Pass me the controller, bro

Pass me the controller, bro.

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Looks perfect for a ZSNES marathon.

What's even the point of labeling the d pad like that when there's a film keyboard

*raise paw*

look comfy


with a wii u pro controller and WiinUSoft you can actually make that happen (except for the keyboard underneath)

>Have a seat, bro.

>emulating the mouse with an analog stick

i ment WiinUPro. i used it to play quake 3 with the wii u pro. Worked great but i couldn't get jumping to work; don't know why.

WiinUSoft is a similar but more basic version of the same thing.

does that thing come with complementary fire insurance lmao

Those things are actually nothing to sneeze at. You would be shocked how comfortable they are.


>You want to borrow my Xbox? Well, fine, but only for a week.

Yeah, I'm sure it's comfortable. But that doesn't change the fact you look like a fucking Metal Gear when using it.

>Still no 8bitdo Saturn controller

obviously not as good as your certified esport mouse but it works.

Also it is fun to control windows with a controller.

You ain't seen nothing yet.


I'm actually quite interested in a controller with a trackball.


What's the difference between that software, and just using xpadder or something with any other controller?

There's that USB adapter to plug Saturn controllers into a pc



>manly tears' controller

How much does one like this cost?

Yeah, but I want it wireless.


lets play some smash. here is your controller.

i like the interface of the software. it has just the right ammount of customizability. not too simple, not too complex. well balanced and easy to use imo. the dude who invented it apparently is working to implement the switch pro controller to the next version. can't wait. even donated 15€ to the dude.

This one looks weird but I legit could it comfy and cool to use.

It was billed as an alternative to using a mouse for FPS games. I wouldn't say that's really the case, but with enough practice I preferd it over analogue sticks.

Also it had special support for Descent and was really rad with that game. Not many games could really take full advantage of how the ball works.


Okay seriously, where do you buy this thing?


>Don't worry bro, it'll slide right in


>you look like a fucking Metal Gear
And the problem is?

OOooOOoooh, temperature play.

I know that testing can get to certain extremes, but... that's the wrong joycon.
It's the left one that must be tested for signal issues.


>tfw player 2 has to hold the baby

Do you play this one with your ass? Does it connect to your toilet?


no don't shake the baby!

You can't buy a negress anymore user, it's 2016.

Solid Snake can AND will slap your shit every week you keep using that chair.

>brb guys, need a drink
>tippy tap on your toes to the fridge
