What did we think of it?
What did we think of it?
Came too late for me. Lost interest.
Wait thats out?
Fuck off with your hivemind
waiting for the 3ds american release.
better dlc than plague knight but only because of the new levels
plague knight was more fun to play
been out a week
I love it but that's only me
Sup Forums isn't a hive mind.
Shut the fuck up
Came out March 3rd on Switch.
i dont own a nogames waggle tablet
Well if you did you would have had this game.
but i already beat it
Why the fuck haven't they released the Wii U version in the US
Normal mode is easy but I can't beat this cunt on NG+.
Bitch just hides under the stage for minutes where i can't hit here while 2/3 of my meter drains.
Is this the last DLC or do they have any more planned?
just checked its out now
This, playing Hollow Knight and liking it better [/shill]
I really liked it, but Specter feels so fucking twitchy. It's deceptively easy to lose control of yourself because he keeps clinging to walls, or because you keep forgetting that you can't attack something in midair without flinging yourself halfway across the screen.
All that said, it was still a pretty original and fun 6 hours.
Shovel Knight is pointless like any 2D indie if you actually grew up playing 2D games.
its brilliant, so far I liked everything they put out
I don't think they can top it of with king knight, it would become the best platformer of all time
This, I'm still hooked on Zelda. Will get to it eventually though.
Good levels but disappointing bosses. Bosses were way too easy and the final boss was boring and unhype as fuck.
Still enjoyed the hell out of it though.
ah yes it's time
Still waiting for PS3/PS4/Xbone/Vita/3DS/Wii U holy shit what the fuck is taking them?
This. I died much more than I did playing Shovel Knight or Plague Knight.
i had a lot of fun. Played trough it the first time in about 5 hours getting 100 %. Played half of ng+, but got tired of it.
Pretty good dlc/game. It makes the gamer inside me remember what fun is like.
At this point, it's certification. They've already pushed the update to MS/Nintendo/Sony and it hasn't gone through yet.
i think they promised to do all the characters during the kickstarter.
heh, i bet they regret this promise now.
They only promised three, and it was based on a backer vote.
Everyone will be playable in the battle mode they also promised though.
>all the characters
no way fag
>everyone posts "Sup Forums is not a hivemind"
Sasuga OP.
oh... sorry for the miss leading bullshit. Here is a picture of all the goals.
>All this new music
Kaufman be praised
So only King Knight is left. Looks like he plays practically identical to shovel knight.
not a hivemindmind
They just barely hit that Battle Mode goal. Glad they did because I can't fucking wait for that shit
>Tinker remix
>Mole remix
My nigga, these were the exact two that I thought were better than their originals as well. Though the original Lich Yard is still my favorite theme of all, and the remix was really disappointing to me.
Sooo when are they actually gonna release a new game instead of only doing it "halfway" with these new playable characters? Seemed like a novel idea at first but it's wasting literal years of time which isn't worth it imo
I mean, it's all part of the stretch goals that the fans paid for. I think it's perfectly fine. Shovel Knight is a solid as fuck game as it is, and I think it works best to expand upon it with characters who work in completely different ways having their own unique campaigns, instead of spawning sequels that would just come off as tryhard rehashes.
>Complaining about free new campaigns
Also I'm pretty sure at least half of their team is working on other stuff while the rest do Shovel Knight stuff
Scytheboarding was radical/10
For what it's worth, there was that survey they put out taking public input on what type of game people wanted to see from them next.
Unfortunately, it seemed to be overwhelmingly "more shovel knight" but hopefully YC knows how to not just boring-ass sequel it.
I'd say anything in the top half would be fair game for them to try out. Would love to see their take on the Zelda formula or an RPG
Personally, I'd adore something in the realm of Mario RPGs, especially now that Paper Mario is essentially dead forever.
I wouldn't really be too into their take on Metroid, though, if only because Metroidvanias aren't in very short supply anymore, whereas few games really do what Zelda or Mario RPGs do.
so shovel knight knights racing around like Mario cart? Could be cool
have you tried using the checkpoint armor and running towads to the boss to save strength?
Also her attacks aren't that hard to dodge, just take your time while attacking and avoid just rushing towards her while she is throwing fireballs
they are going full wario ware with him, shoulder bash and all
>all bosses in battle mode
After Punch Out this was the game i wished the most to have such mode, i hope you can have coops against bosses where players can choose between one of the four playable knights while the third player picks one of the order members
Paper Mario would be perfect, indies are too busy circlejerking over Earthbound and Zelda/Metroid can be tackled later
And i hope they add a Shovel Knight reference here and there for shits and giggles, like the cameos from other nintendo games in Mario RPG
Anyone who didn't primarily wear the black cloak throughout the game is a fucking pleb.
doesn't checkpoint armor halve your health? you'd die way too quickly on ng+.
>Lichyard disappointing
Your lack of appreciation for hype is disappointing.
it makes you keep the health from dropping if you destroy enough checkpoints (i don't know how many), it also makes you hit harder which helps too
The original's just better in my opinion. The tempo suits it better.
You can't destroy the checkpoint on the last level.
I guess I agree if we're talking just straight listening. I personally think the remix works fantastically with the pace that you should be blazing through that stage with.
oh yeah, nevermind them
>I guess I agree if we're talking just straight listening.
Yeah, that's strictly what I'm going by.
But as for playing the stage, I wouldn't even call it particularly more fast-paced than the original Lich Yard. There are still blackout sections that you need to take your time on, and they also included those mazes with the materializing green walls which also slow your progress more than if you were just running forward with confidence.
Now, Polar Knight's stage is a stage that would benefit from having more upbeat music because it's mostly rails, but oddly the speed seems to be all over the place for that one.
The slowmo curio lets you get extra hits in.
Just beat her. Used the charge slash armor because each time she flies up you get twice the damage per hit.
All the damage curios deal a full pip,
milion times better that plague knight in terms of story, gameplay and level desing
I'm gonna have to split with ya. The genius behind the level design in Spectre of Torment is that if you keep moving everything falls into place and let's you keep moving, at least in the lich yard.
It felt like that for 90% of the stages too. your first time through you might take it slow to look around or find secrets, but if you throw caution to the wind you can basically never stop moving. Except for in fucking Mole Knight's stage. It was the only stage that flopped for me because of those damn green blocks.
I'm waiting for the 3DS release.
>I need the internet to validate my opinions
please leave
For NG+ I didn't think it was worth the drain it has on your life bar.
King is going to be released in the end of the year and that's it, he's the last one
it's a meme you dip
Yeah, I'm aware that once you have foreknowledge of the level, you can flow right through it, but it's still a bit contradictory with the idea of exploring every corner of the map and examining every wall to collect red skulls. It would only be when I die and get sent back to a previous checkpoint that I say to myself "alright, I got all the important stuff along the way, and I really want to hurry and secure my dropped loot, so now I'll just blow through this section since there's nothing left in it for me".
Oddly, if the game had no hidden collectibles, or if I just decide to do a minimalist speedrun some time in the future, it would probably be a lot more gratifying. Specter Knight's mechanics are way more fitting for a "blow your way through" playstyle than a "stop and check every suspicious nook and cranny" playstyle.
Fuck you, i need that white armor to look fabulous
Fair enough. I didn't have too much of a problem since most of the skulls made the platforming more intricate/harder to perform (and were still on the way of tearing through the level) or had you change screens so the room reset and you could get on your way.
NG+ is very gratifying though, since you're on the clock and know what you're doing. I will say it was fun being in the zone on both playthroughs and wrecking face the entire time.
I can't stand the afterimages. They're distracting as fuck. I'd rather be a sk8rboi any day.
This man gets it.
Specter literally did nothing wrong.
>mfw the reward for getting all the red skulls
The new areas are great, and different boss fights are fun
I like the moveset of SK but the wall running and wall jumping is clunky and furstating. Having a dedicated button for wall running would have been much better
The main story is meh, I didn't care for the characters, but I liked seeing back stories for other characters
The new character were all good
Plague > Specter >Shovel
Plague >>>> Shovel >>>> Specter
Still Shovel Knight is goat. And only gets better. Hyped to see the King Knight. Some user was theorizing that KK was a dragon, based on the introduction of a dragon in this game. That'd be cool.
Plague and Mona still best couple.
Man I'm so happy they edged out that last goal for based Kang knight
Anyone done a no health/magic upgrade run yet?
>Donovan attacked his own buddy while the tower falls apart because Luan didn't want to risk his life for the treasure they came all that way for
>both of them die anyway
>Donovan becomes an undead servant to the Enchantress
>Reize, the child that he swore to protect with his life, becomes possessed by the dark forces specifically because Donovan's initial meddling caused Shield Knight to become the Enchantress
Specter did literally everything wrong.
I'd like to see more from the SK universe, the character are really growing on me. A different stile of game in the same setting would be perfect imo
What's the reward, should I bother?
Do you want to moonwalk?
yes its a costume made of human skin
theme tier list
Propeller > wandering boss fights > Specter, Mole, Black (assuming his stage is the plains) > King, Tinker > Plague, Polar, Accounting
i want to get the speedrun and no death achievement, but fuck me, they removed the "just go back to main menu" cheese. So i actually have to git gud to do it.
Also, Judgement Rush is the fucking greatest curios in the game.
this. plague is the pinnacle of gameplay in these games. the new levels of spectre and some cool curios made it a fun enjoyable game. I did feel it was easier. I dont know if playing so much plague knight*hard as fuck* aclimated me to spectre. but the levels were much easier and bosses were pushovers
Shit taste, Plague Knight's theme is god-tier.
Judgement Rush is the coolest
Will Skull is the most useful if you suck
Skeleton friend is the most damaging
Gauntlets are my personal favorite
>mfw the reward for beating that fat cheating fuck horace
If you go back to the menu it still saves the time played? What about if you altf4?
That armor is literally the only thing I've ever seen in video games or movies that gave me a headache.
Garbage idea.
>Landstalker clone
I'd back that shit so fucking hard
>i just realized Alchemy is literally just a different arrangement of Plague's theme
Skeleton Bro is outright broken when upgraded. I know the bosses aren't particularly difficult in the first place for Spectre Knight but against most of them you can plop a skele down and win in seconds, it's ludicrous.
Loved it but considering how op specter knight ended up being, boss fights were pretty easy, even the last boss. Half the time I barely touched the floor because I was just dashing into the bosses.