I've just "beat" this video game, it was the first VN I've played.
What's the next step in my quest to playing visual novels?
I've just "beat" this video game, it was the first VN I've played.
What's the next step in my quest to playing visual novels?
Other urls found in this thread:
Learn Japanese or you will never read anything good. At the very least, stop reading OELVNs. Make this your last OELVN.
The only good translated VN is Grisaia. It is about a fifth as good as Muramasa which will never be translated.
jump on the F/SN train and get hit by same face syndrome
You don't know Japanese gaijin-kun.
>The only good translated VN is Grisaia.
What the fuck is this shit kys
Play Steins Gate or YU-NO
>Since I'm too retarded to put in the 400 hours of reps required to read provisional Japanese, everyone else must have as little self-control as me. Everyone who claims proficiency is a liar!
t. John Miller, self assessed N2
>400 hours
To understand japanese at the level you would need to read a fucking book you'd need a couple thousand hours, user.
>To understand japanese at the level you would need to read a fucking book
A VN is more comparable to a children's book. I read Muramasa after precisely 400 hours and only had to consult a text hooker a handful of times.
Fuck yeah, a VN thread. I've recently been playing Steins;Gate, fucking in love with it. It's my first VN since shit like Dividead and Nocturnal Illusions from forever ago. Definitely want to get into more of them now, fug.
Every thread there's at least one of you with your veneer of passive-aggressive elitism that comes from being a fan of a niche media. Why actively try to drive people away? Why not make suggestions for shit you liked that would be accessible to someone who isn't willing to make a non-minor lifestyle change(learning a new language)?
I don't know if there's a more up to date version of this chart, but here you go.
>Why actively try to drive people away?
Because every one of you retards who go and buy commercially localized ero-scrubbed VNs on Steam is strengthening the 'commercially localized ero-scrubbed VN' market, and are contributing to the eventual creation of a 'made-for-gaijin no-ero-to-begin-with VN' market.
>Every thread there's at least one of you with your veneer of passive-aggressive elitism that comes from being a fan of a niche media.
it's a defense mechanism, but misplaced at this point
normals, yourself included, already won
You say this as if Sup Forums of all places isn't well aware of Sekai Project's kikery. But besides that, many extremely well-received VNs never had ero in them to begin with anyway.
Nice boogeyman, but you'd be wrong. There's nothing normal about me or my life.
>There's nothing normal about me or my life.
* Posted from my iphone at my 9-5
He is right you know, the good stuff with loli rape etc. will never be translated so you either learn Jap or you might as well stop with VNs altogether.
Cool assumptions.
I've never even owned a smartphone and I haven't worked in six years.
Are we done here? I think I'm going to bed now. Read a nice VN, user.
What's wrong with non-ero VNs?
I recognize there's about a 90% chance you're baiting but I have 30 seconds to kill
Removing sex from VNs is just another way to sanitize them for mainstream culture compatibility at the expense of the product.
There's always a VN thread up in /vg/ You will definitely find ideas for stuff in there.
Someone posted a thread a while back in here about Dating my Daughter. Holy shit was my dick sore after that. And the next part of it is releasing on Sunday as well.
>semen is packed with magical energy
So what you're saying is that all VNs have to have sex in them otherwise they will become mainstream? That's absurd. And even if they do see more mainstream appeal there isn't anything wrong with that. VNs are just anime anyway with words and pictures with some animation every now and then if you're lucky. Heightened attention and sales wouldn't change it at all.
So that's the kind of retard who learn Japanese
>The only good translated VN is Grisaia.
get a load of this pleb
this tbqh
Yume Miru Kusuri is usually where people go next.
join us
why won't muramasa be translated?
It doesn't seem too hard.
I mean you are taking about picking related right?
forgot to properly link
Yume Miru Kusuri.
Holy shit the amount of autism in your tiny brain is incredible.
You do realize the top 10 best Virtual Novels of all time have no sex in them, right? Because the creators realized that people in Japan actually prefer well-written stories and characters instead of hastily made-on-the-spot sex scenes for a 1 minute fap session.
うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 and うたわれるもの 二人の白皇 have been lauded by the Japanese as the best the genre has to offer. Obviously a filthy gaijin like yourself who only plays low-budget VNs for the porn wouldn't know this.
>Knowing best anything
They can't even pick the best girls from their own games, user.
If what you're looking for are VNs similar to KS, read the following:
Yume Miru Kusuri
Symphonic Rain
So this is how a filthy neckbeard posts.......
the best vn is yuno and white album I don't have the ratings with me at the moment but they are at the top with muv luv, muramasa and others
>うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面 and うたわれるもの 二人の白皇 have been lauded by the Japanese as the best the genre has to offer.
Luckily, not only do I speak Japanese, but I speak retard, which is the language your post is masterfully written in.
You went to VNDB and searched for the highest rated translated VNs then picked two and copy/pasted them here.
I finished Umineko recently and holy god it was as great as I could have imagined. It was just so good. I tend to favor mystery games and this blew everything out of the water.
>You do realize the top 10 best Virtual Novels of all time have no sex in them, right?
what is this sentence meant to prove? you have arbitrarily chosen some secret list of ten VNs that have no sex, designated them as the ten best VNs, and used them as evidence that only sexless VNs are good
it's the most insane circular logic
>``virtual novels''
Grisaia no Kajitsu is a decent mainstream-ish place to start. Not the greatest but still pretty good.
U r weird m8
So this is what pure unfiltred autism looks like.
Hello, English-only phone poster.
Aren't you supposed to take your autism medicine now?
Oh wait they don't make medicine for autism like you have lmao
all me, including your post
here's proof
>Sperging out even more for no reason
Pathetic. I'm sure your parents are proud of you.
Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream
This is the E.T: Extra Terrestrial game of VNs. The only reason it's translated is because moogy is a drug addict.
It's great though
I'm happy you're able to enjoy it, EOP-kun.
This one.
KiraKira. Prepare to jerk off wildly for the first few hours and then cry a lot. Its a real rollercoaster.
In retrospect, the best thing about that VN was how it predicted the whole LOLPRIVACYWHOCARES Facebook generation
I second this
I like science fiction
I hate aliens and AI
I like spaceships and space stations
give me my VN now
Hey guys what's going on in this thread?
If you liked that shit go read more shit for otakus who wouldn't know what a good story nor romance is because they lack any sort of fruitful human relationship, like Higurashi.
If you actually have any taste and standards go read Eve burst error, Divi dead, Phantom of inferno, Tsukihime, Kikokuga, Muvluv and the rest of the series, Forest, Little Witch Romanesque, Hanachirasu, Sekien no inganock, Shikkoku no sharnoth, Chaos; head and the rest of the series, Saya no Uta, Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa, Academagia, Magical diary, Juniper's Knot, Analogue a hate story, Hate plus, Wailing heighs, Along the Edge, Alicemare, Alone with you.
Galaxy Angel
I hope you don't mind something lighthearted
Add Remember11 and Ever17 to the list and you're good
Utawarerumono is really great.
It's got 2 new games (in english) coming out in the next few months as well.
Give me a VN
>human in space
>fugging an alien
>If you actually have any taste and standards go read
>Saya no Uta
loving every laugh
>If you actually have any taste and standards go read
>Muvluv and the rest of the series
>Chaos; head and the rest of the series
>Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa
How to spot a newfag 101.
Mass Effect
user I asked because i've already played that.
steins gate
what about monster girl gamu?
Persona 5
He's right, user-senpai
Five great girls (three romanceable), three great routes, a bunch of fantastic scenes, two 10/10 endings and an 11/10 ending. What more do you want?
Some of the girls were pretty good.
Akiha a best.
Why don't you idiots just read English books? There is absolutely no better language to know if you're a reader. People all over the world are throwing away thousands of hours to learn English just so they can read the English books that you're ignoring right now.
Instead you're ``reading'' hackjob machine-translated VNs written at the Japanese reading level of an elementary school student.
>What more do you want?
You have never played a non-EOP VN, and are participating in this fad purely for the aesthetic appeal you think it lends to you ('I am such an otaku nerddd!'), so you have no frame of reference to know what is or is not a good VN.
Damn you're mad as fuck. Did you get fucking owned by a VN reader or something?
reading you mean
Either Steins;Gate or Starless. If you want more slice of life with really long (and at times boring) story go for Kira Kira.
Alternatively 999 (mystery / drama with decent escape room style puzzles), Ever 17 (mystery / science fiction, with story building similar to 999), Cartagra and Kara no Shoujo series (mystery / detective stories set in post WW2 Japan) and few more.
Saya no Uta is nice but also weird and short.
>Underwater Ray Ramano
I thought that was just a meme
Danganronpa is the next normie VN
>so you have no frame of reference to know what is or is not a good VN.
Personal criticism aside, that's entirely true, yet I still enjoy YMK. The girls and scenes are cute, and it's fun.
Lighten up, user.
Is MGQ considered a VN? If so, play that. Its amazing.
>Is MGQ considered a VN? If so, play that. Its amazing
Well, it has gameplay.
I agree, though. Alice and Granberia are the best girls
>Alice and Granberia are the best girls
Gran for sure. But Alice? Idk. I prefer the harpy queen.
Absolute patrician taste.
Alice's tail ribbon is one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
Alice is perfect, though. She's cute, just the right amount of tsundere, has taste (travelling gourmet), is really adventurous while still being an adorable dork (being scared of ghosts and liking to bully kitsunes), enjoys domming Luka and really just wants you all to herself.
>Harpy Queen
Good taste yourself, user. Definitely up there in waifu tiers, but I prefer the Harpy Sisters.
Thanks user, you too. Alice's happy expression is just too cute, and that scene where she gets super-excited over the ribbon, Luka buys it for her, and she swishes her tail around happily is so adorable. And then she wears it for the rest of the game, what a softy.
>one of the best romances in vidya is with the heroine of a lewd vn
>being scared of ghosts
I think it was at that point where I went from really liking the game, to it becoming one of my favorite games of all time.
Why didnt you orotect Kirari's smile, user
Was it the pink hair?
The whole bad end with wasting time alone in your apartment reminiscing about your lost youth felt too close to reality. Any happy ending you could get afterwards felt unnatural, fake.
>Eve burst error
I played these recently, wasn't expecting to enjoy these as much as I did.
Eve: Burst Error, I'm a fan of dirty jokes and hitting on anything with legs so I had a great time. It's a pretty well written mystery detective thriller, had me hooked. And the pc-98 soundtrack just makes everything better. Only thing I didn't like was having to examine every fucking bush at some points before being able to move on.
I actually enjoyed Kikokugai more than Saya no Uta, it had really great fight scenes and set the atmosphere really well. The ending surprised me, and pissed me off for a little while, but after sitting on it, I appreciate the message. Fucking Urobutchi man
>Played the childhood friend route first and then the busty rich girl, think the game is pretty standard and shallow
>Mfw Kirari starts talking to the guitar
The problem with VNs is that vast majority of them just use the branching structure for haremshit rather than something actually interesting.
Yeah, likewise. I don't know when it was but somewhere in that adventure, between Alice and Luka teasing each other and the increasing intimacy, it became one of my absolute favourite games and romances
>the ribbon
>Chibi Alice's sprites and totally-not-scared reaction to ghosts
>that scene where she teases Luka into losing his viginity to her, because secretly she wants to give him her virginity since she thinks she's going to die
Best girl all years
>Musical road-trip VN
Sounds pretty fun, but that bad end sounds... crushing. It's not too hard to avoid, r-right? Unlike the famous Mizuki one.
Grisaia no Kajitsu is you like self inserting as a gary-stu protagonist, or School Days if you like cheating and some other fucked up shit
That's the one you end with.
IIRC you are required to get the bad end to reach the true one with the main heroine. But it's been a very long time since I read it, so correct me if I'm wrong.
>School Days
Does it at least have a nice OT3 end?
>IIRC you are required to get the bad end to reach the true one with the main heroine.
I'll give it a go, though, since it sounds like the true end is worth it. Thanks, user. I'm still not brave enough to make myself see the YMK bad ends
>Does it at least have a nice OT3 end?
Actually, yes it does!
It's really difficult to get though. Basically requires a perfect playthrough which includes a few pretty counter-intuitive desicions. Also messing it up often leads to tragic consequences.
There are some other good endings involving side characters etc too.
Why is Sup Forums better at creating interactive entertainment than Sup Forums?
After KS I doubt your're ready for anything more complicated or lengthy. Never mind the fuckwits in the thread trying to get you to play their favorite. This is objectively the next step.
Yes, but Aeka's route is the only really good one in it imho.
Senpai's route was pretty good