...
Which games will you be playing today?
Segata Sanshiro supports the Switch
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition
So, they have no excuse to not be able to make a slim male majin in DB games now, right?
What country aside from burgerstan and Nippon makes the most games?
Just fucking upgrade already
SMT #FE Thread
Bloodborne has a very complex combat sys-
I'm listening to one of my Pandora stations, when a song from Undertale comes on. I have no clue how this happened...
Dark soulsian
Feeling better about it chief?
Step aside, faggot. Best Prince of Persia game coming through
ITT: Underrated games
Which game is better Sup Forums?
What's your name, fool?
ITT: MMO's with sub prices that are/were worth it
It's Time
Now that the hype has settled
Why do people hate achievements?
This is Right You now
He's right you know
Well? What are the best strategies?
Joycons last 20 hours on one charge
Am I the only one who doesn't care about the story, skips the cutscenes, and just keeps grinding?
Itt: 10/10 character designs
Games only you played
The PS4 lost 3 exclusives today. How does that make you feel, Sup Forums?
Why is the second installment in a game series always the best?
Name 1 (one) thing wrong with this game that isn't
What is one game you would honestly unironically rate a true 10/10?
Metroid thread with legitimate discussion gets deleted by a retarded janny while the bimbo fetish thread stays up
Small ass studio does character creation better than AAA developers with 300 people and $200,000,000 budgets
ITT: Sup Forums in 2007
How come it still has no games?
How old are you and when did you start playing video games
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this? I played the first 3 ones, what's new on this one? Any tips?
Is Disgaea banned in the UK? Are they coming for vidya lolis next?
Who here is old enough to remember the youtube "console wars" from 2006-2009?
MGO2R (MGO2 Revival)
Save the princess using only your vidya knowledge!
What do you want to see added in the enchanced switch port of persona 5?
Why are all the reviewers being so negative about this? I'm actually perplexed
Anyone else mad that Nintendo won't acknowledge previous Mario Kart 8 owners and reimburse them for their patronage by...
Why the west cannot make games like persona
Another JRPG port coming to PC
Did you get in?
Marvel vs Capcom Bread
Tfw your mom bends down infront of the tv while you are trying to play a game
Let's not do that today
March: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Remindet tomorrow don't eat meat
I wonder how Bandai Namco feels winning JRPG of the gen
Discounted for the first time
Accordions in vidya
I am the favorite to win the SOLITAIRE championship
Companies that want to OWN the worlds water? Pffft, small potatoes...
Kirby Thread: discuss about Kirby, Kirby Team Clash Deluxe or the upcoming games
Loot skeleton
Pc STILL hasn't surpassed this
Now that the dust has finally settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
I just bought Metro 2033 and Last Light on sale, waiting for them to install now. never played these games before...
Why is this game so ass compared to the previous 2 games in the series?
U4 lost legacy new trailer
*blocks your path*
Just bought this during Xbox Spring Sale
I boot Persona 5 up and immediately upon starting a new game...
Persona 5 PC
Hey Sup Forums, thinking about getting Persona 5, but I was wondering whether or not it had much replay value...
Why we're Final Fantasy 13 and 15 such a fucking disaster?
The Playstation 4 Exclusive Yakuza Kiwami will launch august 29 in america / europe for only 30 bucks...
Your MC's name
ITT: Favorite Final Boss
Pass me the controller, bro
Will we ever get a good Tom and Jerry game?
Healers > DPS > Tanks > Ranged DPS
How do you stop building grids?
We need the high-tech mercenary gun
What went wrong after GTA IV?
The zero suit was done just for pure fanservice. And instead of helping the series, actually helped kill the series
All you had to do was follow that damn train cj
Extended version never
Ask a guy who spent $380 all up today on Amiibo anything. I felt I needed to tell someone
ITT: Criminally underrated games
LMAO #tru
Why does Sup Forums dislike this gem?
What does your physical Wii U games collection look like Sup Forums?
What do I need to do to get you to resub, Sup Forums?
Commander > 2B
So was it ever explained why the machines were developing human traits? And more importantly, how...
Can i get quick rundown on this fella?
Which game sucked you in and made you forget about the real world the most?
Nintendo won
Bought GTA V at release on pc
So the power....of doom
Worst games of their trilogy
B-b-but my fake shortages!
Make best girl
TFW people on this board are seriously making streamer threads, Making non b8 cod threads...
When was the last time you played a horror game?
Was the Halo formula perfected in 3...
Why does this guy look like hes about to drop the hottest vidya of 2018?
How do Steam/Devs get away with it?
Dawn of War 3 - NEW story TRAILER
You're a wizard and your enemy has some kind of anti-magic armor
MOTHERFUCKING PICTIONARY and also reminder to visit DoD
Leaked image of WoW 2
#PrepareToDine Namco Bandai Project
Sonic Generations 2
Why do people pretend ecelebs help sell games?
What does Sup Forums think about God Eater?
What was the last game you unironically enjoyed
I've just "beat" this video game, it was the first VN I've played
Any tips for a new player starting this game? played only the mainline SMT
How come Australia doesn't make any video games?
Good riddance to link's stupid fucking hat
He buys video game figurines!
I was playing 'Wolfenstein: The New Order' and it occurred to me that the game is quite edgy - or at least tries to be
173 cm
Vidya Guns
Game makes you think you are the chosen one
First time playing this game, how exactly do I upgrade my weapons?
Ciri is still the best girl overall but Shani is the best girl for Geralt
This is Regina, the new president of Nintendo of America
Buy this thing so that Sega convinces Atlus to bring SMT to PC
Alright, let's try this AGAIN, Sup Forums. Let's have a nice and peaceful disscussion about Persona 5. All qt 3...
PS vita thread - which is better?
No joke, I talked myself out of suicide just to play this first
ITT vidya characters you wouldn't mind waking up as
Alone or in two, we're always there
MGR: Revegance
Post vidya girls you REALLY want to show your ... Joystick to!
What are some good games to play while listening to music...
So did anyone else play the Xbox 360 demo for this and scam people online offering pics of naruto hentai for credits?
You come across a magic ring which grants you a one-way teleport to any video game-related world/setting of your...
What features would make you buy it day 1?
Bunny Lucina
Stop playing game for a few month
Sup Forums's biggest problem with MGSV is that you don't murder African children
Is this the best RTS since Company of Heroes?
User why are you outside?
Slide is really fucking awesome, but it's a bit too short and the loading times kind of killed it for me...
Give me one good reason this game isn't 10/10
Trails of Cold steel 3 new info!
Say something nice to Purah
Who is your favorite street fighter?
Companies that want to OWN the worlds water? Pffft, small potatoes...
Game about building friendships...
What are you playing right now?
There are children on this board who don't recognize this
What are some of your favorite Doom .wads Sup Forums?
Bloodstained is gonna be bad isn't it?
Why though?
BotW speedrunning thread
Sup Forums screams about how story and atmosphere is unimportant and only gameplay matters
Microsoft now allows users to instantly self-refund any Xbox game purchased within 14 days and with total playtime...
Webm thread?
So I'm thinking about buying overwatch, but the game is a little expensive for me right now...
Should I buy Persona 5
ITT: Subtle video game clothing
I identify as an attack helicopter
Is Battlefield 1 already dying? I got bored of the default maps and caved and bought premium...
How does Sup Forums feel about traps?
ITT: Vidya weapons you are trained in the use of
He's got a gun!
That's a bit of a low-effort title, isn't it?
Sienna wants to kill you, there's a proof of that
10/10 Sequels
It's been nearly 6 years
I hope you learned Japanese because these games are literally never going to be released in the West
Banned from all boards for on topic thread that breaks no rules
Name me one game that all of you faggots on here actually like. Seeing as Sup Forums hates video games
Cat is a party member
What's the most artificial difficulty boss you've ever seen?
*blocks your path*
The first boss you ever fought or remember
Why do all MMORPGs feel like lame single player games these days...
The Metroid series is dead
Majora's Mask isn't a representation of Link's psyc-
Locked 60 fps
BB > DaS3 > DaS > DeS > DaS2
So, I bought a stalker bundle, but I already have this one. First come, first serve. Also steam giveaway thread...
So I finally bought it
Does yours still work? i wonder how many launch 360s still function
What are some games where I can kiss the girls?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
ITT: we trigger Sup Forums
What went so wrong?
Alright, Sup Forums post those reaction images you saved, but never actually used
Will we ever get a sequel?
Webm thread. Post webms
Hello LA, you're up way past your bed time, aren't you?
Why isn't there any games about slavery?
Quakefags will defend this
Is it nerfed yet?
What was it like playing Mega Man for the first time? I didn't play the game because I wasn't born when it came out
Jesus christ, Breath of the Wild sucks
GTA IV is literally the best GTA game in the entire series, prove me wrong
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...