So Sup Forums

So Sup Forums,

What would Jesus's favorite game be?

Other urls found in this thread:


He would have patrician taste

Shin Megami Tensei II.

sim earth of course.

I don't know.

What are some games in which you can destroy your enemies with the power of Christ?

Binding of Isaac



Come on anons, we're talking about the most PERFECT man on the planet, don't you think something like this would be a little more fitting?

Nope God is in you
There is nothing above you when you see that you can control your whole livelyhood


Don't you kill god in that game? I don't think Jesus would appreciate that.

Metal Gear Solid 2

Sega Bass Fishing

temple os tetris
one of the few games to meet God's sacrosanct specifications

Probably some slice of life sim like Persona so he could see what it's like to be normal. Jesus was probably a very sad man for being the Chosen One trope but in real life. He also only got a harem of greasy men instead of cute waifus.

Save Jesus or Fist of Jesus on Steam.

no you idiot dark souls is stupist fucking tryhard game with so much dumbass artificial difficulty and general bullshitso shut the literal fuck up and die retard

GameBoy Tetris, it is the perfect game after all.

The protagonist is an artificial test tube Jesus that was created by the four archangels to be the Messiah because God is too much of a dick to send one himself to Earth.

can't tell if troll

This is the only correct answer in this thread



Assassin's Creed 3

God Hand.

Ninja Gaiden Black

Simcity or the sims

Anything that isn't immoral

youre dead rignt now lass

I'm buttering up a nice corn cob for you in hell right now, enjoy the time you have left

It really is an awful meme game. Not my thing in any way. Muh level design and deepest lore fags can fuck off.

Don't get too comfortable Satan, from what I hear, God says you're next

nothing, since he didn't exist

I just like the gameplay :^)


You cant prove something doesnt exist when you cant prove something does exist

Dante's Inferno

Call of Juarez
>Dual wield a revolver in one hand and a bible in the other

I'm glad you do, user. Soulsfags get a game they'll like or love every year, so good for you. Shit's just not for me though.

Sup Forums is a christian board, that must mean you are from reddit, the atheism board. Let me kindly direct you to the proper URL

Dawn of War 2. He exclusively plays Last Stand as a support Farseer, occasionally going with a Gauss Wizard Overlord when he wants to have a silly run.

Alternatively, Doom. Any of them.

>linking to directly to reddit
lol redditor


Spotted the newfag from Reddit.

Patty Cake and hanging out pogo style

Kids, calm down

>What would Jesus's favorite game be?

Pretty sure he has more important things to do, like plan the upcoming war with the devil

Jesus I'll kill a whole bunch of Demons if you let me into your cool army of Light, I've won Heaven's Last Stand a lot.

Plz don't send me to Hell.

Stop fapping to traps and then we'll talk, there's still time to repent child



It's Far Cry 2 apparently.


Ah hell no I ain't clicking that shit.


jesus christ you cunt





I don't fap to traps, but I do go for musclegirls and female-sided size difference.

That's cool right?

Oh and thread over, oh well.

You're going straight to hell...

What did I do?

sweet fucking christ why


what was it?

Mods are Gods. Keep the thread going.

Porn is wrong, but at least you're straight. Here's an official pardon.

get getting his head sliced off with a knife
isis video

literal child porn

good tastes user

Thanks Jesus, you're a cool dude.

it was a
"reply to this as if it was cp" joke pic
op was a faggot

Oh like we would give a shit if that really was the video

Legit cheese pizza


Not sure if it was CP but I didn't watch it long enough to make sure.

It was porn of some hot chick that suddenly cut to some dude shoving his dick into a babys mouth and cumming into it.

>mfw I actually wanted to safe it at first because of the chick

God Hand

someone shoving his dick into kid's mouth


dungeon master. he could create a world where everyone had a choice but coincidently chose to believe in god before dying, but he didnt. so hes a cruel overlord who lets people go to hell as punishment for being skeptical...

designed in his image, so, do actions he himself would likely do.

Dantes Inferno





>mfw I actually wanted to safe it at first because of the chick

And I believe you, mind taking a seat over here?

jesus christ
how do you even get that many kids to do that?

Probably a really boring answer, like Minecraft or something.

the aristocrats is supposed to be just a joke

What did he mean by this?

dante's inferno

why the fuck did I open that?
am I gonna get v&? how do I remove the cache from my harddrive?

delete system 32

You actually opened it? Dude you're fucked.



open what? if i say i'm a newfag will you explain it?

Dante's Inferno