You have 10 seconds to tell me why you haven't fused the greatest angel in Persona 5.
You have 10 seconds to tell me why you haven't fused the greatest angel in Persona 5
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I'm only level 46?
Really? That's shocking
>not matador
This, plus shiki ouji is still pretty kick ass.
because that would mean I would have to put up with Persona 5's dungeons
>Betatron has a weakness to Electric
Still leagues better than 3/4's randomized garbage.
>supposed high angel of God
>doesn't block Light
I think we're dealing with an impostor.
Because i didnt have enough money at the end of the game to buy a persona 30 levels higher than i was
I have to agree with this. Plus the gimmicks are pretty nice in each palace.
>evading laser tripwires and going through paintings in the museum
>those light puzzles in the pyramid
That shit made the palaces feel more unique
i don't play persona games because they are for autistic friendless losers who for some reason wish they were the cool kids in high school
those laser tripwires were the most annoying shit ever, dont act like it wasnt
>Neutral to Expel
>no Fire of Sinai
>no Almighty Boost
>Lv 94 where the final boss can be fought at 70
Give me a reason to fuse him over Vishnu
>fusing something that isn't at the very least strong against physical
t. nintendo fan who didn't play the game.
I never tripped one, so I didn't find them annoying. The cameras in the bank were 100% more annoying though.
maybe the person SUMMONING him isnt LAW enough for him to summon him properly
Because he's not in the game?
>weakness at level 94
no one fucking plays these games dude. we all just press triangle through the fights in hope we can get to the dating sim quicker.
I thought that dungeons would be a lot better than the randomized garbage from 3/4, but most gimmicks get old too fast or are incredibly boring.
>triangle through the fights
why are you commenting on a game you haven't played yet user? why would you lie on the internet like that?
Eh, I thought they were a nice change of pace, especially coming out of persona 4 where the only different thing the did in the dungeons were variants of "get somewhere, go back for a key, then return to the locked door."
rushing exists you fucking autist
I understood that reference! Us Nocturnebros amirite?
It's the start button in P5, not triangle.
>haven't played the game
>calling people autist
yep, typical funposting
Always kek when a retard trips over his own bullshit. Triangle isn't the rush button anymore.
and its triangle in the previous 2 games
You're an autist because you're focusing on that i got the button wrong, when the point of the post is about rushing through fights.
>no skills to get rid of metatron's zio weakness
> enemy reflects physical attacks
> Oh no my whole team was wiped because I'm retarded
That's not Lucifer
They're just "find the right path and hold X while walking towards it". Nothing enraging about it.
>having any weaknesses at all
Yeah whatever faggot. Step aside.
>he actually tripped a wire
I play on easiest difficulty because like I said I only play for the dating sim because the combat and dungeons are complete garbage.
While I disagree with you on the combat and dungeons since i like the them, I will concede that I try to clear the dungeons in order to do the VN parts.
Are the Phantom Thieves JUST?
p thieves, can u see this?
Well I'm at the end of the ship dungeon right now and I'm only level 61.
I dunno but I'm rooting for them 8D
What'd you name your group, Sup Forums
you need him to fuse Lucifer which you need to fuse Satanael
What do I need to fuse Alice?
If you're on Hard or lower you're fine. Ship is designed to be beat at level 55 to 60. Final dungeon and boss is designed for 70.
Belial (68 / Devil) Nebiros (62 / Devil)
Max Death arcana
you can throw him into lockdown to get a skill to null lightning if you really want to
How does lockdown work? Do you have to leave him in there for a certain amount of in game days?
Because Satanael.
>having a weakness on a level 70+ demon
>doesn't even have physical skill or phy null
Metatron a shit this game. What happened, you used to be cool? Now fucking Yoshitsune is the god demon again.
I'm confused about something.
I unlocked Satan to fuse but he doesn't show up on the advanced fuse menu, does he not show up until you have at least one Persona required to fuse him?
you guys believe this? kek
Depends on your cooperation level. At max rank you level them in for one day and they get a skill. You need the twins at a high rank to be able to get null skills though.
Alternatively you can execute other persona with abs/null skills and have Yusuke copy those cards.
You have 10 seconds to explain why you're playing weeaboo trash in 2017
all max co op fusions are just 2 demons, so not in the advanced list.
Ah, okay.
Thanks, user.
I'm waiting for the western devs to get off their asses and release games.
You have to explain why something Japanese is weeaboo outside
>This one streamer made a funny word and so I just call everything Japanese lame XD
Advancing the story is a skill how?
It's the great seal/myriad truths final boss killer move.
>hurr durr I suck poo through a straw 'cuz everyone else eats it
degenerate filth
>null lightning
>not absorb lightning
fusing the stuff you need to get satanael isn't easy. you think the game just gives him to you past the ending?
because none of the shops where I live where have P5 in stock
>not black frost
What's the strongest Persona in the game?
Fuck them in their entirety. Just tried to beat the final mini-boss in the final dungeon for the fifth time but apparently a never ending supply of god damn RECARMDRA is considered "challenging".
Got the fucker down to what was maybe 100-200~ HP left too before "lol two summons fuck you".
In terms of level, Satanael.
In terms of raw power, Yoshitsune yet again because lolHassouTobi.
it's smt lite, angels never play fair
Yoshitsune because physical damage is god.
When will they fix Hassou Tobi?
literally anything is better than Tartarus' "level design". Even if the puzzles were basic I welcome ANYthing other than copy-paste corridors over and over and over and over and over again
Never, he's the meme of the series
>is ultimate phys damage persona
>is the starter mitama in toukiden 2
>actually getting caught up with the laser tripwires
how retarded do you have to be to run into that shit? You tap L1 and it immediately becomes obvious what to avoid
Does your main persona get a second form like everyone else?
I had to kill him but I've been trying to level him up.
I've played all three games to completion and I'm still a bit unsure how making Personas work. I get inheriting skills, but isn't there a way to make a Persona that's Resists/Blocks/Drains everything in the game?
Normally you'd get his ultimate Persona to beat the final boss with, but you get something much cooler this time around
There are a lot more than a total of eight ailments/elements/attacks in the game user.
Stop being silly.
>The Phantom Thieves are criminals!
>They've committed very serious crimes!
>They must be brought to justice!
What crimes did they even commit? I can't really call stealing items from the metaverse legally a crime since nothing was stolen from a real people.
Yeah but that's reserved for the final boss and NG+ runs.
get outta here sergal poster
It's technically possible to null all elements you choose a persona that has a natural null/repel for two of them and then put it on lockdown/gallows for the rest. All you could do is melee and shoot when using it, though.
Impossible to literally block everything, including ailments, though.
how is it even possible for someone to be this tiny?
You never met a womanlet?
Lucky you. Although they're fun to bully.
So I checked my start and finish times on the bank, and it seems like a day 1 run through of the bank takes about 2 hours and 30 minutes, give or take some unnecessary running back to the safe rooms, and using all of the "Do you want to just quickly go to X location" options.
Also used up about 3 SP regeneration items while trying to focus on using physical damage, with Morgana hitting 3 SP at the end, and Ann still being at around 1/3 max SP.
Thankfully I have SP regeneration patch going into summer exams, so grinding money on the next Mementos boss seems like the plan.
Reminder that her feet don't reach the floor when she sits on a chair
I want to date one
How is it possible for those headphones not to fall off?
Same crime that the MC broke in the beginning.
Not being a outstanding Japanese citizen by not voicing any complaint, always looking down, and not sucking baby boomer dick.
the cuter an anime girl is the more impossible her outfit can be