So Berseria won, right Sup Forums?


>one is arpg
>one is open world arpg
>one is tabletop-like rpg

Whats the hell is "jrpg"

jrpgs are waifu simulators and whats the point of playing one if you can't romance your waifu

thats why persona will always win

japanese RPG games ?


>XV-kun - cuck
>Potter-kun - fuccboi
>Sup Forums-kun - edgelord

Having not played the other two, Velvet was hot garbage. I did not agree with stances she took at all, at any point.

I'm sure that the other 2 are better.

haha thats right man

fuckin weebs never learn!

Subjectivity. Believe what you want.
Let this thread die

>This thread again

It's in second place after P5, but not even close in terms of quality.
I mean, you have to have a completely shit taste to prefer something as generic as Berseria over P5.

let's just close every discussion place on the internet then

This thread has no discussion at all, it's just people throwing shit at each other with their favorite -Kun nicknames for everyone who doesn't agree with their opinions.

Be honest OP. You are seeking more FFXV drama.
Don't do this again

>This thread has no discussion at all

>implying this fucking thread will get good discussion after two-three failures

It's only Sup Forumselvet just ignore this thread.

Persona 5 won.

Right. Only because of best girl though.

So it's pointless, it's just a recurring thread made specifically for board drama and trolling fanboys, it doesn't add anything to the board if not actively make it worse.

Who even is XV-kun? I've generally strayed away from ffxv threads since I've been playing the game and didn't want to be spoiled, but his name still popped up a few times. As far as I could glean he's some faggot that thinks the game is perfect, and there's nothing that could have been fixed or made better, is that about right?

I only played berseira so I don't know about the other two games

>it doesn't add anything to the board
That's not a bad thing.

Berseria is a good Tales game and that's about it.

FFXV is just alright. The very definition of a 7/10 game.

Persona 5 is one of the best games ever made and is the clear GOTY

Link me the Berseria OST or your favourite tracks, interested.
Pretty much.
>more pointless shitposting
that's not a good thing.

he is a diehard FFXV fanboy.

who deflects legitmate criticism against XV by bringing up random Gamefaqs users for no reason (hell, his strawmen are in my filter).

I'd say Berseria's plot and cast were superior to the other two, but P5 was overall the best of the 3.

>That's not a bad thing.
Reddit is where you belong.

I mean while I enjoyed the game, It's fucking far from perfect, and there's definitely things that could have been made better.
Describes it pretty well.
You have to be fucking insane to say it's perfect.

holy shit what the fuck is wrong with people.