Is this character just an elaborate scheme into making us think islam is OK?

is this character just an elaborate scheme into making us think islam is OK?

fuck that cheap ass no skill required character. fucking + on everything

git gud LTG

LTG would be complaining about Ken.

LTG complains about everything though

It's a japanese games, there are no politics involved. Unless you count rufus being a fat unlikable fuck.

But even then they have Ken as an example of what an American can be.

Secular muslims are fine people. I'm israeli, my family is jewish but my father works with muslims all the time and they are good friendos

i think any religion is stupid, but it doesn't mean all religious people are bad

Is this character an attempt to make Central Anerican indigenous culture okay?


Ken is the the average American from when America nuked Japan.
Rufus is the modern average American.

You don't have to like the race, but you can like the person.

actually he's a bad guy so no

Islam is great bro

What about Guile?

That gathering must have smelled awful.

Family man propaganda.

Why when some retard muslims do something stupid it demonizes all muslims, but when retard christians do it, no one says "christians are bad"?

I mean let's be real here, christian countries invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of people, that's worse than anything muslims did to christians

>4 fringe Christians with signs
>A mob of minorities speaking out a common desire among their peers
You're a retard if you think that tgese islamists are 1) a fringe minority or 2) here to assimilate

>Millionaire Arab
>Implying he gives a shit about his faith

thank you for speaking the truth. sickening how it's a meme now to hate on muslims

Military american= Guile
Successful american= Ken
Average american= Rufus

>"just 4 fringe Christians"

There are bad apples who are christian and there are bad apples who are muslim. but for some reason the bad apples of islam spoil everyone while the bad apples of Christianity are largely ignored.

That's called a double standard

>t. mohammedan

Honestly anyone who goes ham on their religion is a retard. Get with the program and do the bare minimum and maybe go to church once a year like the rest of the west.

is this OP just a faggot?

>implying Rashido is muslim
He's a sandnigger who's gay with a genie looking bodybuilder, how can he be a glorious muslim ?