Things you can say about video games but not your girlfriend

Things you can say about video games but not your girlfriend

You suck massive dick

I'd like to play a few different ones

>thank god i can modify this chicks body type

Traded it in at Gamestop for store credit

It exists.

I get the new one each year.

the first one was better

i look forward to seeing them when i come home

Artificial difficulty

I'll wait for the GoTY edition

I hate grinding/roleplaying

I imported it

dicklet spotted
a massive dick is the only way I'm able to keep a girl

>tfw only being used for my physical attributes, but really hated for my underground music listening to, abstract psychedelic induced philosophies preaching, anime watching, old school game playing self

I'm constantly on the lookout for newer versions

I find hidden gems at goodwill.

I collect them

I like the retro ones

I liked it better when it was only a couple years old

There is nothing wrong with emulating them

Hard to get into, harder to master

The visuals don't matter

Wasn't as good as the one before.


I beat the game!

It's pretty looking.

Not as visusally impressive as it was twenty years ago

Man this RTS is easy

Kill yourself

It's too easy

It exists

When I get bored with it, I either just leave it on the shelf and go buy a new one, or trade it in for store credit.

Did you beat off?

let's do multiplayer

I'm worried Anthony Burch might be involved

I'm having a lot of fun. I've beaten it about 5 times! I'll probably lend it to my friend so he can beat it, too. I just hope that he returns it this time.


It's fun with friends.

It's ok to cheat when you're finished with it

Mods really enhance the experience.

They exist.

so a hideous cynic somehow finds the nerve to utter ridiculous hatred at a totally benign, more or less positive post
I'd tell you to take your own advice, but that would only put you out of your misery
you should stick around
at least until my next, totally harmless, unoffensive, yet somehow triggering post

It has a z-axis.

I'm willing to spend 60 bucks on it

Hard to beat.

I dont find them enjoyable and I have grown out of them and instead am a mature functioning adult.

Only one doing it right

I can play with it for hours

I got it from a humble bundle

I have one.

>Falling for bait

Unless you, too, are baiting, in which case I am the fool

It's more fun with friends

I have fun with it