Who's ready for lesbian harem adventures on their PS4 or Switch? And maybe PC.
Nights of Azure 2
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Unless I can be a MC that's the sole male in the entire game world I'm not interested
Don't forget Vita
Too late, we and sony already did.
Careful user, you're going to trigger "I must have a self insert pathetic MC in all my games" people.
>not self inserting as a girl
If only they gave us a goddamn release date, I'd be more than ready.
I play as the gender I am IRL, which is the way God intended it.
If you play as a girl in games while being a guy irl you are a gigantic faggot and I would like to personally come to your house with a 12 inch knife and slowly cut off your dick and slice you the vagina you wanted before carelessly cutting you in half, still alive, bring you to the meat factory I work at, and toss your screaming upper torso into the active meat grinder and watch you become mince meat, then i'll make a good burger out of it and sell it to your family and watch them eat it
It's not worth it. Play as your gender in games.
>not wanting to grant young beautiful women the joys of motherhood
No, you are the faggot
Wow so edgy
What's the appeal of shit like this. There's free porn on the internet you know. You don't know to pay a bunch of money to staple a mediocre game to it.
>lesbian harem adventures
The people who made the game strongly disagree
the only thing i want to self insert is my penis ;)
if you know what i mean
>Nights of Azure 1
>two girls
>ok what can we do for the sequel??
>Ok wait for it... THREE GIRLS
I like where this train is headed. My body is ready.
>three girls
user, we haven't even scratched the surface. I wouldn't be surprised if we literally have a 100% female cast this time around.
You want to insert your penis in yourself?
I don't get yuri/lesbian porn.
gameplay looks terrible just like the first one
Oh yes even better.
>I wouldn't be surprised if we literally have a 100% female cast this time around.
This would suck though. I like my lesbians along with bros and straights and such in a normal world, all female generally ends up being retarded unless it's in a silly fun setting.
girl = hot
2 girl = double hot
Did they change the combat system?
>user stunned that fetishes exist outside his own tastes
>"I j-just don't understand."
Thanks for the blog entry kid and welcome to the internet.
It's supposed to be played with one hand
I dont understand.
Into the trash it goes.
Ah yes, because your "I'm so beta that including other males in the story triggers me so all the characters must be female" crowd is so much better.
Yurifags everyone, the epitome of shit taste.
I don't get self-insert MC shit or isekai or whatever but it's clearly extremely popular and so what? It's all just taste, there is nothing to "get". Not like it's hard to search for what you like and avoid the rest, that's what tags exist for. Particularly for stuff that is niche. Spend some time on /d/ if you want a casual level taste of the wider world.
it's like Iggy fucked a fox
>I like to project my insecurities.
Sounding pretty triggered there omega-san :^)
>announced early last year
>delayed several times
>still no announcement date
I'm so fucked up
>fapping to yuri
But its so boring.
It wouldn't even have to be a self-insert. Give us a cardboard cutout man with a dick as the MC and it would instantly be better.
Fact is, hetero sex > gay sex. Single gender casts suck.
I'm not the one that can't handle having males in my video games. :^)
Guts intended the players to jerk off. Otherwise they wouldn't spend so much detail on the boobs
>that can't handle having males
But Nights of Azure did have males in it?
>beta triggered shitposter having any clue what they're talking about ever
Oh right, you're projecting, we just went through this didn't we. My bad.
This is what insecurity looks like everyone. Take notes.
Do yurifags want to be girls?
Delete your post and kill yourself.
I want to be an anime girl. Not so much a real girl.
>one single game isn't generic male insert once in a blue moon
>triggered babbies come pouring out of the wood work to cry about their rekt rectums rather then just ignoring it like adults in favor of the million other ones pandering to their own tastes
>but they totally are the oppressed ones
sasuga Sup Forumsbetas.
No. I don't self-insert, even when the character is male. It's weird to me that people do it.
> it would instantly be better
For you perhaps, but some people just want to see something different, while you can find hetero sex and dicks literally everywhere else.
Good character designs wasted on a shitty lesbian game. What a shame.
Cute chocolate girl better join your party
Dont be mean to /u/ guys. We are neighbors.
How can you not? Are you an alien observing human mating rituals for scientific purposes?
To be fair, most people just ignore it because no one bought the first game except for hardcore yurifags. Even the SJWs ignore it despite lesbian representation and blatant objectifcation of women
Why would you think that? Are you one of those people who think video games cause violence and shit too because you can't separate fantasy from reality? Do you only read isekai shit light novels or something because you can't handle reading about actual stories with characters taking their own actions?
It's you self-inserters who make no fucking sense. In all media since the dawn of culture it's been about following the stories of others not about you. Mary Sues/Gary Stus have always been rightfully shat upon as garbage yet now we've got people like you actively claiming it's the best. Disgusting.
I mean sometimes I wonder what I'd be like if I were a girl but no
It's kinda hard to explain for me 2bh. It's not even the fact that more girls is better, for some reason specifically girls having sex turns me on.
The game was successful in Japan, at least by Gust standards.
You are not? wait what galaxy is this?
Its enjoyable and hot just seeing other people in lewd situations, especially characters you're attached to
Because they're stories, it's all fictional. It's not me in the screen, it's just a character I'm controlling. And I can at least "kind" of get it in games with silent protagonists but self-inserting as a character with an actual backstory and personality is even weirder to me, how can you pretend that's you when that character looks and act different from you? I see games more like puppetry, the character is just a puppet I control and play with within the game, it's not me. That's why I can play with a female character, I'm not pretending to be her, she's the puppet I'm controlling.
We're talking about here, not Japan
Sup Forums - Escapism Psychology
This. Self-insert makes no sense unless it's a CRPG and you're literally making your own custom character and deciding all the actions, and even then NOT self-inserting but instead creating insane characters wildly different from anything you'd ever do has always been one of the most fun parts of that, dating back to well before vidya at all. Doing pen and paper D&D and not ever trying out crazy shit meant missing out on a ton.
This seems to be a really big fundamental divide with people though. Some people are incapable of separating their identity from actions and the outside world. They're the kind of person where if you rolled an evil character and actually played the roll smartly and were able to beat their good characters and massacre the village or whatever would then act as if you yourself were somehow tied to that IRL. Fucking weird.
I kind of understand isekai because I liked that kind of stuff as a kid. I noticed plenty of kid entertainment have this setup of starting in the real world but then introducing some kind of other world or secret things normal people can't see, and as a kid it's fascinating because you're naive and start thinking "This might actually happen to me!" It's not even a Japanese thing, think of stuff like Alice in Wonderland or Harry Potter.
I just think it's fucking weird that now it's adults watching this shit. My nephews love SAO but they're all below 14 so it's understandable.
Yuri is shit.
Lesbian is hot.
I haven't play the first one yet. But sure, I'll get it when it's on PC.
Fuck off.
2d is hot
3d is shit
Oh no, I mean 2D lesbian.
Yuri is pure shit.
I don't self insert like "this character is literally me and this girl is my waifu and she loves ME" I put myself in their shoes and think how would I feel and what would I do If I were this person. I like playing characters that are nothing like me, or reading about them or seeing them in a movie, and it helps me think about things in my life and the lives of others from different angles. Isn't this what everyone does?
>Sorry, but girls are better than guys! Men are piggus!
It's the same thing. You just mean CGDCT subtext trash.
As much I hate yurishit, haremshit is way worse
>All the porn makes at least one of them futa
Not that I'm complaining
>CGDCT subtext trash
So, Yuri?
The first game was shit so no.
So you want a man's meat in your mouth?
>Isn't this what everyone does?
Not at all. Tons of people want to literally be that character and project THEMSELVES into the story. If you give them a free form character creator tool they will make the same basic character and alignment, their "idealized special self" every time. They will get genuinely uncomfortable even watching a show if there is no one they can "identify with" or if there is and said person ends up losing or dying or whatever. This is a thing, and it's a significant part of the market.
I mean, good for you, in my opinion at least you're doing it right. I also think that's good, although I don't even always go as far as you, sometimes I just like being surprised by what characters do and consciously NOT trying to be them or predict them but just rolling with it. That isn't generally a luxury available IRL where where being in charge of a bunch of other people and also answering higher up the stack means "wait-and-see" is usually unacceptable.
Still objectively that's not how a lot of the market works and you see it on boards like this particularly clearly. For some people something like this isn't just "meh, not interested" it's somehow a threat.
Given how the thread is going, out of curiosity how many of you Sup Forumsirgins took part in (or even had) drama programs at school, acting in plays and all that? It's fine if you were mostly tech crew but did you ever act at all? Now that I think about it I wonder if stuff like that changes how people think about things later on. I don't feel any awkwardness in vidya putting on the mask of an entirely different character and seeing how it goes but some people seem to hate that. Hell, isn't this the same principle as people who argue that supporting the 1st Amendment is the same thing as supporting any bad thing someone might say with it?
What was the cat's fucking problem?
Is the first game any good?
I've heard mixed things, but I love fantasy lesbians.
It's just a cuck thing, you won't understand unless you're a cuck.
Understand that most people are retards, and will consume media in retarded ways.
If you're not a foodie, you probably down shit in ketchup and salt or whatever things would make a foodie scream just watching it. You are doing it "wrong". Most consumers of everything on this Earth are like this, and approach things in retarded, easy to digest ways like self-inserting. You, as a kind of specialist in vidya, do not do this because you value variety. Most people do not value variety because they see so little of games anyways.
It's okay. Great music, cool designs. Functional gameplay. Sketchy translations. Generally easy with a difficulty spike and some grind near the end.
It's obvious given who designed it that this was definitely a first shot at a bonafide action RPG as opposed to their usual turn-based offerings.
It's inoffensive, I guess. With the second one they've taken a lot of lessons to heart.
Girls are hot
Girls doing sex things are hot
Guys doing sex things aren't hot
Two girls doing sex things is hotter than a guy and a girl doing sex things.
What said, more simply it's clearly a budget made niche franchise 1.0 by a team learning. They made lots of blunders but the result overall still had some charm if you like that kind of setting and design. If you don't it's not good enough though to be worth playing anyway, though you might want to give the sound track a listen.
As other user said they've clearly learned some, real question is how much they improve and whether that continues. Neptunia would be an example of this, I really enjoy the series but objectively the first one was pretty massively flawed. People supported it some though because they thought the wacky premise, designs, and so forth had some enjoyment. The reason it's continued at all is that rather then just pumping out more right off in the same vein they actually made later ones massively better then the first two.
NoA reminds me a bit of Neptunia, although I don't think it has the potential to get anywhere NEAR as big. But it could be an ok niche series (at Gust's scale) if NoA 2 is a lot better then the first and if they do a 3rd that also is a lot better.
Only uncultured swine fap to yuri. Real gentlemen repress their vile urges in order to fully appreciate the art of the romance
I'm pretty hyped, and since this is on a Nintendo console peoples won't troll it so easily now, which is nice, laughing on peoples' double standards is always nice
>porting this garbage to Switch instead of Nioh
You are dead to me.
You hear me??
You'll understand when you grow up.
>He think Switch can handle a real PS4 game
Lmao. How cute
How cute you haven't played any of them and decided one is garbage while the other isn't, too.
They delayed NoA2 so much I'm sure it'll be much more polished now.
The first thing they said about the game is that they'll improve the gameplay
That's literally their n°1 priority.
Isn't Nintendo family-friendly?
Nioh started as a ps3 game you knob
It could run on Switch just as easily as Garfield finds lasagna
They are. Japan just think there's nothing wrong with showing tits to kids in japan as long they're covered.
They show that on their Nintendo Direct streams
Nintendo America are the castrated cucks.
Nintendo didn't make the game
>Nioh started as a ps3 game
No you fucking idiot, that's not how it work. The game drops to 720p frequently on the PS4 even, there's no way the Switch can handle it.
I hope its better than the first game. The gameplay just felt so weak. I guess, the gameplay is not why most people are here. Still, I would like it to be fun.
Those are only for ronery otakus, not children. Probably Nintendo want the otaku yen, it's a low investment both in budget and effort for a safe profit