Thoughts on neon yellow joy-cons? Also post hopes for future joy-con colors

Thoughts on neon yellow joy-cons? Also post hopes for future joy-con colors.

Honestly like them better than the neon red and blue, here's hoping they make good looking green joy-cons.

Literally the worst color.

If Splatoon doesn't come with a Splatoon bundle that has "ink splattered" joy-cons I'll eat my ass

and if they do, I'll eat your ass.

I'd rather have clear ones, if I was going to waste my money on a zelda machine that is.

I'm patiently waiting for the eshop to kick off so the Switch can be a real Zelda box. Especially if it retains DS support like the Wii U and also brings in Gamecube games.

Why can't we just have a nice yellow color why do companys have to have the worst taste in colors.

Where's my Famicom joycons

>piss yellow
Fuck no. We want orange

Neon colors are a meme.

I want both of these. I'd love to have a full green and full purple set. They're the perfect green and purple for me, too.


>no clear purple
Fuck Nintendo.

thanks doc

>Still no green

>still no Orange 3DS

>tfw red and blue are your favorite colors and they were the first to come out

Colors are for children. I'm not even surprised anymore. But you have so little freedom

The yellow once are cute I want orange though

They're that highlighter green-yellow. I'd rather have Pikachu-esque yellow, or a banana yellow.

Joycons colored and designed like Samus' Varia Suit if they ever make a Metroid game for the Switch.

how about a joycon with a fucking d-pad?

>open joycon
>take just the plastic part away, and use spray to paint it whatever color you would like
>close joycon

How hard is this? Not even a little bit, if you have a dick and are not some pussyfied millenial that can't do anything besides crying on twitter.

Can I eat your ass anyway

Just buy the pro controller

C-can someone eat mine?

Only if I get to eat yours first, motherfucker.

idk, do you have a hot ass?

>painting the inside of your joycon

But why?

It's nice enough. Got a bit of a shape to it.

He takes the plastic part off so he does not risk to get paint on the buttons, not to paint the inside

Then yeah, sure, I'd eat your ass.

And then you tell me, "Thank you, daddy." You hear me?

Not my style son. I'm looking for a twink to thank me for eating their ass.

Please just make everything Spice Orange, Nintendo

>spice orange
>not atomic purple

Kill yourself, son

makes me want to drink lemonade

Atomic purple is great as well. no need to be so hostile

How about they release some fucking games. I don't care for puke colored shit controllers.

I like it.

Where's my watermelon joycon Shitendo?

>a twink
I guess that's where the ride ends, then. I'm a top myself and I'm into twinks and femboys as well.

I honestly kinda like them but I'm holding out for purple joycons at the least

May we both find what we're looking for.

orange/purple joy con pair when

Joy Cons in these colours pls

That's neo green tho

I'll take what I can get. I want to see if Splatoon gets any new colors, I'm not into these neon yellow ones, which I assume are meant to tie into ARMS.
Which if thats the case, they could have went with much more pleasant and creative colors.


That color... I would've liked a green, or a goldenrod yellow, but not the fucking point in-between. That kind of hurts to look at

Hopefully there will be a lot of choices when I buy the Mario Odyssey bundle next year

And some pro controllers too.

what teh hells going on with the paint/finish on the left?

Pro Controllers are a perfect fit for those since they're already transparent.

Got mine from AliExpress last week
Chinkshit always wins

Looks 3D printed, lad. I'm assuming it's a 3D printed shell and you replaced the components.

Fucking perverts.

orange peel finish
nope, custom paint job

>Expecting people to buy more colors when they cost 80 us/100 canadian for a pair
It's not like the N64 or gamecube era where the controllers were half the price of a game


That's pretty cool, user.

There's a fucked valuation with it, but I bet they consider the whole package as technically 2 controllers, so they can justify it.

>atomic purple joy cons never ever

I will never buy a Switch.

Reminds me that fishing starts this weekend


>transparent Pro
>no transparent joycons
I suspect they'll come sometime, but looking at the insides of them it isnt too interesting.

that's the worst fucking art of Unit 01 I've ever seen

I want a daily dose joycon

>yfw it went berserk

Analogue triggers needed for some GameCube games user
I think it'd work if they release an update that makes the GC controller adapter compatible with the Switch and make it the go to way for GameCube games

Thanks doc