ITT: games with the shittiest character editors
ITT: games with the shittiest character editors
i can't believe how they can fuck up this easy thing so badly
even dark souls 3 has better character editor
what? dark souls 2 is fine. its des, das and ESPECIALLY das3 that has fucked up character creation. cant make beautiful waifus for shit
mods make it god tier but thats no surprise.
dragon's dogma had the only actually good character editor that i have played
dark souls 2 was fucking shit, i still managed to make her kinda decent looking but it's still fucking shit.
Oblivion has to be the worst one, facegen coupled with crappy models and textures
and everybody used to create nasty and retarded looking pawns because le epic win XD
There is only one true answer and it's so clear I don't even have to mention it.
but yeah its oblivion
idk man, I've made plenty of pretty girls in 2 (and BB) but in 3 they always look like men or aliens. show me some good screens
Bloodbourne was qt 3.14 factory.
I love me some gothic/ steam age chick
>tit slider goes from flat to slight curve
it's actually the best one
Probably Mount & Blade. It's impossible to make anyone look halfway decent.
my bloodborne chick looked pretty ugly, i wish it would come on pc so i could create a new character and use a trainer to go through that shit again
I'm going to throw Andromeda out there as possibly the worse CC to date.
Not just because you can't make attractive characters, but there's only a single option for a white character that's hidden. The default skin tone for the white characters are black/brown so you would never even know.
Also, you can't edit anything other than your hair for the most part. All the other "options" they give you to "edit" are so minuscule that having the slider all the way to the left or right barely makes a difference.
but you need to also edit her weight, muscularity and torso to make her breasts seem larger
New Vegas without mods
>there's only a single option for a white character that's hidden. The default skin tone for the white characters are black/brown so you would never even know.
Nailed it.
The game was worth it great while it lasted, not as good as it was shilled here, had its genuinely spoopy moments, life goes on, wouldn't buy it again though.
Hopefully bloodborne 2 is way better, and hopefully multiplat, i wouldn't want to fire up my ps4 to play another input laggy mess
yea i heard that Sara Ryder was the peak of female form in that game
>alright CEO-senpai I made a breast slider
>designer-kun why does it go from flat to barely any breast
>well you can change weight and muscularity to change her breasts
>why would you need to change those other features when there is a fucking slider for that
>gomen senpai
i would definitely play it again but not start all over again without cheats
Why even cheat my niqqa?
Farming blood viles is tedious I'll give you that, but what else woudl you want to get?
feeling powerful? i played dark souls 2 first without cheats and then i played to NG+9 with a trainer.
also you don't have to put every cheat on, just so much that the playing experience becomes tolerable
i wish i had my old saves to show you one of the prettiest characters i ever made.
i just have the values saved from cheat engine so that everytime i want to replay ds2 i just use cheat engine to recreate my waifu.
there are i believe 4 or 5 of these.
there were some nice looking pawns
like mine.
As shitty as it is, you can still make some good looking characters
I don't think Dark Souls 2 had anywhere near the worst character creator, but fuck me the body types were all built like cement trucks. Even the thinnest female characters had some fucking crazy Michael Phelps shoulders.
>i cant make a qt anime grill
mass effect serie have some shitty character custemation
>making waifus
>playing the entire game without headgear
all waifu-players are bad at games. fight me, trannies.
>low key b8
You can shit on DaS2 as much as you like but it has the best character creator of all souls games hands down.Let's get real here.
When i saw the shitty character creator in DaS3 i almost exploded into rage.
To be fair, that was one of the first 3D open-world RPGs. 3D games before that point usually had you fit in one character, so of course it would look like shit there.
dark souls 2's could be better (you can't make a tall character and it's hard to make a handsome/manly male character (its possible though. I've made some suave looking motherfuckers). Also I did a pretty good creation of Mozgus from Berserk. It was one of my favorite characters. It was strength faith build but he also used pyromancy because Mozgus is known to execute people by burning them at the stake.
and then with the my weapon and shield after killing the Pursuer by the lake in Thing Betwixt. I used a Brightbug and then cast Sacred Oath (not sure if those stack). I had 50 str and 50 faith with a +5 lightning demons greathammer and i basically two-shot that pursuer.
what is this?
Remember when Rockstar lied about playing as old GTA characters when you got the collectors edition?
andddd for reference but also just because Mozgus is great character
So you just wanted to show off your character?
Mine looks better.
yes, of course. that's basically the point of this thread. also is that supposed to be cosplaying someone? Please dont tell me thats supposed to be Mozgus? Also I could see your character better if those images were separate.
A more recent character of mine who looks a bit like Jon Snow from Game Of Thrones(?)
looks like that xbox bomberman game
It didn't matter how nice of a face you could make in any soulsborne because the female body model was so fucking bad. Those god damn man shoulders that they never fixed. Then BB had to add in giraffe necks which carried over to DS3 as well.
DD's character creator is a 10/10, I love the fact that weight and height actually affect your experience. Currently doing a ultrahard mode playthrough by being as small as possible
>Walkspeed is shit because of tiny strides
>Get knocked down by the slightest gust of air
>Can barely carry anything without getting over encumbered
>Lantern gets put out in the shallowest water
>Giant orc waifu has to constantly save me from getting swept away by harpies
it's fun though
I loved DD's as well. Presets > fucking with a hundred sliders that you have no idea what they're even doing.
>when you make just the right waifu but then spend many more hours editing anyway
>ESPECIALLY das3 that has fucked up character creation
des3 is the best in the series my dude
you're a good assassin though right? being tiny makes you by default an assassin. You cant exactly be a warrior, knight, or paladin. Or maybe a thief, not an assassin. Your character doesnt look very strong.
The fact that you can make qt Amazoninan goddesses in DD makes it an automatic 10/10 in terms of CC for me.
Shit never turns out how I want when using sliders. I'm too retarded for them.
That's a man.
tormund approves
Please no. Just do something else.
Nowhere near the first 3d one. Morrowind and World of Warcraft had been out for years already.
Yeah I'm playing as a strider who uses daggers and a shortbow, main job is to climb on big creatures backs and stab the shit out of them
If you wanna be a warrior making your character yuuge is better cause he's harder to knock down and can grapple bigger creatures
Is there a retard-proof guide for this? I can never make anything look good.
>climbing as a strider
>not just brainsplitting their shit
DS2 had a lot of options but it was irritating getting exact numbers if you wanted to steal someone else's face. DS3's character creator was excellent in this case since it both told you the exact value you were at AND marked the previous value. The necks aren't even as bad as they were in BB. Too bad every color in it was so drab and washed out.
ima need those sliders
>not climbing onto the head of the beast and then leaping off it and brainsplitting in mid air
it's like you don't even watch anime
Alternatively you could hit the fucker with fracture dart
DaS2 has a good character maker, but generally all the characters looked ugly as hell. They also suffer from same face. I could look at every player's character and see the same face in all of them.
It doesn't help that the shading is terrible in the game.
I'll try and dig up the guide I used, but basically just use the first Homeland preset and tweak it.
that face is god tier. almost too cute/beautiful to be true. You must be using some texture mods...?
>tfw no angelic looking dex/int/faith souls waifu
No texture mods. Just a lot of time and patience. It also helps to use the large head option because it widens the character's face. The character face is the game is really skinny.
Caught me off guard when it was revealed he actually wasn't an apostle and was just that fucking crazy. The idea of smashing his face so hard so repeatedly to make that shape was pretty neat.
I spent some time in the das2 char creator and gave up since I was only managing to create abominations
so I went with the preset blonde guy
>Spend about 1 hour making a face
>Looks neat
>Go into the game
>It actually looks like shit
I always fuck it up.
The low number of lighter skin tones would not be a problem if it were possible to make a character that looked different from the preset it is based on.
DS2 has the best CC of all the souls games.
I know. I love it though. Idk why but clerics/high ranking priests, cleric knights, and paladins always fascinate me in dark fantasy video games and anime/manga.
maybe its because I secretly wish we could deal with certain people the way they were dealt with in medieval times
Found the guide, no exact sliders but you basically take the first Homeland preset, thin the nose, smooth the jawline, shrink the eyes and push them together a bit, and basically just make the face thinner.
No amount of slider-fu can fix DaS2's man-shoulders.
The fuck, she looks great.
this is the worse. Female character models were perfect in dark souls 1. They're just a tad too masculine in dark souls 2.
>look at this qt 3.14 goddess that I made in DS2/DD!
>looks like a tranny
Americans are such a bunch of closet faggots.
>spend two hours to make perfect face
>never see the face again after character creation
>complaining about strong shoulders
shit taste
>spend 2 hours on character creation
>play as beef jerky hollow
There's a difference between strong female shoulders and man-shoulders. DaS2 has the latter.
if you're good at the main game you'll never run out of human effigies. Also there's a ring to help you keep your health bar from being halved (the ring of binding) and a ring to help you from looking hollow (ring of the dead, look human while being hollow. it's in the drangleic castle though after you finish Shrine of Amana and the milfanito "questline").
i said main game because the dlc eats up your human effigies like a motherfucker unless you're REALLY good at the game.
>completely monochromatic hair
>JUST eyes
Not really.
Mass effect 2
If you actually have to use third party software just to make a funny looking character you screwed up your character editor
i'd let her throw me...
or something something innuendo
The face tells me it's a female character, the body tells me it's a male. Which is it?
Fallout new vegas.
The story and gameplay is a 10/10 for me but the character editor is shit compared with fallout 3.
Oblivion was years after dozens of other 3D RPGs, it's just the first that half assed an attempt at HD, where the previous ones were content with poor graphics
I was actually referring to Dark Souls 3 because I'm weak and cannot resist 5 free levels.
When you're that small do you get to crawl through the tiny goblin tunnels underneath that big gate area in one of the earlier missions?
>ywn get speared through the torso by a javelin thrown by a buff olympian qt3.14
>There's a difference between strong female shoulders and man-shoulders. DaS2 has the latter.
The shoulders are fine.
at least you didn't say something about wanting to lick her armpit.
You're retarded
that was the joke
What ?
DD's CC is fairly average. You piece your character together from pre-defined parts, that's all...
But the weight/height mechanics etc. are actually really cool.