Wtf how is critical fucking hot yet have problems with girls?

wtf how is critical fucking hot yet have problems with girls?

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Why does OP have problems posting video games on Sup Forums

I thought he had a girlfriend?

I wish I looked like that


Doesn't he have social problems? I remember him mentioning in many videos about it that he had issues with talking to girls and people or something

He's an aspie

>tfw I could look like that because we look kinda similar but I'm a lazy cunt that can't be arsed to go to the gym who is now overweight

if thats hot, then im a chad

Shady has wife

autistic and a shitty personality

Pretty sure he has like autism or something like that

Isn't it pretty much just social anxiety? He had OCD too which he fought off by himself.

Doesn't matter what you look like if you are a beta male at heart. Just ask /fit/

Fuck off with you're eceleb garbage

>tfw hadn't gotten laid in almost two weeks
Losing my mind here, brehs.

I love the dude, but it should be obvious if you have seen his videos. He sounds incredibly monotone and, unless you don't know anything about him, not enjoyable to talk to. For all we know, he could have a shitty personality. Looks don't mean shit if you have a shitty personality and vice versa.

>fucking hot
He looks like that autistic /r9k/ guy who jerked off listening to his sister having sex and then shot up a college

He's got pretty bad OCD, or did anyways, and is bad with people.

That beard ain't doing him any favors though.

You can get prostate cancer that way dude. The only option is rape

>two weeks
nice bait

He doesn't look hot, he looks like a unshaven bum. Maybe if he worked out more to have muscle tone and didn't sound like a downer, he would get laid.

shave the beard charlie

Dont let anyone lie to you, attractiveness means very little to women. You can be the sexiest man alive but if your personality is shit you will forever be alone. Charisma, confidence, and humor mean everything.

Does anyone else think his beard looks fake as fuck? Kinda looks like a beard people get when they transition from woman to man. It just looks really weird.

It also helps to have a big dick.

>loved cr1tikal's older videos
>he admitted in his 10-year youtube anniversary video he actually hated playing all those shitty games and only did it because it was what was "expected" by his fans
>now he barely does gameplay videos anymore and instead focuses on internet drama and collaborations with incredibly unfunny friends of his

The dude still seems like a good person and I'll always respect how he continues to donate to charity and such, but it's depressing to hear someone say "I actually hated the stuff you liked" and then churn out crap they seem to enjoy more.


I laugh at people who think you only need looks to pick up women, yes it gives you a huge advantage but if you're still beta or a weirdo girls see that shit instantly.

The guy used to be entertaining. He had a girlfriend who was a 7/10.
This is his ex.
You can clearly hear critical in the background. He's great looking and his videos right now is alright.

He's got babyface, just like a co-worker I know.

If you shave it I bet he looks like a young girl.

This guy literally looks like a trans-man

If your main source of information about women is Sup Forums then you probably think that your appearance can get you and bitch. Well, the real world is quite different and even the hottest chad can drive them away if he's retarded.

I can imagine critikal being quite boring or weird when it comes to relationship.

I'm 5'8", am I a manlet?

wtf how is this videogames?

>tfw hadnt had sex in 22 years
>im 40
at this point i dont even remember if i actually got my dick in

any* bitch. Also, that tatoo doesn't look well on him.

Only if you believe you are one, user!!

Subjective. He has kind of a baby face


Girls only like boring shallow normies
Same type they are

He has a girlfriend you sperg.


Why does he look like he just got a sex change from woman to man?

>slim feminine body
>weirdly disproportionate muscle
>that hair and beard

Very true. I had a friend that had the looks and money down but as soon as girls entered his room full of weebshit, they did a 180 and noped the fuck out.

He had to settle for some 3/10 girl

>that shaking of the protein shake

kinda hot

Andrew? haha

Which one? Jackson? Kaya? Andrew?

He looks like a rich Middle Eastern fuccboi who travels to America every summer to fuck chicks, do drugs, and wind up in car crashes.

Girls don't like that nasty ass facial hair. Looks like a rat on your face. Either shave it off or groom it properly.


Fucking hate that every youtuber feels compelled to do a face reveal.
Needing to see someone's face to enjoy their content is going full normie.

When he tells that "joke" of his in the podcasts he says the he and his girlfriend were driving a couple of months ago.

Autism really interferes with the ability to get the ladies

lmao he only did his official face reveal like a month ago and he's been doing youtube since 2011 probably earlier

Not even autism, girls see that you don't groom your facial hair and think you're a fucking loser.

I think dude's just opening up a bit, it's probably to help himself personally or some shit like that. He used to be really afraid of showing himself. REALLY afraid.

Yeah, but you're taller than most women. You're about the average height in most Asian and Central African countries.

Lots of cope itt

>have social anxiety
>perfectly okay with doing absolutely over the top stupid shit on video and then putting it online for the world to see, comment on and basically be made fun of by the ENTIRE planet
>but nah people make me anxious bro

fuck off with this nonsense.

Low self esteem and social anxiety. His spaghetti stories are gold.


he never did an official face reveal, he just used snapchat and people found out

>plays video games for a living

>has tattoos

yeah... lmao

which he did almost completely anonymously until recently when he revealed himself.

i know how he feels 100%. its prison in your own mind.

Doing stuff in front of a camera at your house is different from doing stuff in front of someone's face in person.

2007, it was his 10 year anniversary video.